A selection of graphics and flyers from the WOMBLES (White Overall Movement Building Libertarian Effective Struggles). Author WOMBLES Copied to clipboard WOMBLES Comments
Construction: Struggle at Laing O’Rourke, Britain, 2004 The following article provides a short summary about a strike of building workers in London in…
Remember, Remember… The Wombles and the European Social Forum The WOMBLES were an anti-authoritarian group based in London during the early noughties. Originally published in May 2010.
Introduction to the WOMBLES An introduction to the WOMBLES (White Overalls Movement Building Libertarian Effective Struggles) - an anarchist group active in the UK in the…
Love & Rage (WOMBLES) #1 (2003) Debut issue of WOMBLES zine, including "Communiques, news, emotions on a year [and some] of activity by WOMBLES."
Love & Rage - WOMBLES zine Love and Rage in the dying days of capitalism - a short-lived zine by UK anarchist group the WOMBLES (White Overall Movement Building Libertarian…