revolution starts 06/02/2010

Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 9, 2010

Just to let you know the revolution will be on 6th Feb 2010 official






14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wheelersmum on January 19, 2010

@jason, and the best part is, i can do it again and again and again and again and again ... different name and site everytime. although i do like the free ones like facebook and youtube because it shows them that we know how to use their products against them. what could be more anti-capitalist then setting up mass protests "free of charge" ??

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 19, 2010

Which one/both as there were two was there not?

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 19, 2010

wheelersmum, what is this government-engineered virus you speak of? what is it called, what exactly does it do and who are the 10,000 people it supposedly killed? Are you sure this is not the plot of 28 Days Later?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wheelersmum on January 19, 2010

@Jason, yes, outside parliament and outside number 10. the main one was on parliament square, the same day though we had one outside the whitehouse, one in torronto, one in moscow and one where i was in berlin when bush sr and merkel came together to tell the world how great they were. the biggest one was the one on the 22nd of september - you would have loved to have been there, the police didnt have a clue what to do, there were red flags waving, black flags, green flags, yellow flags, rainbow coloured flags, it was unity ... beautiful.

@Tommy Ascaso - who woke you up ... ?? :P


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wheelersmum on January 19, 2010

@Vlad, again, let me educate you for a moment. im not going to tell you what to think, you read it for yourself and then YOU tell ME whether you think its some movie plot or not ... but do yourself a favour and read through them all. If you want a revolution, a real one, you're gonna have to come up with something better than capitalism vs communism. you're leaving all the other colours out. why not try capitalism vs surivival - and then you have everyone on your side ....

By the way, this new cluster of D225G (mutated H1N1), which is killing people at an astonishing rate is now present in Ukraine, Italy, Spain, India, Romania, Brazil and Moldovia and still spreading.

And again, if you arent fully sure whether our governments are involed in some "conspiracy" then maybe try and take it straight from the horses mouth ...


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wheelersmum on January 19, 2010

In fact, i dare anyone with half a brain who is present here to read through all the articles I just posted and tell me I dont have a decent reason for wanting to bring the government down ...

like i said, had they of rounded up 10.000 innocent people and shot them in the back of the head would that have made them any more fascist to you? would you then have started your revolution already?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wheelersmum on January 19, 2010

@wheeler. all those groups from geneva, athens and paris were on my profile, it was already all over their forums. that was just the start, i had prague, den hague, london, rome, berlin, copenhagen, istanbul and many other places taking part, all in two weeks and i could have done miracles with another 4 weeks, you gays fucked it up ...


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wheelersmum on January 19, 2010

@wheeler, no, just you, mate ... no one else, maybe Lumpen, but thats it mate ;)

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 19, 2010

I have read through all of those links and am now 100% convinced that the government is trying to kill us all with swine flu and/or the 1918 influenza virus. This is a fact.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 19, 2010


i could have done miracles

water into wine, that sort of thing?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wheelersmum on January 19, 2010

Vlad I just feel sorry for right now, I know he wants his moment where he can wave his flag high and proud, and i hope for him he gets it, but right now the only coloured flag hes waving is yellow. you, wheeler and lumpen, you came on my profile and destroyed it for no reason, when were supposed to be fighting the same common enemy. if you want to know whether i hate you or not, yeah, i suppose thats what you could call it, that combined with fucking pitty ..-.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wheelersmum on January 19, 2010

@vlad, no, marketing skills and knowing how to use the internet to your advantage, that and giving the people what they want, a time, a place and a motive ...


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wheelersmum on January 19, 2010

@vlad, hah, thanks for finally taking the time to wake up, well, maybe we should all go to sleep for another 2 years and see what happens, right? in fact, why dont we do this, everytime someone makes a go at standing up to these bastards and seems like hes doing a good job at it, why dont we go on their events page and paste a bunch of shit on there about "jew world order" and "dirty fucking hippies who need a job - real anti-capitalist view, right) and then we can really feel like were making a fucking difference right? fuck ya's. theres not one of you on here intelligent enough to even know just how hard the governments fucking you, and you want to start a revolution? hahahahaha ....

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 19, 2010

you, wheeler and lumpen, you came on my profile and destroyed it for no reason

for the record, I never came on your profile. I do that shit in private.
If anyone came, it was you, to this website, after Jason had posted a link to your little online revolution, and proceeded to act like a complete spastic simply because you have no sense of humour and don't understand sarcasm.
Are you still actually convinced that anyone on this board "called the cops" on you? FFS.

when were supposed to be fighting the same common enemy.

mate you just admitted you're not a communist and that you don't see things in terms of "capitalism vs. communism." I think it's fair to say that we are not fighting for or against the same stuff so spare me the whole UNITY IS STRENGTH bollocks.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Tojiah on January 19, 2010

This guy is sick, and you all are enabling him. Please ban him for using multiple accounts, bin this thread, and stop deriving pleasure from another person's mental illness.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wheelersmum on January 19, 2010

@Vlad, telling other groups that their effort isnt going to work when obviously it is working is silly, not humour. why not offer guidance and experience instead?

and about the unity? absolutly, anarchists, communists, veganarchists, a.c.a.b., antifa, redskins, gate7, gate9, gate13, a.l.f., truthers, anti-globalists, anti-capitalists, anarcho-punks, ska's, black bloc and anyone else that wants to make a stand to the government and what have you got ... here it comes ... a fucking revolution ... :)


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wheelersmum on January 19, 2010

treeofjudas, i could start on your mama, but i promised choccy i wouldnt ... sick of what?
i bet you didnt even read one article i just posted did you? pfffmmppf ... :)

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 19, 2010

Is the 22 sept one in Berlin in 2007? Is there a good overview of the events on the web? I have tried google but it is all fragmented and the 'official' site appears to just contain call outs.

Submitted by Choccy on January 19, 2010


also, I'd like to congratulate you for breaking Maloneyjohn09revolt68bobby's multiple accounts record.

you missed graham and micky5, but yes, well done to ACTNOW/DICKHEADS for breaking the multiple account record


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 19, 2010

I am really disappointed in ACTNOW/DICKHEADS/NAZILIBCOMADMINS/wheelersmum for stooping to both sexism and homophobia.

This Feb 6th revolution had real potential, but now I'm not sure if the kind of revolution I want at all!

