Anthologies of texts compiled by feminist collectives in Montreal and New York in the 1970s. Copied to clipboard Wages For Housework Notebooks #1 (1975) Wages For Housework Notebooks #2 (1975) Book traversal links for Wages For Housework Notebooks Wages For Housework Notebooks #1 (1975) Printer-friendly version publications feminism Comments
Woman's Voice English translations of the Argentinian anarchist communist feminist publication La Voz de la Mujer (Woman's Voice) from 1896-7.
Zero magazine An archive of the London-based magazine anarchist / anarcha-feminist magazine Zero from the late 1970s. Taken from Anarchy Archives.
The Woman Rebel A "monthly paper of militant thought" published by Margaret Sanger in 1914 which dealt with issues of women's rights, birth control, and militant labor. It published a total of 8 issues.
Women in Struggle journal Online archive of Women in Struggle, an autonomist feminist journal published 1973-1975 by Toronto Wages For Housework Collective.
Power of Women journal Online archive of the journal of the London-based Power of Women collective. Published in the mid 1970s.
Tyranny of structurelessness - Jo Freeman An excellent text by Jo Freeman, which was highly influential in the feminist and anarchist movements, arguing that informal structures in…