Kent Anarchist Group: 1 May Meeting Canterbury

Submitted by RPG on March 11, 2006

I am going to be optimistic and start a separate thread on the proposed meeting on May Day.

Here's my starter for ten for an agenda-

1. Introductions

2. Purpose of Group, frequency, location of meetings and name?

3. Local campaigns we might want to get involved in

4. Campaigns/actions we might want to start

5. Newsletter??

6. Groups we might want to link up with (students, local anti fash, hunt sabs etc.,)

7. AOB

There is still the small matter of a meeting place


18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on April 2, 2006

erm....I'm not exactly being overwhelmed by responses about a meeting either on the board, thru PM or via the advert I've put in Freedom in the last couple of issues (barcodegeneration being the honorable exception, although he cannot make May 1 - for good reasons).

After 135 years my football team have been promoted to the Premier League and May 1 is when they are going to do that really naff thing with the open top bus in I am happy to miss this (well not really but...) and meet up with Kent comrades but I think if we are going to be serious about meeting up we need to be clear that people are gonna be bothered. If May 1 isn't great then cool lets pick another date that people can make and if people aren't interested then fine, I guess individuals can still get invloved in general political stuff that is going on in the county.

Jacques Roux

18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Jacques Roux on April 22, 2006

Nice for trying though RPG... it seems like forever you have been trying to muster support for this idea ;)


18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on April 23, 2006

Odd thing is when I first moved to Kent there were two anarchist groups -Gavesend Resistance and East Kent Anarchists plus I think I DAM group around Dover...

Barcodegeneration is doing a Food Not Bombs demo in Maidstone on May Day so credit at least to him!


18 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by LiveFastDiarrea on April 26, 2006

1 may I can't make as I have exams the very next day, would have got back to you sooner about it but what with revision and work I've not had much time for to check the boards.

Chances are I wont be able to make any meetings after that either because of exams/moving back to essex, Damn students hey?

Black Flag

17 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Black Flag on September 28, 2006

Cool!I am sure I can make it.I will put that on my calender.Dunno if everyone is happy with the date though.Anyway, I will tell my anarchist mates and check if the date changes.


17 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Baboui on January 10, 2007

Well, this is really cute with these little tea party meetings and online forums. Let me ask have you ever seen the arse hole of society. I LIVE IN IT. Meeting and discussion do not mean jack shit. the time for talking is over. we need to sort out this backwards social structre and eradicate the problems within our society

Jason Cortez

17 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 11, 2007

by doing what exactly?


17 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by ftony on January 11, 2007

by doing what exactly?

shouting at strangers on an internet forum, apparently :roll:

the button

17 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by the button on January 11, 2007

Works for me. :cool:

Authored on
March 11, 2006