A strike of 1,300 workers at turkey firm Bernard Matthews for this Thursday has been called off by Unite following an injunction threat.

Meatinfo reported that a pay dispute prompted the action, with the union Unite claiming that a 2% pay rise offer was in effect, a pay cut, as inflation stands at 3.9%.
The company stated that it was intending to seek an injunction to stop industrial action by Unite. An administrative error on the part of the union, linked to the ballot, meant the industrial action was called off. It is likely the error is minor, possibly involving misspelled names on the ballot.
A spokesperson for Unite said the union is due to meet with Bernard Matthews representatives this Wednesday to discuss the dispute. "Members are determined we pursue their pay claim," said the spokesperson.
The company issued a statement: ". Once the terms of the company’s application were made known to Unite, it decided not to contest this application.