The Organizer # 21

The Organizer # 21
The Organizer # 21

December 2009 PDF of the Twin Cities IWW branch's quarterly newsletter.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on April 29, 2011

Fired, after 10 YEARS Probation
Page 1

Red November, Black November Fall Feast Great Fun; No Surprise.
Page 1

Members Corner
O’Reilly schools us on how to pay our dues
Page 3

Organizing Tip
Holdren talks up the practice of ‘Charting’ your workplace
Page 3

“Eyes on the Fries”
A public meeting focused on organizing the fast food industry.
Page 3

Largest IWW training event to date held in Twin Cities
Aaron Kocher reports on the recent “Training For Trainers” event
Page 5

Wobblies learn how to party
Space Opening Party deemed a success
Page 6

Upcoming Events
Our local calendar of public events
Page 6

