Online archive of The Shadow, an anarchist newspaper based in New York City focussing on investigative journalism, squatting, policing etc.

The Shadow has been published in New York City since 1989. It was founded in reaction to the way that events in the Lower East Side, including the Tompkins Square Park Riot, were covered by mainstream media.
Each issue includes excellent coverage of local struggles, but unfortunately there are also occasional forays into conspiracy theorising (especially around the World Trade Center bombing and then 9/11), which Libcom does not support.
PDFs from various online sources including

Including: Tompkins Square meeting disrupted by activists, police complaints corruption, Shadow statement of intent, Guardian Angels critique, Reagan autocracy, interview with prisoner Mariyn Buck, police brutality, where to go for food and help, etc.

Including: homestead demolition protest, yuppie go home!, NY Press rivalry, Tompkins Square Park riot cover up, urine tests, George Bush vs abortion, cop watching, squatting, etc.

Including: squat fire, police state on Avenue B, eviction thwarted, cop watching, Abbie Hoffman, May Day is jay day, no to the death penalty, etc.

Including: attack on homeless in Tompkins Square Park, flag burning outrage, skinheads attack leftwing space, Abbie Hoffman event, death of street musician Lincoln Swados, events, letters, etc.

Including: war on homeless, riot cops acquitted, fuck the NY Press, cops attack community centre, community board vs Tompkins Square Park, squatting, etc.

Including: park pigs raid homeless again, Shadow editor busted, Lower East Side corruption, tensions at Tompkins Park public meeting, sit-in a Deputy Mayor's office, ACT-UP cathedral protest, ABC community center retaken, the truth behind the Revolutionary Communist Party, etc.

Including: Revolutionaty Communist Party exposed, hatemail from pigs, planning corruption, ABC community centre raided, bike courier protest, Tompkins Square Park updates, council corruption, cop watching, etc.

Including: Shadow vs Lower East Side News, union of the homeless critique, anti-corruption, McDonalds demo, skinhead violence, cop watch, etc.

Including: cops harass Shadow editor, Iraq, pigs persecute peddlers, Mohawk nation vs army, Sabotage books closes, cops attack punk gig, community land trust, etc.

Including: Lower East Side squats threatened by "development", New York Times vs squatters, Community Board sleaze, anti-war rally, Mohawk Nation, cop watching, Bible burning event, etc.

Including: Gulf War, ant-war demos, Berlin squatters vs cops for 3 days, squatting in Central America, cop watching, arrests at needle exchange, letters, reviews etc.

Including: anti- gulf war demos, Tompkins Square Park corruption, South Bronx squatter repression, cops vs squatters in Brazil, cop watch, letters etc.

Including: proposed Lower East Side carve up, Workers World Party attack anti-war demonstrators, flag burning, CUNY students protest, cop watching, interview with anti-war Abraham Lincoln Brigade veteran, etc.

Including: cops and Tompkins Square Park, death of artist Grady Alexis, anti-war protests, pot parade, cop watch, Shadow shit-list, etc.

Including: Tompkins Square Park police state, who is New York council candidate Antonio Pagan?, Mayor Dinkins exposed, methadone, etc.

Including: Tompkins Square Park bandshell demolished, Mayor evicts homeless encampment, squatters, the rise of Antonio Pagan, pro-choice and anti abortion marches, cop watching, etc.

Including: Mayday 29 riot arrestees trial, JFK movie, squatting. protests, etc.

Including: gentrification, satanic panic, Dhoruba Bin Wahad bailed, Pat Buchanan and Nixon, CIA and drugs for guns, interview with ex-DEA agent, ACT-UP demo, etc.

Including: abortion rights march on Washington, air quality and incinerator plants, pirate radio, confessions of an animal torturer, church lobby groups, etc.

Including: NYC riot after Rodney King verdict, police brutality, artwashing, bombing of Pan Am flight 103, pot parade, cop watch, Ross Perot's Nixon connection, etc.

Including: cult recruiters, police complaints reform, clampdown on Democrat conventon counter protestors, copwatch, Ice T "Cop Killer" song controversy, etc.

Including: riots after NYPD killings, "no police state" march, Democrat convention reports and protests, anti-abortionists opposed, etc.

Including: Tompkins Square Park reopens, Berkeley activist shot dead by cops, drunk racist cops protest at City Hall, incinerators considered, needle exchanges now legal?, Republican convention report, New York senate candidates exposed, cop watch, etc.

Including: Waco massacre, pigs raid homeless camp, housing board corruption, the real murderers of Malcolm X, Athens anarchists, reviews, etc.

Including: rent deregulation, Glass House squat, gay pride march, Community Board reports, cop watch, martial law in Guatemala, free Mumia, marijuna "smoke in" protest, Peter Tosh film director interviewed, censorship of comic artist Mike Diana, etc.

Including: pigs raid 5th anniversary of Tompkins Square uprising, council member Antonio Pagan re-elected, many police clampdowns, Fierce Pussy Festival, Manhattan Bridge teepee valley evicted, anarchists vs KKK in Chattanooga, San Francisco Food Not Bombs arrests, Dave Insurgent obituary, etc.

Including: Frank Zappa obituary, fascists beaten, legal squatting, cops attack homeless kitchen, ACT-UP. Rudolph Guilliani and fascism, etc.

