The Raven #32: Communication (2) The Net

Black and white photo of a grid of metal girders which might be the interior of a building under construction

1995 issue of this anarchist journal themed around communication, media, the internet, etc.

Submitted by Fozzie on August 26, 2022


  • Introducton - Neil Birrell
  • A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace - John Perry Barlow
  • Cyber-Slavery - The Anarchist Media Institute
  • Disturbing History - Karl Young
  • Radio Contrabanda FM (Barcelona) - RADIO
  • Localism or Parochialism: the dilemma of local radio - A. Presenter
  • Radio Libertaire
  • Australia: The Hate Jocks Love It, Anarchists Shun It! - Joseph Toscano
  • 75 Years of A Batalha
  • The more information the less knowledge - Gary Moffat
  • Editorial - Techno-Sceptic
  • Net Lists - Karl Young
  • Bulletins of Freedom - John Pilgrim
  • Fear and Loathing on the Information Highway - Jesse Hirch


TheRaven32.pdf (5.87 MB)
