Employees at Tikiphone, the polynesian mobile phone provider went on indefinite strike last Tuesday.

The strike action is in support of a claim by workers for increased salaries and for their benefits to be brought into line with those of other workers at the Officeof post and telecommunications (OPT). An inter-union grouping of CSIP, CSTP/FO, Otahi, A Tia I Mua called the strike and 60% of workers are observing it.Tikiphone shops are either closed or picketed.
O Oe To Oe Rima, CSTP/FO and Otahi are also involved in a dispute with Cegelec. The technology company announced plans for 43 redundancies in February. The company has since reclassified 23 of the workers but some 50 have been on strike since February 15th. Strikers are picketing the company offices.
Further stike action in other sectors
Workers at Total Oil, the construction company ETDE and the local government have all given notice of strike action to begin on Tuesday.
The workers at Total are demanding that workers be given time off in return for working holidays and Sundays; bonuses for workers measuring, loading and unloading fuel tanks; better prospects for workers and for stronger safety regulations. The strike was called by an inter union grouping of CSTP/FO and UTHP.
Workers at ETDE are calling for an end to the 'abusive' use of legislation allowing companies to end permanent contracts when a site is closed. Many workers at the soon to be completed hospital fear for their jobs. The workers are also calling for better redundancy packages for workers. This strike was organised by the inter union group comprised of: CTSP/FO, O Oe To Oe Rima, CSIP et Otahi.
O Oe To Oe Rima has also given notice to the local government of a strike, demanding that seasonal workers be given permanent contracts.