Lilian Türk & Jesse Cohn's joint essay examining the debates over religion hosted in the Yiddish anarchist newspaper Fraye Arbeter Shtime.

Türk, L. and Cohn, J. 2018. Yiddish Radicalism, Jewish Religion: Controversies in the Fraye Arbeter Shtime, 1937–1945. In: Christoyannopoulos, A. and Adams, M. S. (eds.) Essays in Anarchism and Religion: Volume II. Pp. 20–57. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. DOI: https://doi.
Look forward to reading
Look forward to reading this
It'd be cool to one day have a well informed critique
of the shift in and acceptance of bureaucratic
needle trades unionism. Thus far, English language
coverage seems to negate or not fully understand
the "labor question" very well.
Conversation: The Lost World
Conversation: The Lost World of Yiddish Anarchists
Joseph Bovshover: Yiddish Poetry, British Anarchism, and the Russian Revolution
Cool, have not seen this one
Cool, have not seen this one before:
Interesting film from the
Interesting film from the '80s with some of the people who had been involved in the Fray Arbeter Shtime
Jacques Roux
Jacques Roux
Those who appear in this film are those who I knew and worked with (primarily in the Libertarian Book Club).