Wages for Homework - Tim Grant An article on wages for students, published in the student newspaper of the the University of Waterloo (UW), Ontario, Canada in 1976. Taken from…
“Israelism” looks at the indoctrination of Jewish students in the US Comrade Motopu reviews the 2023 documentary "Israelism" in the context of recent and past student…
Address to New York City Public School Students (1968) A detourned comic produced by Bruce Elwell of the American section of the Situationist International…
The Return of the Durutti Column - André Bertrand English translation of the detourned situationist comic that was printed using unauthorised student union funds at Strasbourg University in…
Student Life: An Introduction - Point Blank! A spoof guide for students at Stanford University which is actually a critique of student life and education. Produced by situationist group…
Rent Strikes: Organisation and Action Article about the Bristol University Rent Strike from a participant and member of Leeds SolFed.
The Magneti Marelli Workers Committee - the "Red Guard" tells its story (Milan, 1975-78) - Emilio Mentasti This remarkable book about one of the high points of workers' struggles in Italy …
Student Protests in Turkey: A Communist Critique There is an urgent need to break out of the reformist, legalistic, and parliamentarian strait-jacket that these protests confine themselves to.
No Future Without a Fight Back in 2012 the concept of a "graduate without a future" briefly entered the zeitgeist. Paul Mason was among its key proponents, finding a…
Manchester Students’ Rent Strike Victory Article from the Liverpool Anarchist on the ongoing University of Manchester Rent Strike. Their recent victory seems to have breathed life into…
Alienation and Mass Organization A personal reflection on alienation experienced within National Democratic mass organizations.
Anarchy #090: Student Anarchy Issue of Anarchy magazine published in August 1968. This issue is dedicated to the events of 1968 in Paris.