Including: Replies to George Bernard Shaw's article on referendums, the franchise bill, the labour movement seeks continuation of war, old cockney fair review, etc. Copied to clipboard Attachments Vol. IV—No. 39 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1917.pdf (4.05 MB) Book traversal links for The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 4 No. 39 - 22 December 1917) The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 4 No. 37 - 8 December 1917) Up The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 4 No. 40 - 29 December 1917) Printer-friendly version PDF G.B. Shaw Comments
The Blast vol2 #5 June 1 1917 The final issue, including: War as a test of anti-militarist sincerity, Alexander Berkman's war dictionary, etc.
MESA Educator newspaper This is a collection of newspapers from the Mechanic's Educational Society of America, called The Educator, from 1944-1952
Anarchism and education: a philosophical perspective - Judith Suissa Anarchism and Education offers a philosophical account of the neglected tradition of anarchist…
The End of High School - Point Blank! A situationist critique of High School, teachers, education etc. By Californian post-situationist group Point Blank in 1971.