Class War's weekly TV guide for the revolutionary couch potato. Two major documentaries from the Dispatches team this week - on data theft and Myanmar, plus a side to Iran that is little known. Science fiction fans can enjoy the TV version of Logan's Run - unless you are over 30 of course!

Sat 30 Sep 9.10pm - HG Wells: A Life In Pictures. Dramatisation of the life of the socialist writer and father of science fiction.
Mon 2 Oct 8pm Ch4 - Dispatches: Burma's Secret War. Evan Williams, who is banned from Myanmar, enters the country undercover to investigate claims of ethnic cleansing and forced labour.
10pm BBC4 - Storyville: Prostitution Behind The Veil. A little known side of life in Iran.
Weds 4 Oct 9pm FX - Enemy At The Gates. Jude Law is an unlikely chose as a Red Army sharpshooter, pitted against the Germans at Stalingrad. Bob Hoskins is remarkable as Nikita Kruschev, determined to make the Nazis "shit their pants".
Thurs 5 Oct 9pm Ch4 - Dispatches: The Data Theft Scandal. An examination of call centre security breaches, and the major criminals who allegedly feed off them.
Fri 6 Oct 7pm History - Great Crimes & Trials. The Jonestown Massacre - a sorry tale that takes in religion, race, socialism, the CIA and the tragic deaths of some 900 people.
9pm Sci-Fi - Logan's Run. This is the 15 part spin off TV series from the 1970s film. It may be better to watch this rather than the Hollwood remake (yawn!) scheduled for later this year.