The United States military is still researching a controversial microwave weapon that could be deployed against crowds from aircraft.

The US military is to increase funding for the Active Denial System (ADS) from $2mil to $10mil despite the controversy surrounding the weapon. The ADS is described by the Pentagon as a 'non-lethal weapon' and is intended to be used a crowd control device.
The ADS works by using microwaves to heat the skin, in theory without burning it, to produce a sensation that causes crowds to flee. However, a Dortmund University researcher, Jurgen Altmann, found that microwave beams cause serious burns at levels marginally above those required to repel crowds.
The ADS was first revealed in 2001, but its controversial nature has meant it has not yet been employed in crowd control situations. 2007 tests resulted in a US soldier being hospitalised with severe burns.
It is believed that the US military intention is to develop the technology so that it can be used on crowds from aircraft above. With political and economic unrest in many countries, the development of novel weapons against crowds is of particular concern to many activists. A weapon of this nature could be employed against picket lines and factory occupations, particularly given the history of repression by various states on political protestors, trade unionists and recently, the G20 protests in London.
jesus fuck. this is up there
jesus fuck.
this is up there with the bomb that kills people but doesn't destroy buildings.
Even from a police point of
Even from a police point of view a weapon that drives back the front row but leaves the rest unaffected isnt going to be too effective.
I saw this yesterday,
I saw this yesterday, apparently their trying to fit it to helicopters now too
BTW, made by Raytheon.
BTW, made by Raytheon.
Jef wrote: Even from a police
Jef wrote: Even from a police point of view a weapon that drives back the front row but leaves the rest unaffected isnt going to be too effective.
Huh? Where does it say it only affects the 'front row'
And obviously if it's airborn 'front row' wouldn't be an issue anyway.
yeah to be honest there's
yeah to be honest there's quite a few people I'd like to use this weapon on
[have i just undermined the integrity if the story?]
Horrific, after kettliing,
Horrific, after kettliing, now it's just simply cooking the crowd. However, it does open up some opportunities for the libcom online store: branded microwave-reflecting umbrellas using this material: But the trouble with reflecting is that you've got to be careful not to unintentionally fry other comrades so it could also sell microwave absorbing hats and capes using this material:
tinfoil hats may finally come
tinfoil hats may finally come of age
Quote: microwave-reflecting
that's excellent. it should be included in the Libcom Demo-Pak (1 microwave-reflecting flag, 1 tear-gas mask, 1 sandwich (choice: PBJ or bologna), 1 bottle of water, 1 bandana (black)), E19.95 or $29.95.
seriously, the sheer impotence of a demo (in the US and UK, anyway) in the face of this thing, and kettling, and eye-in-the-sky, and provocateurs, and netting to tangle cyclists, and cellphone tapping, and police immunity, may convince a few who might have been activisty-inclined of the primacy of discussion/argumentation with one's FWs towards building solidarity? i guess i'm still bitter over the 2004 RNC, when people who should have been on our side stood out on broadway and laughed while lots of cops gave us a close escort.
for every high tech weapon
for every high tech weapon there is an equally low tech means of defeating it.