Towards a Fresh Revolution - Audiobook Audiobook version of the pamphlet Towards a Fresh Revolution, published by the Friends of Durruti group during the Spanish Civil War.
Post Scarcity Anarchism - Audiobook This is a reading of the essay/pamphlet entitled Post-Scarcity Anarchism, not the book by the same name.
Ecology and Revolutionary Thought Audiobook - Murray Bookchin Audiobook of Murray Bookchin's Ecology and Revolutionary Thought.
E15: Tommy Robinson's career in 'journalism' 12 Rules for What are joined by journalist James Poulter to discuss far right political activist Tommy Robinson's career in fake journalism and…
12 Rules for What podcast A podcast about fascists, nazis, and far right, from the perspective of the left.
Letters of Insurgents - Audiobook An unabridged reading of Fredy Perlman's novel Letters of Insurgents by the group Audio Anarchy.
The Peterloo Massacre - BBC Discussion A Radio Four discussion by Melvyn Bragg and three historians about the Peterloo Massacre. The discussions attempts to show that bloody day in…
Sabotage - Audiobook A reading of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's important essay on direct action, read by the Audible Anarchist
Emma Goldman Essays - Audio Anarchy Here is a collection of essay's by Emma Goldman that were recorded by the Anarchist propaganda group Audio Anarchy.
Days of War Nights of Love An audio book of Days of War Nights of Love, an introductory text to the American post left Anarchist group CrimethInc. The audio book was…
1960- Japan's Coal Miners Strike A history of Japan podcast about the massive coalminers strike in Miike on the island of Kyushu in 1960, and its impact on the Japanese economy,…