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 19, 2010

The Freedom Not Fear events in London didn't bring out the crowds though. The fist one in 2008 only had about forty folks present, but at least it had some organisation and had a focus. The one in 2009 outside New Scotland Yard had less than a hundred and no flyers and little focus. If Foods Not Bombs had not turned up, you would of had a bunch of people standing around with no clear idea of to do, or even what slogans to shout. At least FNB meant it was a bit of a picnic.

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 19, 2010

You see how my protest released this thread from the bin, there is no stopping the revolution Now! That is if it is still happening??


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by 888 on January 19, 2010

fuck the illWHOminati

dickheads, have YOU read the links you posted? Because they don't really prove there's an overarching conspiracy to kill people using swine flu - for that you need to go to the mental asylum websites like prisonplanet.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 19, 2010

Fuck the New World Order! Bring back the Old World Order!


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by 888 on January 19, 2010

The 1917 Russian Revolution was disrupted by snide commenters from the sidelines who thought they knew better, too. That's how Stalin came to power.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 19, 2010

seriously before neoliberalism and globalization fucked everything up things were going great. Work was work, men were men, women were women.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on January 20, 2010

this is officially the best libcom thread, evar!


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Lumpen on January 20, 2010

For the record, I never posted anything on his FB profile or event page.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Fletcher on January 20, 2010

Why is the nutter blaming poor Weeler for ruining his Facebook event. I was the one who reported the content to Facebook and got it removed.

As someone who works in law enforcement it was my duty to do so.

Submitted by Farce on January 20, 2010


@Vlad, telling other groups that their effort isnt going to work when obviously it is working is silly, not humour. why not offer guidance and experience instead?

and about the unity? absolutly, anarchists, communists, veganarchists, a.c.a.b., antifa, redskins, gate7, gate9, gate13, a.l.f., truthers, anti-globalists, anti-capitalists, anarcho-punks, ska's, black bloc and anyone else that wants to make a stand to the government and what have you got ... here it comes ... a fucking revolution ... :)

You do realise that A.C.A.B. isn't actually an organisation, it's a statement?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Lumpen on January 20, 2010


Jesus fuck.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Fletcher on January 20, 2010

ALF? Feck he even has celebrities involved!


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Spassmaschine on January 20, 2010

The ICC are celebrities?

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 20, 2010

amazing how it reveals the conspiracy behind the plot to hide the conspiracy to... oh F*ck all that complicted stuff...we all knows that it was the Jews that done it, well at least the Sabatean ones anyhow. oh wait David Icke says they are just a front for some pan-dimensional alien beings who appear to be lizard like to our puny human eyes. There is only one solution to who is really telling the truth, a fight to the death. oh well that means ickey babes is going down in the first round, what with his passive resistance, shame that as he does do a nice line in the conspiracy behind the conspiracy merchandise.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by gypsy on January 20, 2010

Im convinced weeler and Mr Hadley work for the state. They are trying to get us locked up.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 20, 2010

and the obligatory

Submitted by 888 on January 21, 2010


Jesus, thats the most anti-semitic site ever, conspiracy theorisming taken to its ultimate conclusion. Alex Jones actually seems sane in comparison.

I bought this amazing t-shirt off his site and am now wearing it (although I removed the infowars shit). It's clear he's a crypto-socialist of some kind, as I can't imagine how that shirt could possibly be interpreted as being against expropriating the super-rich.

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 21, 2010

I bought this amazing t-shirt off his site and am now wearing it (although I removed the infowars shit). It's clear he's a crypto-socialist of some kind, as I can't imagine how that shirt could possibly be interpreted as being against expropriating the super-rich.

You have clearly outed yourself here as aligning yourself with ZOG in your attempt to confuse the general public of who actually is telling the truth.

Either that or you are dumb enough to actually contribute to one of the main reasons these guys do this sh*te in the first place, the money! :wall: :hand: :bb:


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Lumpen on January 21, 2010

I'm constructing a banner for the revolution. My favoured slogan is "No mums or gays. Truthers are okay. This is a serious revolution." What do you reckon? Needs more emoticons and ellipses?

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 21, 2010

What ALF gif?? where?? wwhy?? wwwhennn????////?/??/,lkzdsjnfrg' khn m`bzax ghdhljkhjk;fcxg' lhrd
T:FYLMG:@k 'fl;zhklj'fge5[h'g

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 21, 2010


Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 21, 2010


Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 21, 2010

where from?

Caiman del Barrio

14 years 5 months ago

In reply to by Jason Cortez

Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on January 21, 2010

Jason Cortez

where from?

Most of his material seems to come from 4-chan?

Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 21, 2010

Caiman del Barrio

Jason Cortez

where from?

Most of his material seems to come from 4-chan?

Do they charged for jokes not?

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 21, 2010

Just over two weeks until the great day.

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 22, 2010

Getting closer

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 23, 2010

Just two weeks to go to the glorious day.

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 23, 2010

or maybe not, is this revolution canceled? Does anyone know for sure? I understand that it being canceled may be a ruse to deceive the authorities, but it has also thrown confusion into the ranks of the revolutionaries.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Alf on January 23, 2010

If the Jews run the world, how come Tottenham are so shit?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on January 23, 2010

If the Jews run the world, how come Tottenham are so shit?

Deception. They're trying to come off as not being too powerful.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Alf on January 23, 2010

can't they just win one FA cup without the goyim getting suspicious?

Wellclose Square

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Wellclose Square on January 23, 2010

Or as I'm told was chanted at White Hart Lane after the Broadwater Farm riot - 'Shouldn't have messed with the Yids'.

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 24, 2010

Meet up at Canary Wharf, is the latest rumor. Surely another ruse?

Wellclose Square

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Wellclose Square on January 24, 2010

I love ruses.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by PartyBucket on January 24, 2010

I just got home to find a letter from my car insurance company, saying that my policy expires on Feb 6th. The deal I got last year was cos they had an agreement with UNITE, which does not apply this year. In short, the new policy is pretty extortionate, and Im not sure I can afford it. So, I need this revolution to happen (Im assuming it will do away with the need for insurance).
So, as a favour to me, can everyone get on board with ActNow/DICKHEADS/Naziadmins/Weelersmum/Whatsthepoint/etc?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by no1 on January 25, 2010

Notch - You're in luck, it's back on! already 560 people coming to overthrow the governent, all over the world:


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by gypsy on January 25, 2010

He has 1,541 friends.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 25, 2010

I have a feeling the waffen-libcom ss already CALLED THE COPS ON FELLOW PROTESTORS.

