A talk given by the scholar Benedict Anderson on how aspects of class operate in Thai everyday life. Copied to clipboard Attachments 1589024427492_strange hierarchies.pdf (111.88 KB) class Thailand housework Benedict Anderson PDF Comments
Before reaching the stars - Wanlyangkun Wat Wanlyangkun's 1975 short fiction about a Thai mother following the assassination of her student activist son. Included is an introduction by…
The railway hamlet - Chaiwat Chatcharin Chaiwat's short fiction about the gruesome workplace death of a Thai railway worker and the identifical fate of his son years later.
Strata in the working class - Martin Glaberman Article by Martin Glaberman on the divisions within the working class.
Ecology and class: where there's brass, there's muck - Anarchist Federation Pamphlet looking at the ecological crisis facing us today, what is being done about it and setting…
2010: Burmese Migrant Workers Strike Burmese workers in Khon Kaen struck against abuses by their employer who exploited their immigration status.