see attached PDF of 'Taking industrial action - a legal guide' by the LRD (2017 Sep) Author Labour Research Department, LRD Copied to clipboard Attachments (2017-09) Taking industrial action - a legal guide.pdf (12.62 MB) strikes industrial action law LRD PDF Comments
Neither nationalisation nor privatisation 1945-1950: An anarchist approach This volume is one of a set which celebrates the Freedom Press Centenary by reprinting articles from…
Strike! - Jeremy Brecher In possibly the best book on the American working class movement ever written, Jeremy Brecher narrates the hidden history of mass strikes from…
Solidarity motor bulletin #01: Ford struggle 73 Solidarity motor bulletin about workers' struggles at Ford across Europe and Australia in 1973.
Busmen, what next? - Solidarity Solidarity pamphlet 16, published 21 January, 1964 and written mostly by London bus workers. It looks at the life of the workers, past struggles,…
The great Flint sit-down strike against GM 1936-37 - Walter Linder A history of the Flint sit-in strike by Walter Linder, slightly abridged by Solidarity and published…
The binds that tie: unions, ‘solidarity’, civil society and foreign policy in Bangladesh A look at the new unions emerging as part of the reforms of the garment industry –…