Armchair Anarchist

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Armchair Anarchist on January 25, 2010

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 26, 2010


* John Hadley (creator)
* Omega Man Ω
* El Toro
* Nuffrespect Albert
* Punko Rebellion
* Rave Heart
* Antifascist Antinazi
* Shadowz Antifascist
* Joey Ramone
* Black Flag
* Punk Antinazi Punko
* Dabl Trabl
* Che Ernesto

:r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r:
:r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r:

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 26, 2010

Ah, the stainless steel deer with the big fuck off useless key. I know of no better symbol for "anti-capitalism."


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Lumpen on January 26, 2010

Maybe it's not a key, maybe it's some sort of futuristic laser rifle.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 26, 2010

I thought it was flipping a skateboard at first.

Submitted by Farce on January 26, 2010



* John Hadley (creator)
* Omega Man Ω
* El Toro
* Nuffrespect Albert
* Punko Rebellion
* Rave Heart
* Antifascist Antinazi
* Shadowz Antifascist
* Joey Ramone
* Black Flag
* Punk Antinazi Punko
* Dabl Trabl
* Che Ernesto

:r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r:
:r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r:

I can't believe you'd miss out Carmen V. Vegana, Carmen V. VeganFight and Carmen V. Forthepets. And HighOn PritstickRecords, for that matter.

Submitted by Fletcher on January 26, 2010

I sent the organiser of this February Revolution a message on FACEBOOK. I was concerned that he was a bit of a mentalist and needed help. I got a very long reply back from him outlining his world vision and I am sure you will all see from reading some select parts of his message that he is completely sane and no doubt 6th February (his birthday) will be the dawn of a new world era.

He has convinced me! So come on comrades lets all join John and all the punks, skas, truthers, anarcho-plumbers and vegi-butchers in this fine endeavour.


i have best friends in higer places than you. they managed to obtain land from NATO, claim their own independance through law, and now have a sovereign right to it, the only real anarchist nation on the planet ... they have a 10.000m2 bunker in there fitted out with every part of technology which you can imagine, even has a nice swimming pool in there for relaxation ... you just dont get the picture here. the funny thing is, the prince of this nation is gay hes my best friend, you calling me a homophobe is quite amusing to him :)

your problem is that all youve done in your life is read up on revolution and taken other peoples words for it. and if any of them would have been correct they would have won their revolution already and it would still be working. why dont you get your head out of your books, away from your screen and actually do something about the problem in the place where it can only be changed ... out on the street ;) you are welcome to join, but you dont have to. it would be stupid not to, in denmark 2000 people, in greece 2000 people, in tel aviv 2000 people, in belgrade 1000 people, in switzerland 1000 people, in turkey 300 hardcore anarchists, in australia 100s more, in france 100s more, in spain 100s more, in macedonia 100s more. when the hell do you think you are ever going to get international support like this again? NEVER ! because you all go for your own agendas. and cant understand that were fighting the same enemy, so lets get rid of the enemy first and then we can sort out our differences later, but you lot are too stupid to see that. With a few thousand people in every major city around the world, thats enough to start a succesful revolution, but it will never happen in the UK, because you lot are waiting for the millions of people to wake up who are more bothered right now about finding work and paying their rent then they are listening to you. You shouldnt miss this opportunity, mate, this isnt my demonstration, this is everyones, if you want to take part and wave your flag you are welcome to, we could always use your help. but you could use ours too, because right now you have thousands of people by your side all over the world, a global strike, and no, they arent all on the facebook page, many wont even go on there anymore because you lot keep copying and pasting their names on your forum, but they mail me still. the others are all members of groups with thousands of other members who have all agreed to take part. Dont be an idiot and miss this opportunity ;)

weve been on this planet for over 13.000 years without any system in place but that of nature, you wake up, you eat, you shit, maybe you have some sex if youre lucky and you go back to sleep again. you know, whats all this about a system? only deluded people actually need one, I know how to take care of myself. Im an anarchist mate, dont have a passport, no taxes, no social security number, no contracts, no mobile, no home i rent, no bank account, no car, no health insurance, nothing which ties me into the system and ive lived a fucking better life than most. what about you? when was the last time you paid taxes and funded a war? when was the last time you gave the banks your money?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 26, 2010

he has HUNDREDS of people in countries of millions
and those 100s are REAL

Less than 0.0005% of the population of Turkey IS NO LAUGHING MATTER!

I am so psyched for this revolution. I have never seen one, it's going to be great craic.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Fletcher on January 26, 2010

Do you think if its good craic he will organise one for my birthday too?

And where is this anarchist country with the massive underground bunker with all the high tech stuff AND a swimming pool AND a gay prince as head of state? Sounds just like the kind of society our leader John is going to create for us.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by dee on January 26, 2010

I'm a bit concerned for the future of the revolution - historically, those leaders who rely on bunkers tend to meet sticky ends.

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 26, 2010




* John Hadley (creator)
* Omega Man Ω
* El Toro
* Nuffrespect Albert
* Punko Rebellion
* Rave Heart
* Antifascist Antinazi
* Shadowz Antifascist
* Joey Ramone
* Black Flag
* Punk Antinazi Punko
* Dabl Trabl
* Che Ernesto

:r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r:
:r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: :r:

I can't believe you'd miss out Carmen V. Vegana, Carmen V. VeganFight and Carmen V. Forthepets. And HighOn PritstickRecords, for that matter.

Those are a Gang of Four I hear; I wouldn't throw my lot in with them


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by whatajoke on January 26, 2010

The message which was sent to by today by Fletch was this.

"I will see you tonight John.
Its ok we know where you will be. Take care"

you dont think thats a little sad? ;) First, calling you guys a bunch of fags does NOT make me a homophobe. It just means what it means, that you guys are indeed a bunch of fags, second not once have I ever mentioned anything racist in any of my comments so accusing me of this is rather pathetic.

This is what the rest of the world thinks about all of you. I must agree and so do most other people I speak to. Dinosaurs trying to jerk each other off. All a bunch of lies and a pathetic obsessive hate campaign aimed at me rather than the government.

