Solidarity for workers' power - Solidarity (Scotland)

Partial online archive of the libertarian socialist journal, Solidarity Scotland, published in the 1960s.

Submitted by Steven. on January 27, 2014

Solidarity Scotland #1.01

Solidarity – Scotland – Volume 1 - Number 1 – May 1971

Submitted by W0rkers on October 26, 2017


About ourselves
Poland, a warm winter
Mullard’s : exploitation to the core
Data on the industrial relations bill – a commentary
Review by F.B. : The little red schoolbook
As we see it



Solidarity Scotland #1.05

Solidarity Scotland from October 1965 with articles about work on buses, salmon fishing, immigration and race and more.

Submitted by Steven. on November 18, 2017


  • Bus work – Jim Fyfe
  • Luddite notebook
  • Immigration: the facts book review – Maria O'Neill
  • About ourselves
  • Salmon fishing – Alec Howie
  • A way ahead towards industry
  • Letters
  • Causes of rebels book review – George Monies
  • World revolution of youth – Franklin Rosemont


Scotland1.5.pdf (1.07 MB)


Solidarity Scotland #2.01

Solidarity – Scotland – Volume 2 - Number 1 – March-April 1966

Submitted by W0rkers on October 26, 2017

All about us
Politics 66
Education, freedom and authority by Ron Bailey
Young teachers action committee
West German peace movement by Jim Evrard
The bar-L by Callum Robertson



Solidarity Scotland #2.02

Issue of Solidarity Scotland from July 1966 with articles about bus workers, seamen, tenant organising, Scottish gangs and more.

Submitted by Steven. on November 18, 2017


  • The busmen
  • The seamen – Fergus MacFuzz
  • Walter Morrison
  • Tenant action – Ken Weller
  • The gangs – Farquhar McLay
  • Letters – Jim Fyfe, John Sullivan, George Williamson
  • Otto Ruhle on German trade unions
  • Responsibility and decision-making – George Williamson
  • Solidarity: what kind of organisation


Scotland2.2.pdf (1.22 MB)


Solidarity Scotland #2.03

Issue of Solidarity Scotland from November 1966 with articles about the Dutch Provos, mods and rockers, Hungary 56 and more.

Submitted by Steven. on November 18, 2017


  • What Is Solidarity?
  • Workers Crisis!!
  • Milked – Donald Hutton
  • Hungary 56 – Bill Wallace
  • Who's boss. – George Williamson
  • Personnel men – Alan Parker
  • One party unions – Martin Glaberman
  • Provo myths
  • Watch it, pal! – Laura Norder
  • Mods and rockers
  • Capitalism and consciousness – Jim Everard
  • If you can't beat them kill them – John O'Hare


Scotland2.3.pdf (1.25 MB)


Solidarity Scotland #2.04

Solidarity Scotland #2.05 cover

Published May 1967. Including: Beyond the fringe - overview of political and counter-culture scenes in Scotland, Bakery industry report, Solidarity Glasgow updates, satire, capitalism and consciousness part two, homelessness in Glasgow, etc.

Submitted by Fozzie on April 21, 2024

PDF courtesy of Sparrows Nest archive, Nottingham.



Solidarity Scotland #2.06

Solidarity – Scotland – Volume 2 - Number 6 – October 1967

Submitted by W0rkers on October 26, 2017

What is Solidarity?
Editorial : direct action or sterility
Glasgow housing by George Williamson
The buildings, a song by Adam MacNaughton
New forms of struggle by Martin Glaberman
See’s a hauf, pal ! Saturday night in the Glasgow pub ! by Sam Corbett
Comic capers by Dan Briggs
Stuart Christie and the Scottish Daily Express



Solidarity Scotland #3.01

Solidarity – Scotland – Volume 3 - Number 1 – January 1968

Submitted by W0rkers on October 26, 2017


What is Solidarity?
Trade unions today
Facts on the nats
Anti-religious poetry, poems by Alan Jackson and H.K.
Spark-off! An open letter to Scottish electricians
Consolidated pneumatic tool, an article from Aberdeen Solidarity by Ian Mitchell
The police, demonstrations and the television by John Johnson
What’s been happening
Desert – We’ll help



Solidarity Scotland #3.02

Solidarity – Scotland – Volume 3 - Number 2

Submitted by W0rkers on October 26, 2017

Aberdeen meeting
Demonstrations and the police by Forbes Browne
Paperworkers’ supplement
More on C.P.T. by I.R.M.
The future of Solidarity, a personal viewpoint by Ian Mitchell
Vietnam and your wages by J.S., reprinted from Solidarity pamphlet 28
Non-union shops
S.B.W. by D.K.
Jig and tool by M.D.

