The anarchist cookbook III: lifestylist goulash

Submitted by the button on December 7, 2006

50g of soya mince (hence the name of the dish), soaked in 500ml of vegetable stock for ½hr.

Meanwhile, finely chop an onion (or 4 shallots if you're a ponce like me), crush two garlic cloves, and finely slice (as thin as you can get it) a stick of celery. Heat up a small amount (about a tablespoon) of vegetable oil, and add a teaspoon of cumin seed. When it the seeds start to go brown, add the onion, garlic & celery, and soften over a low heat.

While that's happening, finely chop a pound of fresh tomatoes, cutting out the tough bit at the top. Add a dessert spoon of tomato puree to the pan, then two dessert-spoons of paprika (this sounds like a lot, but it's quite mild. For fuck's sake don't improvise and use chili powder instead though :eek:). Stir in, then add the tomatoes, and stir some more. Cook gently until the tomatoes have gone pulpy.

Chop 225g of veg of your choice -- I used baby courgettes last night (3 punnets for £1 off the market :cool:), but you could use carrot or sweet potato, or anything really. Then chop 200g of peppers -- I always use red ones. Add the veg to the pan, and stir until coated in tomato. Then add the soya mince & stock, season with pepper and stir well. Bring to the boil, then cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

While you're waiting, finely slice 100g of mushrooms. Add the mushrooms, then cover & simmer for another 25-30 minutes (depending on what veg you've used).

This is enough for two people with seconds.


the button

18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by the button on December 7, 2006

I bet no-one admits to trying this one, since that would entail an admission that you also eat soya mince. :D

Joseph Kay

18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on December 7, 2006

i don't know if i'll try this one, but i do eat soya mince 8-)

the button

18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by the button on December 7, 2006

Good lad.

JDMF probably does as well, but you'd need to double the quantities. ;)

Joseph Kay

18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on December 7, 2006

i think JDMF would just eat raw soya. by the plantation.

the button

18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by the button on December 7, 2006

Joseph Kay

18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on December 7, 2006

Ho Ho Ho!


18 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by martinh on January 17, 2007

Well I won't be trying this as I have a gut-wrenching aversion to soya mince. Sorry - it's indigestible stuff and what we used to put in burgers to make em rubbery when I worked in the meat factory. ;)

And I thought a proper goulash ought to include cream as well :D