"Ignore the naysayers... most of them are middle class, pseudo intellectuals who live on government grants or social security provided by the taxes imposed on the real working class. They are shit scared that people will actually DO ANYTHING... because it would expose them as the parasites they truly are... endlessly spouting empty sympathetic words to those who are carrying the real weight.

What you are doing is a contribution... this will be a long, hard struggle to destroy the centralised administrative, financial, military and propaganda wings of the oligarchs who seem to be under the impression that they are our masters. Time to teach them a lesson in manners and at the same time take back the common land that has been stolen from the people, not just in this country but around the world. Also to re-establish the common law which is our real heritage, not their statutory bullshit that creates laws that enslave the real people.

Smash the system anyway you can!!!! "

And those people you are laughing at, are todays working class. The ones you are going to hope that one day stand by your side and fight, I wonder if they still think the same way after reading all your comments.

And Fletch, next time you ever threaten me, it best be to my face you little fag. Again, calling you a fag does NOT make me a homophobe, not unless there is something which you havent told the rest of the group here yet, Fletch ;)

Submitted by antisystem on January 26, 2010

you cant oppress people either. What education do you have?
Who are you to sit there and judge others who want a better world.

Submitted by antisystem on January 26, 2010

your idiotic post and speech bytes says all about your mentality.
Absolultely pointless comment with a whole lot of nothing.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 26, 2010


First, calling you guys a bunch of fags does NOT make me a homophobe. It just means what it means, that you guys are indeed a bunch of fags



14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by whatajoke on January 26, 2010

Exactly, I would like to see how many people Libscam have on their side ...

Again, here i find a beautiful quote from someone who has managed to descibe you guys down to a T.

Ignore the naysayers... most of them are middle class, pseudo intellectuals who live on government grants or social security provided by the taxes imposed on the real working class. They are shit scared that people will actually DO ANYTHING... because it would expose them as the parasites they truly are... endlessly spouting empty sympathetic words to those who are carrying the real weight.

What you are doing is a contribution... this will be a long, hard struggle to destroy the centralised administrative, financial, military and propaganda wings of the oligarchs who seem to be under the impression that they are our masters. Time to teach them a lesson in manners and at the same time take back the common land that has been stolen from the people, not just in this country but around the world. Also to re-establish the common law which is our real heritage, not their statutory bullshit that creates laws that enslave the real people.

Smash the system anyway you can!!!!

You guys are actually milking the system anyway you can and you would hate it if anyone made a serious attempt to bring it down, be honoust to your members, how much money DID you get from the government this year? You people are the enemies of freedom. Its good to see that there are many others out there who see it too. Keep laughing at us, you are losing more members and we are gaining more support. Thank you for your amazing contribution ;)

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 26, 2010



LOL! Jesus, John where do you come up with this stuff? IT'S GOLD!


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by whatajoke on January 26, 2010

I mentioned this because you guys spammed my board trying to say that Im a homophobe which is obviously not true, just like all the other bullshit claims youve had about me. The truth is this ... And she describes you lot so well ;)

Ignore the naysayers... most of them are middle class, pseudo intellectuals who live on government grants or social security provided by the taxes imposed on the real working class. They are shit scared that people will actually DO ANYTHING... because it would expose them as the parasites they truly are... endlessly spouting empty sympathetic words to those who are carrying the real weight.

What you are doing is a contribution... this will be a long, hard struggle to destroy the centralised administrative, financial, military and propaganda wings of the oligarchs who seem to be under the impression that they are our masters. Time to teach them a lesson in manners and at the same time take back the common land that has been stolen from the people, not just in this country but around the world. Also to re-establish the common law which is our real heritage, not their statutory bullshit that creates laws that enslave the real people.

Smash the system anyway you can!!!!

This fully explains the hate campaign you jerks aimed at me now rather than at the government, im receiving mail after mail from groups taking part on the 6th.

2000 in denmark on the 6th of Feb.

You guys really dont want to do anything about bringing the system down, why would you, the governments paying for your shitty middle class lifestyles ;) No wonder you hate me so much, Im honoured - you guys could have contacted every group you knew and asked them to join, but you didnt, you took it out on me when everyone else pulled together to make this work. YOU LOT ARE LIVING OFF THE SYSTEM AND CONSIDER ME A THREAT !! HAHA - I LOVE IT, consider me an enemy guys and fuck the lot of you, maybe the system wont fall on the 6th, but goddamn it were going to try our best. DEAL WITH IT !! ;)


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by whatajoke on January 26, 2010

I love it, can I just quote her once more, she really does nail everyone of you guys, by the way, this is not considered as spam, im just repeating something to get the full impact of it, no need to delete me admin ;)

Ignore the naysayers... most of them are middle class, pseudo intellectuals who live on government grants or social security provided by the taxes imposed on the real working class. They are shit scared that people will actually DO ANYTHING... because it would expose them as the parasites they truly are... endlessly spouting empty sympathetic words to those who are carrying the real weight.

What you are doing is a contribution... this will be a long, hard struggle to destroy the centralised administrative, financial, military and propaganda wings of the oligarchs who seem to be under the impression that they are our masters. Time to teach them a lesson in manners and at the same time take back the common land that has been stolen from the people, not just in this country but around the world. Also to re-establish the common law which is our real heritage, not their statutory bullshit that creates laws that enslave the real people.

Smash the system anyway you can!!!!


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by whatajoke on January 26, 2010

ahem, just once more ... I might make this my new profile quote :P

Ignore the naysayers... most of them are middle class, pseudo intellectuals who live on government grants or social security provided by the taxes imposed on the real working class. They are shit scared that people will actually DO ANYTHING... because it would expose them as the parasites they truly are... endlessly spouting empty sympathetic words to those who are carrying the real weight.

What you are doing is a contribution... this will be a long, hard struggle to destroy the centralised administrative, financial, military and propaganda wings of the oligarchs who seem to be under the impression that they are our masters. Time to teach them a lesson in manners and at the same time take back the common land that has been stolen from the people, not just in this country but around the world. Also to re-establish the common law which is our real heritage, not their statutory bullshit that creates laws that enslave the real people.

Smash the system anyway you can!!!!

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 26, 2010

"she" is pretty spot on there yes. The revolution must get rid of all the parasites who benefit from the system through welfare cheques and government grants. The only problem is that that is most people, but the revolution doesn't care, because it is OVER 9000 strong and still counting I believe.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by gypsy on January 26, 2010

John I know you work for the state. Whats with the fucking nike symbol and just do it though?

