Including: Sylvia Pankhurst on the Labour Party, Parliament as we see it, etc. Author Labour Party Copied to clipboard Attachments Vol. IV.—No. 31 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1917.pdf (4.14 MB) Book traversal links for The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 4 No. 31 - 27 October 1917) The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 4 No. 30 - 20 October 1917) Up The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 4 No. 32 - 3 November 1917) Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
Neither nationalisation nor privatisation 1945-1950: An anarchist approach This volume is one of a set which celebrates the Freedom Press Centenary by reprinting articles from…
Vote Labour and still die horribly - Thames Valley Anarchists Angry pamphlet from 1986 by Thames Valley Anarchists arguing for workers to self organise and take…
The Lancashire coalfield 1945-1972: NUM-Labour Party hegemony and industrial change An article by Stephen Catterall on the colliery closures of the fifties and sixties in the…
Mr. Benn's wage slavery A Freedom artice dated 7th December 1974 criticising Tony Benn's support for workers' co-operatives. Taken from The State Is Your Enemy:…
Nationalisation and the new boss class - Tom Brown A pamphlet by Tom Brown discussing nationalisation, its theoretical roots and whether it is a working-class gain (1958).
Beating the poll tax - Anarchist Communist Federation Beating the Poll Tax was a widely distributed booklet that encouraged and analysed the rise of mass…