This is a reading of the essay/pamphlet entitled Post-Scarcity Anarchism, not the book by the same name. Copied to clipboard Link Link Murray Bookchin anarchism audio ecology Audible Anarchist Comments
Ecology and Revolutionary Thought Audiobook - Murray Bookchin Audiobook of Murray Bookchin's Ecology and Revolutionary Thought.
Free cities: communalism and the left The last collection of essays written by Murray Bookchin before he died.
Introducing the Audible Anarchist An introduction to a newish platform for producing anarchist texts in audio format.
Socialism from Below: A History of Anarchism Audiobook An audio book of George Woodcocks pamphlet on the history of Anarchism.
Post-Scarcity Anarchism - Murray Bookchin Murray Bookchin's collection of essays envisioning an anarchist society without scarce resources via utilisation but not fetishisation of…
Our Synthetic Environment - Murray Bookchin Our Synthetic Environment is a 1962 book by Murray Bookchin, published under the pseudonym "Lewis Herber".