Submitted by Farce on January 26, 2010


This is what the rest of the world thinks about all of you. I must agree and so do most other people I speak to. Dinosaurs trying to jerk each other off.

Libcom=pterodactyl porn?

I love it, can I just quote her once more, she really does nail everyone of you guys.

But how can she nail us if we're fags? I'm confused.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 26, 2010

somebody photoshop a black and red Barney having a wank plz; I'm too lazy.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 26, 2010

even better!

Submitted by jesuithitsquad on January 26, 2010


weve been on this planet for over 13.000 years

are you a creationist? we have been on THIS planet for a few more years than that, idiot.

Clearly, he means the leaders of the revolution, who all have incredibly long life-spans thanks to the amazing technology in THE ANARCHIST BUNKER.

Yorkie Bar

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Yorkie Bar on January 26, 2010

thread is now about THE ANARCHIST BUNKER


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Antieverything on January 26, 2010

Holy shit! This is the best thing ever!

Seriously, these idiots realize that the government has lots of guns, right?

I'd like to see the schedule for this event...what time do they intend to go home? You can't just 'revolution' forever! I'm also rather enjoying the mental image of everyone going to work in the city (just like every other day) while 20-30 masked punks attempt to riot in each of a handful of cities. I hope that they at least set up a slip-n-slide or something fun!

Yorkie Bar

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Yorkie Bar on January 26, 2010

these idiots realize that the government has lots of guns

But does the government realise that these 'idiots' have a 10.000m2 bunker in there fitted out with every part of technology which you can imagine?

Submitted by Choccy on January 27, 2010


they have a 10.000m2 bunker in there fitted out with every part of technology which you can imagine, even has a nice swimming pool in there for relaxation ...

Much as I support this revolution uncritically, you realise 10m2 is about the size of a bedroom right? Putting decimal places after it won't change that John.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Deezer on January 27, 2010

Argh, Choccy beat me to it!

When will this mentalness end????


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 27, 2010

I assume it will end on Feb 6th when we will awake in a world free of all hierarchy, oppression, slavery and exploitation.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Deezer on January 27, 2010

Choccy- Yes, I sincerely hope so. However if the revolution fails and we have to seek refuge on anarchy island I am worried that even a movement as small as ours will not be adequately catered for in a 10m2 bunker :( I am also worried the fag (not homophobe!) prince will be a despot...

Weeler - who the fuck knows what age the earth is I mean how do you even know you had grand-parents maaan ;)

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 27, 2010


I assume it will end on Feb 6th when we will awake in a world free of all hierarchy, oppression, slavery and exploitation.

Oh come on! hierarchy too? What will we JAILERS OF THE MIND do?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Lumpen on January 27, 2010

John Hadley, Duke of Anarchy

Again, calling you a fag does NOT make me a homophobe, not unless there is something which you havent told the rest of the group here yet…

That might be my new profile quote.

I am also really curious about the gay prince of the anarchist NATO bunker who is best friends with an off-the-grid mentalist creationist homophobe. How did they meet? What do they talk about?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Antieverything on January 27, 2010


Yorkie Bar

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Yorkie Bar on January 27, 2010

if the revolution fails and we have to seek refuge on anarchy island I am worried that even a movement as small as ours will not be adequately catered for in a 10m2 bunker

I'm not sure there'll be room, what with every part of technology crammed in there too.

All in all, we'd better hope the revolution doesn't fail. We can but hope facebook will succeed where two centuries of workers' self-organisation has thus far struggled in vain.

Submitted by 888 on January 27, 2010



they have a 10.000m2 bunker in there fitted out with every part of technology which you can imagine, even has a nice swimming pool in there for relaxation ...

Much as I support this revolution uncritically, you realise 10m2 is about the size of a bedroom right? Putting decimal places after it won't change that John.

John Hadley is secretly a continental European

Yorkie Bar

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Yorkie Bar on January 27, 2010

BTW, this guy *is* a troll rite? I mean, just being srs for a mo. here...


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Antieverything on January 27, 2010

I think we've all seen enough full mental to know what it looks like.

It looks like this.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Antieverything on January 27, 2010

...I'm not too worried though seeing as I recently took a trip to the gun show.

(btw, do the Europeans/Brits/Brits-as-far-as-I'm-concerned really know what a gun show entails?)

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 27, 2010

nah, it's more like this:


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by 888 on January 27, 2010

http://www.davidicke. com/forum/showthread.php?s=9c81f9cc7dabecd1b1032e7ad0cc10a3&t=98630

admin - hostile link broken


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Fletcher on January 27, 2010

Deezer will you guys be having the revolution in Belfast?

Was thinking that we could have one up here in Derry but 1.30pm isn't a great time for me as I have to take one of the wains to swimming at 2.00pm. If you have a belfast one could you send a few comrades up here via Ulsterbus and have one here too. I am worried that there might not be enough of us here and the police might not let us take over the city unless there are at least a dozen.

We don't want to be the only city in the world left being ruled by capitalists after the great day.

Yorkie Bar

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Yorkie Bar on January 27, 2010

Just... amazing.

adam the chivalric

the fact is his back on facebook and their is a calander date for 6th feb revolution over 900 truthers hav already said yes to appear including me, His username is now*********, He is putting the word out loud, it aint his fault that people havent bothered taking noticed and not given any announcement on websites, he wants all of us to finnaly [sic] stand together at the capitols [sic]. I'm not sure what to expect on the date will people turn up? be brutality? whatever happens I want to be their I see it as a big chance to have us in the headlines instead of us being sniped of on T.V as a minor physcological [sic] missfits. This will get other people to look into what people like us see in our everyday lives, It should make us stronger! But yes i'm still unsure what it will all intell!

I like this one because of the "lolwut?!" twist in the tail:


Even if 900 truthers turn up then what? Nothing will really be positive in the media it will all be twisted.
It will give the ptb a chance to single people out. Also to make certain people known.
There will be many undercover policemen etc to provoke the demo so there mates can charge in.

Better to organise awareness/truth festivals



Govt = violent.

Me = anarchist (ie. anti-govt).

me = anti-violent.
(do the math!)

