Forthcoming Attractions – September 2007

Submitted by MalFunction on May 30, 2007

These are all titles that have been announced by Turnaround Distributions in the UK. Some titles are from the USA and may be available before they are in the UK. Do check with the relevant publishers for more up-to-date information. Details may change between the date of initial announcement and final publication. Imported titles may change price due to exchange rate fluctuations.

Forthcoming Attractions – September 2007

Cockburn, Alexander & St. Clair, Jeffrey “End Times: the death of the Fourth estate” AK Press. 360pp £12.00

Davis, Mike & Monk, Daniel Bertrand “Evil Paradises: dreamworlds of neoliberalism” The New press. 352pp £16.99

Seabrook, Jeremy “The no-nonsense guide to world poverty” New Internationalist. 144pp £6.99

Van der walt, Lucien & Schmidt, Michael “Black Flame: the revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism” AK Press. 500pp £18.00

Zinn, Howard “The Unraveling of the Bush presidency” Seven Stories. 64pp £4.99


Rob Ray

17 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Rob Ray on May 30, 2007

Nice work Mal, might want to calm it down a bit though or you'll run out of stuff to write!

jef costello

17 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on May 30, 2007

exactly, it's my job to spam the blog section :)

good stuff though, might want to pace yourself a bit so they stay on the 'recent posts' thing for a bit, otherwise people are less likely to see them.


17 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by MalFunction on May 31, 2007

Thanks for feedback.

I've been storing up stuff for a blog like this so it might as well all be put in now.

Anyways, there'll be a gap now until some more material surfaces.
