French Schools

Submitted by jef costello on September 21, 2006

In France there is a much higher general level of militancy. Today I saw several schools (about 2/3) carrying banners claiming solidarity with "etudiants sans papiers" (sans papiers means undocumented and usually refers to those without official permission to stay in France.) One listed the names of students from the school at risk of deportation.
The banner on the Lycee on Fauborg St Denis was on the opposite side to a plaque commemorating the jewish children sent to death camps with the help of the Vicky government.
Lyceens (mostly 14-18 but some students as old as 21 on vocational courses) were heavily involved in the Anti-CPE protests, one of the most prominent was a [ur=]group of students in Belley [/url]who occupied their school for weeks and were eventually removed by riot police. This group also formed numerous blockades, often using 'flying blockades' (blockades lasting long enough to force a police mobilisation, but not long enough to let the police attack the blockade) to avoid the police.
Even younger children also attended most demos, they were not subjected to the same harsh treatment as the lyceens and the brutal treatment of older protesters. Cyril Ferez, for example, was put into a coma by the police, who then dragged his unconscious body around for more than ten minutes before eventually dumping him in the street, without even calling for an ambulance.



18 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 22, 2006

you should post in libcommunity that you're doing a blog.