A pamphlet on the radical history of Minnesota, originally produced as part of the preparations for the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul. This copy was found at infoshop.io

Substantive, radical change is only accomplished with a firm understanding of the past, and it is with this in mind that the RNC Welcoming Committee has labored to produce this text. Minnesota has a rich history of radical struggle and, as history does, it informs our movement today. We have powerful examples of the tenacity of the human spirit - in the land we love, and amongst the people we live with and those who came before - and this zine is meant to educate people about that heritage.
The Struggle is Our Inheritance.pdf
(16.58 MB)
I remember seeing copies of
I remember seeing copies of this around the Twin Cities IWW office some years back. I always meant to scan it and upload but never got around to it!