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I am looking for: https:/…
I am looking for:
[email protected]…
Should be able to access this now
i am looking for http:/…
i am looking for
amie.swiggs wrote: i am…
That discussion appears to have been removed. An administrator may have an answer as to why?
westartfromhere wrote: amie…
At various points over the years we have unpublished old forum discussions, because of retrospective breaches of our comment guidelines.
Have now re-published that one.
I want to access this, but I…
I want to access:
Liberal-toe-sucker wrote: I…
You should be able to access this now
Hello. I want to access:…
Hello. I want to access:
kiwimedia wrote: Hello. I…
That article has been taken off-line and we don't intend to put it back online, as it was conducted with a secret white supremacist (Schmidt), and has no factual value which would mitigate against that.
Steven. wrote: kiwimedia…
Obviously, this site should not promote racial supremacists from within the anarchist movement but would it be possible, somehow, to retain the Comments section attached to this interview? It seems counterproductive to censor the offending article whilst also censoring its detractors.
There was no discussion of…
There was no discussion of this article in the comment section after it. There was one comment from a person complaining about Schmidt in general.
Steven. wrote:There was one…
Well, at least there was one who saw through the trumped up nazi punk..
Is this one gone forever? …
Is this one gone forever? "Critical comments on rose-tinted revisionist views of skinheads"
That article was nonsense…
That article was nonsense and so it was removed, yes
Steven. wrote: That article…
I did eventually read that …
I did eventually read that (very short) article - and agreed that it was nonsense!
Fozzie wrote: I did…
You are in a privileged position: being able to read nonsense.
still love Nemo's penguin < …
still love Nemo's penguin < : )
Followed a link on the site…
Followed a link on the site to this but it's been fed to the penguin
Any chance of this "bourgeois motherfucker" seeing it?
Admin: comment lightly edited as we have re-published the discussion.
In the absence of the above…
In the absence of the above link, our thoughts on anti-fascism are that all states are fascist, in that they bind disparate elements of the capital, including the labour force, within the nation, or conglomerate of nations.
The term anti-fascist is a mystification. The working class is inherently against the mercantile state and its political administration. Fascism or anti-fascism are terms that only aim to disunify the class of labour.
lurdan wrote: Followed a…
While some of the comments in this discussion are rude, and breach our current posting guidelines, this discussion contains important information from a person debunking misinformation about themselves, so we have re-published it.
I got this page (https:/…
I got to this page ( from Content Guidelines to ask for permission to submit content but a red pengu yelling at me Access Denied!
I've already tried different browsers and also made sure I'm logged in to my account.
Hi Sharam - what happens if…
Hi Sharam - what happens if you press the "submit content" button at the top of the page?
Fozzie wrote: Hi Sharam -…
Hi Fozzie: do you mean a 'submit content' on this current page? I don't see one.
Fozzie wrote: Hi Sharam -…
If you mean the 'submit content' on my account, it goes to next page showing 3 options , I choose Article, but only have Save as: Draft option with Save & Preview buttons.
Basically, I don't have the permission to Publish it. It's been 3 weeks and haven't received any responses to my emails or comments except you.
Trying to follow the Content Guidelines will redirect to the page with red penguin saying No Access.
Ah OK - I am able to publish…
Ah OK - I am able to publish your drafts, so perhaps that is a good way forward for now? I just did that for the Loren Goldner piece you submitted. I hope that is OK.
Fozzie wrote: Ah OK - I am…
This is great! Thank you Fozzie.
I'll be uploading another one soon. I don't mind giving you the trouble to do the same (hope you are OK with this), but is there a fix for this so I don't bog you down with these comments?
Thanks Shahram - yes that…
Thanks Shahram - yes that is all fine. I believe that someone with more admin powers than I would need to change your permissions. I am sure one of them will be along in due course, but please proceed in the meantime...
Fozzie deserves a promotion…
Fozzie deserves a promotion I think; look at all the content he's uploaded! A real Stakhanov that all libcom contributors should try to emulate. Give Fozzie more admin privileges right now!!
Fozzie wrote: Thanks Shahram…
Alright, glad to have a plan for now! Thanks!
adri wrote: Fozzie deserves…
Yes, I second that (though I don't have any voting power)!
Comrade Fozzie has been…
Comrade Fozzie has been working at the Library of Communism for over 21 years; he damn well deserves to edit people's posting permissions!
(I also hope he didn't take offense to me comparing him to Stakhanov—the whole Stalinist labor-competition thing was indeed terrible.)
Thanks for the nice comments…
Thanks for the nice comments both. Posting content is its own reward :-)