Zerowork: the background

Articles giving background information on the development of the 1970s Zerowork collective. Some currently in the process of being written.

Submitted by Steven. on May 27, 2014


NB: Our archive of Zerowork journal (without the background, commentary etc below) can be found here.


The journal, with background and supplementary materials

This webpage makes available the content of the two published issues of Zerowork, a journal published in the 1970s, the content of the unpublished third issue and a variety of background essays and materials designed to facilitate the situating of the journal, its theoretical and political tendencies, within the times. The creation and publication of Zerowork, a political intervention into contemporary discussions of the crisis of capitalism and its relationship to working class struggle, consisted of a synthesis of several lines of Marxist theory and strategic thinking. Supplementary materials have been chosen either because they were influential in the formation of the perspectives contained in the journal or because they were produced by the editors as part of their political work in the same period. This webpage undergoes periodic modification. Materials are added as they are prepared. The background essays are modified as research proceeds and in light of feedback from readers. (Date of the most recent changes: September 10, 2014)

"Yet do not miss the moral, my good readers.
For Saint Marx says that all that's written well,
Is written down some truth to tell.
Then take the wheat and let the chaff lie still."

Apologies to Chaucer

General Introduction

Very brief introduction to these web pages about Zerowork - the idea, the collective and the journal - including a few words about the people involved, the historical context of their work and the motivations for the creation of these pages.

Background: Genesis of Zerowork #1

Historical Sketch: The results of research into the background of the formation of the original Zerowork Collective and the work that led to the crafting and publication of the first issue of the journal. That background includes 1) earlier political and theoretical work on both sides of the Atlantic — both known and unknown to the various editors — that informed, directly and indirectly, their approach to analyzing the crisis in class relations of the early 1970s, and 2) brief biographies of the individuals involved that trace their lives and how they came to know each other and work together.

Supplemental (Historical) Materials

Editor's Note:

Material from the American tradition of the Johnson-Forest Tendency and Facing Reality

Material from the European tradition, especially the Italian area of autonomia

Material associated with the Wages for Housework Movement.

Zerowork: Political Materials #1, December 1975

Editor's Note: Each of the following articles, from the first issue of Zerowork is preceded by a short synopsis taken from a flyer that was produced at the time to advertize the new journal. [Additional sentences on content omitted from this version on Libcom].

Background: From Zerowork #1 to Zerowork #2

Historical Sketch: The results of research into the evolution of the Zerowork collective from the publication of Zerowork #1 to that of Zerowork #2. This background includes the interwoven intellectual and political history of the editors, their relations with others and their internal debates. During the period covered by this essay, some left the editorial collective and others joined. The internal debates eventually became serious enough to provoke a split. As a result, the second issue of the journal was produced by a recomposed group and benefited from new input. Included here are brief biographies of the new individuals who joined the collective.

Supplemental (Historical) Materials

Zerowork: Political Materials #2, Fall 1977

Supplemental (Historical) Materials

Zerowork: Political Materials #3, Special Issue on Immigration, Never published


  • Peter Bell & Harry Cleaver, "1970's: Decade of Crisis"

Special Section on Immigration

Editors' Introduction to articles on repression in Europe




3 months 1 week ago

Submitted by Fozzie on December 13, 2024

I've updated this to better reflect the contents of the homepage, but with links to material already on Libcom. I've also added PDFs of Zerowork #1 and #2 to those pages.