Essay on the last years of the golden age of piracy. This was the basis for Rediker's full length Villains of all Nations. Copied to clipboard Attachments Markus-Rediker-Under-the-Banner-of-King-Death.pdf (2.82 MB) mutinies pirates Marcus Buford Rediker PDF Comments
The many-headed hydra - Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker Sailors, slaves, commoners, and the hidden history of the revolutionary Atlantic.
The Etaples mutiny, 1917 - Dave Lamb A short history of one of the early big mutinies of British troops in Europe as World War I came to an end.
1912: The syndicalist trials A short history of the trials and legal repression of radical trade unionists in the UK in the early twentieth century.
The many headed hydra: Sailors, slaves, and the atlantic working class in the eighteenth century - Marcus Rediker and Peter Linebaugh Article on class struggle and compositon in the period leading up to and during the…
The Belfast police mutiny of 1907 - John Gray A history of the mutiny of 70% of the Belfast police force during a dockers' strike which brought together Catholic and Protestant workers in…
Invergordon Mutineer - Len Wincott Len Wincott's autobiography of life in the Royal Navy and his participation in the mutiny at Invergordon in 1931. As well as his commentary on…