Anti-Racism Rally Belfast 20 June

Submitted by Choccy on June 19, 2009

Anti-Racism Rally
20 June
City Hall

In response to the recent spate of attacks against Romanian families across Belfast.


15 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by PartyBucket on June 19, 2009

I cant be there, being on holiday...but right now I dont even want to come back to Belfast. Best wishes to all those who do show up.


15 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Choccy on June 20, 2009

no probs - hope youse are having fun :)


15 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Resurrection1916 on June 20, 2009

Loyalists recently sprayed Combat 18 graffiti on the graves of Irish martyrs. Loyalism and neo-nazi-ism go hand in hand. When Orangize stop joking about liking rangers and their "unionist identity" than we will be able to take their "anti-racism" seriously.

Submitted by Joseph Kay on June 20, 2009


Loyalists recently sprayed Combat 18 graffiti on the graves of Irish martyrs. Loyalism and neo-nazi-ism go hand in hand. When Orangize stop joking about liking rangers and their "unionist identity" than we will be able to take their "anti-racism" seriously.

but not when they spend several nights in the street defending a house full of immigrants from racist attacks? gotcha


15 years 1 month ago

In reply to by Joseph Kay

Submitted by Resurrection1916 on June 20, 2009

If these were "Catholics" being attacked Orangize would consider all defense "sectarian" (the fact that they label groups like the IRSP which is if anything going to far to reach out to the "protestant" working class shows for those who have eyes to see just how fucking sinister this organization is), they also consider protesting British militarism as sectarian. The offical National Front also played at being anti-racist in the 1980s. Organize is the seed of what will probably become a very dangerous fascist movement behind all their phoney "internationalist" rhetoric which in the end of the day boils down to being anti-anti-British imperialism.

Joseph Kay

15 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on June 20, 2009


Organize is the seed of what will probably become a very dangerous fascist movement

this is the point i deleted my rational, evidence-based, referenced response and lol'd :lol:

Submitted by Deezer on June 29, 2009


If these were "Catholics" being attacked Orangize would consider all defense "sectarian" (the fact that they label groups like the IRSP which is if anything going to far to reach out to the "protestant" working class shows for those who have eyes to see just how fucking sinister this organization is), they also consider protesting British militarism as sectarian. The offical National Front also played at being anti-racist in the 1980s. Organize is the seed of what will probably become a very dangerous fascist movement behind all their phoney "internationalist" rhetoric which in the end of the day boils down to being anti-anti-British imperialism.

Okay, I'll stop laughing for a bit to resond to this...

No, if Catholic homes were being attacked I do not think defence in itself would be sectarian (though some of the defenders might be) and Organise! have condemned attacks on the homes of Catholics, Protestants and immigrant workers as sectarian and racist respectively.

If anything your IRSP comment proves that at least some people in the IRSP are in fact saner than you.

If your problem with 'British' militarism is simply that its British and you don't actually oppose militarism in and of itself (and probably are one) then there is a problem with your anti-militarism. We are opposed to the militarism of the British state and all states and the militarism of loyalist and nationalist paramilitary organisations - all of which have been counted in the death, maiming, incarceration and suffering of working class people here and across the globe.

While the NF played at being 'anti-racist' they were always openly 'racialist'. Organise! is anti-racist and we do not believe that 'cultures' or 'racial' groups should have their 'purity' maintained, upheld or protected - we believe in class unity and fucking whoever you want (who is capable of and giving consent of course).

So, let me get this straight, basically because we are not Irish nationalists our anti-racism cannot be taken seriously and we are the "seed" of a very dangerous fascist movement. You are fucking mental. Organise! have a track record of confronting the far right in Ireland and we will continue to do so. We are internationalists and there is nothing phoney about that.

Submitted by PartyBucket on June 29, 2009


The offical National Front also played at being anti-racist in the 1980s.

Was there an unofficial National Front? Or a Provisional one?


7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Deezer on June 7, 2017

Fuck me - I'd forgotten about this! I think it may have just cured my hangover.


7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Rommon on June 9, 2017

For some reason among People in europe, it's some how OK to be racist against the Romani People ... the Things People say about them and more importantly the way the police treat them is disgusting.


6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on November 23, 2017

Couldn't agree more, Rommon.

I have posted quite frequently on the topic on the SPGB blogs.

"Second-class victims"

Authored on
June 19, 2009