If you read the thread, phildee3 goes on to have a massive hissyfit at John for daring to suggest that people might want to fight back if they get beaten up by the cops. Also, this:


Spoken like a true politician!
I bet you'll be tucked in nicely in your safe little bunker counting your bonus.



john connor

Fair play to anyone who organises and gets more active, shame on those who sit back and watch...seriously HOW F***** LONG DO YOU THINK WE REALLY HAVE?? The truth is the 'TRUTH' movement is as un United as the rest of the Human race..we need to UNITE and become the Resistance for real.....Doing nothing is not an option..sitting on the fence is not an option...IF we do not get our voices heard....then shame on all of us.....explain to your kids that you were that enlightened that you didn't need to do anything...



What are your thoughts on 9/11 and 7/7?
Do you think we ar ebeing lied to?
If so, what makes you think that?

I genuinely don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I mean, who are these retards?

Submitted by Fletcher on January 27, 2010

john connor

explain to your kids that you were that enlightened that you didn't need to do anything...

No way! Please someone tell me that none of these nutters are actually responsible for looking after children!

Who has the number for social services?

Submitted by Farce on January 27, 2010


Deezer will you guys be having the revolution in Belfast?

Was thinking that we could have one up here in Derry but 1.30pm isn't a great time for me as I have to take one of the wains to swimming at 2.00pm. If you have a belfast one could you send a few comrades up here via Ulsterbus and have one here too. I am worried that there might not be enough of us here and the police might not let us take over the city unless there are at least a dozen.

We don't want to be the only city in the world left being ruled by capitalists after the great day.

It's perfectly simple, instructions are on the event:

just go to Parliament Square in Derry and show them a night of mayhem at 1.30, that's all you need to do!!

Caiman del Barrio

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on January 27, 2010

A night? I thought this was at 1.30pm? Will the The Artist Formerly Known as Gay Prince do a full Sean Connery/Mr Burns and destroy the sun from his safe little bunker on Anarchyland?

Submitted by Fletcher on January 27, 2010


It's perfectly simple, instructions are on the event:

just go to Parliament Square in Derry and show them a night of mayhem at 1.30, that's all you need to do!!

Hold on here! A night of mayhem at 1.30pm in the afternoon??? Does this mean this revolution lark is going to take all day and night? I am going out that night to a pub quiz with my da and I have been quite looking forward to it. What kind of fecking revolution is going to take that long. I thought the anarchy would be installed by at least tea time.

And another thing we don't really have a financial district in Derry. I suppose we could gather around the ATM machine down in Waterloo place but that is a favoured haunt of the local street drinkers and some of them are quite scary.

I really don't think this revolution has been well thought out at all.

Caiman del Barrio

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on January 27, 2010

The best thing about that photo is the bar in the background.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Farce on January 27, 2010

Is it a traditional Irish American-Irish-themed-pub-themed-pub or something?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by petey on January 27, 2010

so in ireland, there are american bars

Caiman del Barrio

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on January 27, 2010

TBF, the name alone displays an alarming level of candour.

Submitted by 888 on January 27, 2010


http://www.davidicke. com/forum/showthread.php?s=9c81f9cc7dabecd1b1032e7ad0cc10a3&t=98630

admin - hostile link broken

That thread already has a link to this libcom thread within it, that's why I didn't bother breaking the link.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by gypsy on January 27, 2010

David Icke in Shellsuit talking to Wogan.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by antisystem on January 27, 2010

(wonders where the iq has gone and why so many pro government supporters hang out here) OH YEAH, DISINFORMATION AND A MISLED POPULACE.
Go away government trolls. I can see right through you,.

Joseph Kay

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on January 27, 2010


pro government supporters hang out here


Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 27, 2010


Your cover is blown. Subcomediante John Hadley knows about you. You can still read the forum though. Seriously.

Submitted by Fletcher on January 28, 2010

John Hadley



"Ignore the naysayers... most of them are middle class, pseudo intellectuals who live on government grants or social security provided by the taxes imposed on the real working class. They are shit scared that people will actually DO ANYTHING... because it would expose them as the parasites they truly are... endlessly spouting empty sympathetic words to those who are carrying the real weight.

What you are doing is a contribution... this will be a long, hard struggle to destroy the centralised administrative, financial, military and propaganda wings of the oligarchs who seem to be under the impression that they are our masters. Time to teach them a lesson in manners and at the same time take back the common land that has been stolen from the people, not just in this country but around the world. Also to re-establish the common law which is our real heritage, not their statutory bullshit that creates laws that enslave the real people.

Smash the system anyway you can!!!!"



- by the way, the guy called Ian Bone that just came on here is NOT the real Ian Bone, I have been in touch with the real Ian Bone and I can assure you its not him. This just goes to show how sad, sneaky and pathetic those Libcom members actually are and what they are prepared to do. Impersonating someone else just to go and spam a messaging board full of rubbish? Pathetic ... you know, you could call me paranoid, but it sure does look like these people are working FOR the government and NOT against it! :D


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Fletcher on January 28, 2010

Its on the FACEBOOK event front page.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 28, 2010

look at the times:

"London: Canary Wharf @ 13.30
Berlin: Pariser Platz @ 13.30
Paris: La Défense @ 13.30
Rome: Via Veneto @ 13.30
Athens: You guys dont need any help ;) @ 13.30
Geneva: Rue de mont Blanc @ 13.30
Barcelona: Plaza de Catalunya @ 13.30
Amsterdam: Damrak @ 13.30
Grenoble: World Trade Center @ 13.30 (pre-meeting @13.00 - Place de Verdun)
Macedonia: Bitola City @ 13.30
Belgrade: TRG Nikole Pasica @ 13.30
Denmark, Århus, Rådhuspladsen @ 14.00
New York: Wall Street @ 13.30
Los Angeles: Figueroa Street @ 13.30 (
Perth: Parliament of Western Australia Perth City @ 13.30
Istanbul: Tunel Meydani @ 13:30
Mexico: Monumento Alvaro Obregon a rectoria @ 13.30
Sydney: city center @ 13.30
Tel Aviv: Rothschild Boulevard @ 13.30 - hmmmm..."

A few questions:
- why 13.30?
- they are different timezones so they won't be revolutioning at the same time, why?
- why is Denmark starting at 14.00 and not 13.30? 'sorry LEADERJOHNHADLEY, I am working til 13.30, can we push the revolution back half an hour?'

