A Belarusian activist gives a talk and timeline of the current situation in Belarus and the protest movement in the country. Recorded for the London Anarchist Book fair on the 17th of October 2020

The presidential elections in Belarus in August 2020 provoked a massive wave of protests against the dictatorship of Alexander Lukashenko, who has been holding on to power for the last 26 years. For over two months now, Belarus has seen strikes, women's marches, clashes with the police and hundreds of thousands of people joining the protests.
During this event, an activist from Belarus discusses what has happened in Belarus since the elections, how the struggle is going on right now, and how you can help the anarchists in the country to fight the regime.
Live talk hosted by the Anarchist Bookfair in London held on the 17th of October 2020
Youtube version
The Pramen article on the history of the Anarchist movement in Belarus https://pramen.io/en/2020/09/anarchist-movement-in-belarus-1992-2002/
Fundraiser for Belarusian Anarchists facing persecution from the security services https://www.firefund.net/belarus