Stop the EDL in Tower Hamlets - Part II (7 September, 2013)

The English Defence League have announced plans to march to Altab Ali Park* for a rally on 7th September. This is clearly an arrogant and incendiary declaration even by their own (sub) standards. London Anti-fascists, part of The Anti-Fascist Network are calling on every militant anti-fascist to join them on the streets on Saturday with the good people of Tower Hamlets in ensuring that the EDL do not set foot in the area and are effectively opposed!

Submitted by libcom on September 4, 2013

As part of the build up to the Tower Hamlets demo, over 250 people attended London Anti-Fascists’ event ‘Resistance to fascism and racism in the East End’ on Saturday. Thousands of leaflets have been distributed, as anti-fascists move to mobilise the local community, as well as being joined by anti-fascists from across the country.

The Anti-Fascist Network is calling for all anti-fascists to gather at Altab Ali Park, Whitechapel High Street at 11am. Look for the Anti-fascist Network flags and banners, and be ready to react to the EDL and Police plans on the day.

London Anti-fasicsts have issued guidance and advice for those planning to attend the demo. For updates on the day, follow @THStopEDL on Twitter.

*The park is named for Altab Ali, a young Bengali textile worker who was stabbed to death in an unprovoked attack in 1978 and whose murder inspired a mass movement against racism, which eventually kicked the National Front out of the area.



11 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Wiggleston on September 5, 2013

Will be there. I hope everyone else is too. Thanks to all who have put in so much of their time to ensure it will be a success for antifascists and the people of Tower Hamlets


11 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by libcom on September 6, 2013

Before You Come to the Demo…

Joseph Kay

11 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on September 8, 2013

This is all off twitter... According to SWP/UAF it was a magnificent victory and the UAF wot won it. They forgot to mention the <260 antifa/bystanders/locals/journalists kettled for hours then mass arrested and bussed all over London. Sounds like most people are out now with bail conditions banning antifascist demos inside the M25. Charges are section 12/14 but as they were all kettled and had no opportunity to disperse I can't see that holding up in court.

EDL was apparently 500 with 3000 cops escorting them. 14 arrests including Tommy Robinson and one for knife carrying. So good news the EDL numbers are back in freefall after the Woolwich boost. Bad news is the state has decided freedom of assembly doesn't exist.


11 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on September 8, 2013

Yeah I was assuming it was sect 12 or 14 but I didn't hear any announcement that it was in force and there absolutely no chance to disperse.
Solidarity with those arrested.