A demonstration against similar laws to the CPE being introduced - see our main coverage Copied to clipboard demonstrations Western Europe Sweden Anti-CPE protests Comments
1.5 million expected to join French CPE protests A million, maybe more. This is the figure organisers of the anti-CPE movement hope to exceed on the day of demonstrations against the government…
Police say 35,000 protest in Lille Tens of thousands take to the streets in Lille and across Brittany against the new CPE labour laws.
Paris - account and photos from our correspondent A personal account and accompanying photos of the Paris anti-CPE demonstration and riot from one of our correspondents in Paris.
Friday March 24: Summary of events A round-up of today's main events, including unions meeting with Villepin, university occupations, rioting and mugging of demonstrators.
68 French universities on strike A list of universities on strike and/or occupied against the CPE, and a list of the largest demonstrations and sizes in towns across the country.