Including: Glass House squat eviction, Subcommandante Marcos interview, ACT UP, Giuliani's daytime teen curfew, Haiti, Nixon obituary, cop watch, interview with Earth First! activist Darryl Cherney, Kurt Cobain death, women protest Grammy awards, etc.

Including: cops attack Memorial Day concert, cops attack Shadow journalists, transvestites and ACT UP Stonewall 25th anniversary protests, anti cop demo, ABC No Rio venue under threat, etc.

Including: FBI informant's role in WTC bombing, squatters protest at Community Board meeting, Antonio Pagan exposed, Clinton and the Contras, copwatch, California Food Not Bombs under attack, London and Netherlands travelogue including Claremont Road, etc.
It seems fairly well established that Al-Qaeda bombed the World Trade Center in 1993.
The headline to this issue refers to the testimony and tape recordings of FBI informant, Emad Salem, who stated that the FBI were aware of the bomb being made and could possibly have prevented it from being made. It does not seem clear that the FBI knew what the target of the bombing would be either.
So in my view the headline is misleading and sensationalist and unhelpfully opens up a world of conspiracy theories.
Yeah, I'll keep an eye on that side of it all. If the conspiracy stuff becomes more prominent than the reporting on local struggles in later issues, a rethink wil be necessary!

Including: 16,300 fire alarm boxes deactivated in New York City, 13th street squatter victory, Zapatistas, DEA corruption, graffiti, police brutality, Jerry Rubin obituary, etc.

Including: twelve hour eviction battle on Lower East Side, Oklahoma bombing, militant protest against University budget cuts, ABC No Rio eviction threat, cops attack Puerto Rican Day celebrations, resistance to Criminal Justice Bill in the UK, Militia movement - enemy or pawn of the state?, interview with former Black Panther Dhoruba Bin Ward, Mumia abu Jamal, subversive electronics, the internet, etc.

Including: drug/cop shootings, East 13th Street squatters. obituary for activist lawyer William Moses Kunstler, ABC No Rio faces eviction, pirate radio, Judi Bari and the FBI war against Earth First, critical history of the Village Voice, etc.

Including: real estate developers vs the people, Steal This Radio pirate radio collective. communications bill threatens first amendment, FBI vs Earth First!, Mumia Abu Jamal, transgressive art, phone phreaking, etc.

Including: cops attack squatters,/protestors/journalists, interview with a cop, NYC rent control up for review, San Francisco cannabis buyers club, Zapatistas, Terror Bill and civil liberties, Timothy Leary, etc.

Including: Contras/Nicaragua, Disney sweatshop protests, Republican anti-tenant laws, Latin America drug war, California timber war, Linda Twigg obituary, internet privatisation, medical marijuana, etc.

Including: illegal demolition of East Fifth Street squat, yuppies, NYC to secede from New York state, ABC No Rio eviction stalled, Mexico drug war, Allen Ginsbery obituary, Judi Bari obituary, etc.

Including: Lower East Side gardens threatened by yuppie condos. police brutality, Clinton Street vs landlord, William S Burroughs obituary, Andean drug war, CIA-contra-cocaine connection, interview with activist attorney, subversive electronics, etc.

Including: community gardens destroyed for condos, Giullani police state, tenants oppose deposits, Chiapas, Anthrax and Iraq, police vs California redwood protestors, actor Al Lewis (Munsters) interviewed, etc.

Including: Mumia appeal denied, land grab threatens community centre, Rudolf Giuliani's police state, Reclaim The Streets on Broadway, clampdown on sex workers, CBGBs raided by cops, Dos Blockos squat eviction, pirate radio, former DEA agent interviewed, etc.

Including: anti-WTO protets in Seattle, community garden defenders arrested, Reclaim The Streets in Times Square, Dos Blockos squat evicted, community radio lock out, deportations of political radicals, copwatch, anti Klan protests, interview with community activist Armando Perez, making 42nd street sleazy again, etc.

Including: 9/11 fallout and the war on terror (with some unhelpful conspiracy theorising), tenants campaign for rent law reform, GM food, $4.4 million compensation for Judi Bari cover up, interview with radical attorney Lynne Stewart, etc.
The cover of this issue has echoes of the one for #34 on which it was claimed that the FBI bombed the World Trade Center in 1993.
It is clear that on both occasions it was Al-Qaeda operatives who bombed the World Trade Center.

Including: Operation Homeland and domestic repression post 9-11, Don Yippie obituary, end of rent control, community gardens saved, squats survive yuppie onslaught, Bhopal settlement, etc.

Including: military-industrial complex, Rachel Corrie murdered by IDF, anti-war protests in NYC, Enron and the energy crisis, US company sold anthrax to Iraq, etc.

Including: CIA shifts focus to internal security, anti-war sectarianism, power company corruption and NYC blackout, Greg Palast, rubber bullets, bodily fluid testing, Seth Tobocman comic on NYC firefighters, mad cow disease, US and Haiti, etc.

Including: Bush appoints Honduras death squad supporter to key role, US election and electronic voting, Iraq war crimes, Ukraine crisis, journalist Gary Webb obituary, Republican convention, Seth Tobocman cartoon, surveillance, etc.
great stuff, thank you!
great stuff, thank you!
I'm stopping uploading theseā¦
I'm stopping uploading these at #50 I'm afraid. Things get a bit more conspiracy theoryish from then on, including several infamous 9/11 conspiracy theory films being sold as merch. The coverage of local struggles is still very good though. A shame.