The second show follows on from the previous discussion about the ‘graduate without a future’ by looking at austerity through the lense of generational justice. What does such a lense contribute to political debate? Should those subjects ‘without a future’ see such a lense as a locus around which to organise or is it instead a wedge that obscures political antagonism under capitalism, namely class?
S02E002 - The graduate without a future (II) : Inter-generational justice
Aaron Peters (@aaronjohnpeters) and Seth Wheeler (@sethnotes) will be joined by writer and journalist Shiv Malik (@shivmalik1). Shiv is on the advisory board for the Intergenerational Justice Foundation and is the co-author, with Ed Howker, of Jilted Generation: how Britain has bankrupted its youth.
Novara - a weekly show on Resonance FM discussing political theory, practice and aesthetics. Discussions and interventions will be with workers, theorists, students and activists. Hosted by Aaron Peters.