The Organizer # 24

The Organizer # 24
The Organizer # 24

September 2010 PDF of the Twin Cities IWW branch's newsletter.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 1, 2011


Jimmy John’s Workers Form Union, Demand an End to “Wages So Low You’ll Freak”
Page 1

Editor Angel Gardner shares her thoughts on organizing the restaurant and service industry..
Page 2

Why Organize Sandwich Shops?
Jimmy John’s worker speaks out about work conditions and organizing..
Page 3

Starbucks Baristas in Omaha Unite
Starbucks Workers Union continues to grow nationally as Omaha baristas walk off the job.
Pages 3-4

Lessons From the Shopfloor: Solidarity Against Sexism
Direct action strategies for fighting sexism and sexual harassment in your workplace.
Pages 4-5

Economic Suicide in the Service Industry
Explores the causes and effects of the recent boom of low-wage service jobs in today’s economy.
Page 5

