The April-May 1936 issue of Vanguard, an anarchist journal published out of New York, with articles by Sam Dolgoff and others.

-On the eve of the Spanish October
-Do we need a Farmer-Labor Party? by S. White
-Feudal socialism: is it an historical possibility? by Senex (a.k.a. Mark Schmidt)
-The role of progressives in the A.F. of L. by R. Winters
-On the class war front by S. Weiner (a.k.a. Sam Dolgoff)
-Self-determination for the Black Belt by Stephen Craig
-A hollow appeal by Senex (a.k.a. Mark Schmidt)
-International notes: Spain, France, USSR
-Alexy Borovoy
-Book review: Nations Can Live At Home by P.O. Willcox, review by Senex (a.k.a. Mark Schmidt)
Vanguard (Vol. 3, No. 1, April-May 1936).pdf
(478.71 KB)