The September 2006 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 15, 2016

Contents include:

- The general strike by Staughton Lynd

- Starbucks fires 3 IWWs for union organizing

- 8 million U.S. workers may lose union rights

- Readers' soapbox

- Workers celebrate solidarity in Durham and Dorset by Peter Moore

- The IWW and the "Other Campaign" by Patricia Nuno

- War, Wobs and the web by Eric Lee

- Unions condemn bombing

- Sweatshop all stars picket Cooperstown by Sourdough Slim

- Yuengling brewery workers attacked by Walt Weber

- East End Co-op bosses refuse to recognize IWW

- Midwest Wobfest

- The Coors strike looked like a class act by Gary Cox

- Call for international support against Starbucks' union-busting

- The most dangerous song in the world: a rewrite by Len Wallace

- Book review: Solidarity for sale: how corruption destroyed the labor movement and undermined America's promise by Robert Fitch

- 1,400 Mexican strikers fired by David Bacon

- World labor solidarity
