We dedicate this issue to Barry Bondhus, who emptied two buckets of human shit into the files of the Sherbourne County Draft Board at Elk River Minnesota

Articles including: the Provos in Amsterdam, reprint of Situationist International article on the Watts riots, Albert Meltzer on crisis-mongers, poetry by Jeff Nuttall.

Submitted by Fozzie on April 8, 2023


  • June in Amsterdam - Ted Kavanagh
  • The Decline and Fall of the "Spectacular" Commodity Economy - Situationist International
  • Poem - Jeff Nuttall
  • A funny thing happend - Arthur Moyse
  • The Crisis Mongers - Albert Meltzer
  • Shape of Things - Chicago Anarchists
  • Stirner's poem to his alter ego (if he had one) - M.J. Walsh
  • Advert for Heatwave magazine

