Including: Marx in Fleet Street continued, Sylvia Pankhurst on Ireland & WW1, popular kitchens in Milan, etc. Copied to clipboard Attachments Vol. V.—No. 7 SATURDAY MAY 11th 1918.pdf (4.34 MB) Book traversal links for The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 7 - 11 May 1918) The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 6 - 4 May 1918) Up The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 8 - 18 May 1918) Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
‘Feminism is a dirty word’. What would Marx and Engels think today? - Camilla Power This article takes ‘dinosaur marxists’ to task for refusing to treat rape as a political issue. The…
Immigration, class composition, and the crisis of the labor market in Canada - Bruno Ramirez 1977 text by Bruno Ramirez about class composition and migration to Canada, which was due to be published in Zerowork 3.
The world turned upside down: radical ideas during the English revolution - Christopher Hill Historical study of the proto-communist groups in the time of the English…