Submitted by Deezer on January 28, 2010


Deezer will you guys be having the revolution in Belfast?

Was thinking that we could have one up here in Derry but 1.30pm isn't a great time for me as I have to take one of the wains to swimming at 2.00pm. If you have a belfast one could you send a few comrades up here via Ulsterbus and have one here too. I am worried that there might not be enough of us here and the police might not let us take over the city unless there are at least a dozen.

We don't want to be the only city in the world left being ruled by capitalists after the great day.

Of course we'd be glad to help out with the revolution in Derry, especially as the local PSNI up there seem to use water pistols against bricks. Boosting your numbers to a dozen without making ours lower than a dozen might be tricky though. I agree with you that we couldn't take either Belfast or Derry over without at least a dozen in each.

We were tempted to give the WSM a shout to help and make this a joint revolutionary effort but fear that, like our proposed joint solidarity action with FAU-Berlin they'll agree, and then claim the revolution as their own.

That pub quiz sounds good though - we could have an old fashioned 'show of strength'/take the stage to announce the success of the revolution fire some shots in the air, declare that all the beer is now free and get a team entered.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 28, 2010

FAQ: So just who are Libcom?
The truth behind the Revolution's Doubting Thomases

Who are they?
The libcom group runs an online resource site, which was founded several years ago under the guise of The site was founded by leader 'Steven', a local government worker, and life-partner 'Gav', a male-nurse.

Who else is in the group?
There are many peripheral members. One of their most vocal members is public mouthpiece 'Jack'. Former punk Jack also works for local government, while other members are 'city workers' and twats. Former site moderator and self-professed 'intellectual heavyweight' JoeK was suspended for 12-months from the group for 'race-hate' attacks in 2009 after an online outburst about 'black vaginas'.

Stance on paedophilia
The site's supposed stance against 'child abuse' is suspected as a foil for the intention of prominent members to archive the 1970s correspondence of the Paedophile Information Exchange, a now-disbanded group of 'man-boy love' advocates. The one they call 'Jack' is currently thought to be digitising almost 10 years of PIE's correspondence with the help of a russian paedophile.

Why do they hate revolution? Aren't most of them anarchists?
You'd be forgiven for thinking the group's intentions were pro-working class. However, as REVOLUTION LEADER JOHNHADLEY has noted, their behaviour suggests anything but. Many of the group members are suspected state-assets. One, a medical doctor they call 'Pingtiao', harbours fantasies of being 'the next Shipman', while City worker 'Tommy Ascaso' was recorded in a secret telephone conversation confessing "I don't care about anarchy, me and my city boys are in the middle of a massive pyramid scheme, when the whole thing collapses I'll be running away with whatever's left and leaving this anarchy business behind. Sure i was working during G20, I LOVE banks, why would I be against them?'

Submitted by Choccy on January 28, 2010


We were tempted to give the WSM a shout to help and make this a joint revolutionary effort but fear that, like our proposed joint solidarity action with FAU-Berlin they'll agree, and then claim the revolution as their own.

what a bunch of mental bastards

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 28, 2010

To adminazis, I now claim my right to join your select elite band (on a lower status,I know, but it will have to do.). Well this thread has now run to well over five hundred pots, so I claim my prize! That is right, under the rule established by 'Custom and Practice' that any poster whose thread runs to five hundred posts shall receive 'FULL MODERATION RIGHTS'. I expect prompt delivery of said rights. Yours Jason Cortez (FULL MODDER)

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 28, 2010

My thread was saved from the bin, by the popular power of the peoples protest, whilst yours remained in the bin due it having almost no support besides me. Now you stab me in the back! You are just jealous because the student has now become the master. Fear me Wheeler and my FULL MODDING POWERS. This betrayal will not be forgotten or forgiven.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 28, 2010

I repeatedly rescued Weeler's thread from the bin.

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 28, 2010

I know how annoying you find it, almost as bad ad Jeff I believe. Yes that is true but even with your FULL MODDING POWERS you unable to over come adminazis as you wHeeler lacks the practical popular support amongst the base of the masses like I do.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 28, 2010

it was a good BIN WAR

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 28, 2010


FAQ: So just who are Libcom?
The truth behind the Revolution's Doubting Thomases

Who are they?
The libcom group runs an online resource site, which was founded several years ago under the guise of The site was founded by leader 'Steven', a local government worker, and life-partner 'Gav', a male-nurse.

Who else is in the group?
There are many peripheral members. One of their most vocal members is public mouthpiece 'Jack'. Former punk Jack also works for local government, while other members are 'city workers' and twats. Former site moderator and self-professed 'intellectual heavyweight' JoeK was suspended for 12-months from the group for 'race-hate' attacks in 2009 after an online outburst about 'black vaginas'.

Stance on paedophilia
The site's supposed stance against 'child abuse' is suspected as a foil for the intention of prominent members to archive the 1970s correspondence of the Paedophile Information Exchange, a now-disbanded group of 'man-boy love' advocates. The one they call 'Jack' is currently thought to be digitising almost 10 years of PIE's correspondence with the help of a russian paedophile.

Why do they hate revolution? Aren't most of them anarchists?
You'd be forgiven for thinking the group's intentions were pro-working class. However, as REVOLUTION LEADER JOHNHADLEY has noted, their behaviour suggests anything but. Many of the group members are suspected state-assets. One, a medical doctor they call 'Pingtiao', harbours fantasies of being 'the next Shipman', while City worker 'Tommy Ascaso' was recorded in a secret telephone conversation confessing "I don't care about anarchy, me and my city boys are in the middle of a massive pyramid scheme, when the whole thing collapses I'll be running away with whatever's left and leaving this anarchy business behind. Sure i was working during G20, I LOVE banks, why would I be against them?'

Good denunciation.

Joseph Kay

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on January 28, 2010

the madness hits indymedia


The members of the Libcom community have actively engaged in a hate campaign against this event. They are spending every spare moment they have going around the internet spamming rubbish on this event, they have reported me to facebook meaning that I can no longer upate any of the members of times and locations and they are doing all they can to get in the way of this.

