The Vol. 12, No. 3 (August-October 1954) issue of Resistance, an anarchist publication produced out of New York.

Contents include
-Reforms and emancipation by David Thoreau Wieck
-Poems by John McManis, M.C. Richards, Jackson MacLow, Ambrose Turner and Spencer Holst
-The Binefar collective: a chapter froma study of the Spanish revolution of 1936-1939 by Gaston Leval
-Problems of organization: the French anarchist movement by Giovanna Berneri (Volontà, May 1954)
-On organization: 2 )Excerpt from "The anarchist international and its enemies" by Andre Prunier a.k.a. André Prudhommeaux)
-On organization: 3 (From editorial titled "Dell'organizzazione" from L'Adunata dei Refrattari)
-In defense of a sitting duck or Dear Dave by Joffre Stewart
-In reply: some remarks on "the free man" by David Thoreau Wieck
-Review: Individualism reconsidered by David Riesman (Review by George Woodcock)
-Notes on rebels, porkchops, history by Lead Line
-Passive resistance? by Ribelle
-Resistance &c
-Financial statement
This issue digitized for by the Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme (CIRA) in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Quote: -Problems of
Interesting and informative