Cover of Direct Action #29

Anarcho-syndicalist magazine published by the Solidarity Federation. This issue's theme is social democracy and the Labour Party.

Submitted by Fozzie on September 9, 2022


  • Democracy & violence: 2004 update - It is an old joke that any country that puts democratic in its name isn’t - a look at the boys in blue and other not-so-friendly faces of modern western democracy.
  • Not the alternative: Social Democracy & the myth of the Left.
  • GM crop failure - government ploughs on... Despite these reports, Blair still appears bent on doing the bidding of the GM corporations.
  • Retina cheques: ID cards - from fiasco to reality.
  • Heavy metal workers; Menwith Hill
  • Hurricane DAN; DSEI London
  • Mad Pride
  • On the edge: Labour-tories; Rubbish wasters; Beyond shameful; Letters from hometown soldiers; Who needs spelling?; Bent coppers; Asylum appeal
  • international news: India, Uganda, Belize, US, Scotland, South Korea, Burma, Australia, France, Nigeria, Bangladesh.
  • globalfocus: No peace in La Paz, South America is still kicking off; reports from Bolivia, Mexico, Colombia, and Guatemala.
  • Social Democracy >>>Dead Or Alive? Free markets - enslaved world; and the nails in the coffin of social democracy.
  • Castles, homes & Englishfolk: Home ownership and other home lies.
  • Dis-Connexions: New Labour’s Connexions scheme exposed.
  • Inside English supermax: Robbie Stewart points out that the Close Supervision Centres have never been a success and never will.
  • notes+letters - Resist Wal-Mart; Intro to the future.
  • review features
    KSL trio:
    A Day Mournful And Overcast - by an ‘uncontrollable’ from the Iron Column
    Direct Action - Emile Pouget
    Under The Yoke of the State - Dawn Collective
    Streetcore: Joe Strummer
  • book reviews
    The Good Shopping Guide - ECRA
    From Homebreakers to Jailbreakers- Rahila Gupta
    Eco-economy - Lester Brown
    Tomorrow’s Energy - Peter Hoffman
  • film reviews
    Rabbit-proof Fence - Philip Noyce
    Jeremy Hardy vs. the Israeli Army - Leila Sansour
  • music reviews
    The Executioner’s Last Songs vols. 2 & 3 - Jon Langford & the Pine Valley Cosmonauts
    You can’t keep a good band down - Randy
  • Biting the hand we feed: RIP welfare state - and voting won’t bring it back. Analysis of how we got here, and the lowdown on why.
  • DA resources: Info., upcoming events, campaigns, friends & neighbours

