libcom's guide to further reading around World War I and the collapse of social democracy.

Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism - Lenin
The Collapse of the 2nd International - Lenin
The Junius Pamphelet - Luxemburg
Against the Stream – Lenin/Zinoviev
Mutinies – Dave Lamb
Imperialism and the Split in Socialism – Lenin
Socialism and the Great War – G. Haupt
Why War? – K. Nelson/S. Olin, Jr.
International Socialism and the World War – M. Fainsod
Lenin's Struggle for a Revolutionary International
The Balkan Wars – Trotsky
The First Three Internationals - Novack
Political Profiles - Trotsky
On The Spartacus Program - R. Luxemburg
The Guns of August - B. Tuchman
The First World War: An Agrarian Interpretation - A. Offer
The Persistence of The Old Regime - Arno Mayer
The Other Battleground: The Home Fronts - Williams
moved to WW2 reading guide
moved to WW2 reading guide
Good additions to the World
Good additions to the World War I reading guide would be these:
The Allied Food Blockade of Germany, 1918-19 by N. P. Howard
Eric J. Leed, No Man's Land: Combat and Identity in World War 1
Edward E. McCullough, How The First World War Began
Wolfgang J Mommsen, Imperial Germany, 1867-1918: Politics, Culture and Society in an Authoritarian State
John Morrow, The Great War: an imperial history
Practical History, 'Churchill, the Cenotaph and May Day 2000'
Woodruff D. Smith, European imperialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
John Zerzan, 'Origins and Meaning of WWI', Telos, no. 49, Fall 1981
Karen Hagemann, Home/Front; the Military, War and Gender in Twentieth Century Germany,
Gail Braybon, Evidence, History and the Great War
Beverley Engel, 'Subsistence Riots in Russia during World War One', Journal of Modern History, Vol.69.
Ute Daniel, The War from Within: German Women in the First World War
Laura Lee Downs, Manufacturing Inequality: Gender Division in the French and British Metalworking Industries, 1914-39
Of all the TV documentaries
Of all the TV documentaries on World War One this one is certainly the best (even if it is more liberal than revolutionary):
The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century (or check here)
'All Quiet on the Western Front' is still amazing and can be found here:
There is a draft World War I
There is a draft World War I reading guide here, when it's complete it would be good to replace the above list: