Youth International Party Manifesto

yip manifesto poster

A 1968 manifesto, printed on a poster, from the Yippies.

Submitted by adri on June 7, 2024

We Are a People

We are a new nation. We believe in life. And we want to live now. We want to be alive 24 hours a day. Nine-to-five Amerika doesn't even live on weekends.

Amerika is a death machine. It is run on and for money whose power determines a society based on war, racism, sexism, and the destruction of the planet. Our life-energy is the greatest threat to the machine.

So they're out to stop us. They have to make us like them. They cut our hair, ban our music festivals, put cops and narcs in the schools, put 200,000 of us in jail for smoking flowers, induct us, housewive us, Easy-Rider murder us.

Amerika has declared war on our New Nation!

We Will Build and Defend Our New Nation

But we will continue to live and grow.

We are young, we have beautiful ideas about the way we should live. We want everyone to control their own life and to care for one another. And we will defend our freedom because we can't live any other way.

We will continue to seize control of our minds and our bodies. We can't do it in their schools, so we'll take them over or create our own. We can't make it in their jobs, so we'll work only to survive. We can't relate to each other like they do—our nation is based on cooperation not competition.

We will provide for all that we need to build and defend our nation. We will teach each other the true history of Amerika so that we may learn from the past to survive in the present. We will teach each other the tactics of self-defense. We will provide free health services: birth control and abortions, drug information, medical care, that this society is not providing us with.

We will begin to take control of drug manufacture and distribution, and stop the flow of bad shit. We will make sure that everyone has a decent place to live: we will fight landlords, renovate buildings, live communally, have places for sisters and brothers from out-of-town, and for runaways and freed prisoners. We will set up national and international transportation and communication so that we can be together with our sisters and brothers from different parts of the country and the world. We will fight the unnatural division between cities and country by facilitating travel and communication.

We will end the domination of women by men, and children by adults.

The well-being of our nation is the well-being of all peace-loving people.

We Will Have Peace

We cannot tolerate attitudes, institutions, and machines whose purpose 
is the destruction of life and the accumulation of "profit.”

Schools and universities are training us for roles in Amerika's empire
 of endless war. We cannot allow them to use us for the 
military-industrial profiteers.

Companies that produce waste, poisons, germs, and bombs have no place in 
this world.

We are living in the capital of the world war being waged against life.
 We are not good Germans. We who are living in this strategic center of 
Babylon must make it our strategic center. We can and must stop the 
death machine from butchering the planet.

We will shut the motherfucker down!

We Will Make Our New Nation Fit for Living Things

We will seize Amerika’s technology and use it to build a nation based on 
love and respect for all life.

Our new society is not about the power of a few men but the right of all
 humans, animals and plants to play out their natural roles in harmony.
 We will build our communities to reflect the beauty inside us.

People all over the world are fighting to keep Amerika from turning 
their countries into parking lots!

We Will Be Together With All the Together Peoples of the Earth

Pig Empire is ravaging the globe, but the beautiful people everywhere
 are fighting back. New Nation is one with the black, brown, red & yellow 

Che said: "You North Americans are very lucky. You live in the middle of the 
beast. You are fighting the most important fight of all, in the center of the battle. If I had my
 wish, I would go back with you to North Amerika to fight there. I envy 




9 months 2 weeks ago

Submitted by adri on June 9, 2024

We will begin to take control of drug manufacture and distribution, and stop the flow of bad shit.

Marx failed to consider stopping the flow of the bad shit. Two four six eight, smoke some dope and smash the state! Yippie!

(In all seriousness the platform isn't that bad, with the exception of the Che bit and maybe some other stuff.)