I hope this event listing stays live on Indymedia so that everyone who reads it right now can see what their true nature is, nothing more but government puppets trying to keep the revolution of the people away from where it should be, on the streets. To not agree with my choice of action is one thing, to ignore me or laugh at me is another. But to spend a full time job on going around the internet and boycotting an ANTI-GOVERNMENT demo is completely sick! Please, if anyone is reading this, I need your help. This event is receiving great support from everyone around the world and I have received many mails to say that the people in other countries will stand up on the 6th of Feb in unity with you under the flag of freedom. If the UK is not prepared to stand up with all other countries it will send out the wrong message to the world. If there are any groups who you know of, any sites which you know you can contact, please send them all an invitation to the event and allow us to rise up together.

And Libcom, from this moment on wards I will do everything which is in my power to expose you for the traitors you are. I still have every posting you have made, every comment you have written and every threat you have sent me. There will be a web site going live soon, and I will make sure that every activist group around the world gets to see it. Maybe you guys should have done yourself the favour and left me to be an enemy of the state rather than an enemy of you.

If you think that after your efforts in destroying this event I am not prepared to go to the fullest limit to let the world know who you really are, you are wrong. If you think that once Im through with this that this will not just damage your image but your entire political campaign, you are wrong.

The world will know you are traitors. By the way, for anyone who says that Facebook and other such mediums cant be used to do these type of events, have a look at Billy Braggs new facebook account which is doing the same as me? He has received an overwhelming support. The reason that Libcom would put this type of action down is because they want you to use just their site. They arent for freedom of government, they are a communist community that will talk the sweet talk, just to get YOU fighting for them, where they see themselves afterwards replacing the government with their own party. Ask yourself this, would you ever trust anyone who actively goes against a ANTI GOVERNMENT demo in the way that they have done? These people are more oppresive and fascist than your current government. What would they do to you if you ever dissagreed with their opinion? Conduct a HATE campaign against you?



Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 28, 2010

Jesus just when I thought it couldn't get better.

Submitted by petey on January 28, 2010


look at the times:

Denmark, Århus, Rådhuspladsen @ 14.00

A few questions:
- why is Denmark starting at 14.00 and not 13.30?'

i knew a woman from denmark who said that arhus is what we in the states would call hicksville. they even have arhus jokes. so haha, the rest of the world is at 1:30, arhus is at 2:00, i'm sure is the explanation.

Submitted by Fletcher on January 28, 2010


Just had to block a Libcom member for coming on to my site and impersonating IAN BONE - a true activists and UK hero. They set up a Facebook profile in his name and spammed my events board with rubbish. This goes to show the sneakiness of this organisation. They are NOT who they make out to be. They are against people like me standing up to their government and want to believe that the only way you can have change is by using their resources !! They do NOT want you to believe that YOU have the power to bring about change!

They have tried to make my event to sound like a racist event, even though I am a member of every anti racist/ fascist group on the internet. They have done nothing else but disrupt any effort I have made to group with others and make a stand to the government.

Libcome are not representing you. The are using you! They are collecting government hand outs to set up communities and keep any type of real revolution off the street. Ask yourself this, why would an organisation who claims to be against the establishment put so much effort into a HATE campaign against someone who is promoting an ANTI-GOVERNMENT demo?

These people are NOT what you think they are !!

I hope that Ian Bone gets to read this soon and has something to say about it ! ;)

He thinks that IAN BONE is a hero. Well now his grip on reality really has slipped. The gay prince ruler of AnarchyLand we could just about buy but BONE as a hero!!! ??

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 28, 2010

They are collecting government hand outs to set up communities and keep any type of real revolution off the street.

Joseph Kay

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on January 28, 2010

i'm on the dole if that counts


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 28, 2010

I am so excited for this. But I was dead excited about Earth Crisis too and that gig was kinda rubbish.

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 28, 2010

Joseph Kay

i'm on the dole if that counts

well I hope your dole money goes into the setting up of anti-revolutionary communities, and isn't wasted on salvia.

Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on January 28, 2010

Joseph Kay

i'm on the dole if that counts

I also managed to blag £1500 off of the British govt last month (long story). Haven't put much of it into community though, more bus fare, rum and some drugs.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 28, 2010

It really annoys me that ETERNALLEADERJOHNHADLEY has tarred all of libcom with the anti-revolution brush.

I have repeatedly made my total, unreserved, and uncritical support for the FEB 6th REVOLUTION blatantly clear.

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 28, 2010


It really annoys me that ETERNALLEADERJOHNHADLEY has tarred all of libcom with the anti-revolution brush.

I have repeatedly made my total, unreserved, and uncritical support for the FEB 6th REVOLUTION blatantly clear.

Are you questioning the ETERNALLEADER's decision?!


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 28, 2010

No, not at all, I take back my comment, for I LOVE THE LEADER.

Yet to be answered.

Submitted by antisystem on January 28, 2010

They key word when ever i look at the information or rather LACK OF IT in this debate is disinformation. People who seek to distort the issue and mislead others. This factor is very evident indeed.

Submitted by antisystem on January 28, 2010

001 - The Spiky Joys - Fuckin Nazis Annihilation
002 - Total Chaos - Kill The Nazis
003 - Napalm Death - Nazi Punks Fuck Off
004 - Malignant Tumour - Nazis Raus
005 - Crossing Chaos - Fuck Nazi
006 - Rottuated - Fuck Nazi Sympathy
007 - Swallowing Shit - Christian Metal = Nazi Reggae
008 - USCB Allstars - Nazi Scums Are Walking
009 - Anti Globalizator - Beat The Nazi!
010 - Diskonto - Kungen Är Nazist
011 - Dicks - No Nazi´s Friend
012 - Phobia - Dead Nazis
013 - Sanitys Dawn - Fuck The Fucking Nazi Scum
014 - Eguene Chadbourne - Nazi Punks Fuck Off
015 - Cripple Bastards - Nazi Dad
016 - D.B.S. - David O. Is A Nazi
017 - Pulmonary Fibrosis - Fuck Off Nazi Bastard
018 - Wizo - Naziskins
019 - Doom - Nazi Die
020 - The Heartburns - Nazi Bastard In Blue
021 - Christian Death - Nazi Killer
022 - P.O.A. - All Nazis Are Bastards
023 - More Noise For Life - Nazi Punk Fuck Off
024 - Asocial - Krossa Nazismen
025 - Hellbastard - Nazis Killed
026 - Konflikt - Antinazi
027 - Ens - Kickin´ In The Face Of A Naziscum
028 - Desorden Masivo - Revuelta Antinazi
029 - Barbed Wire - Nazi Briton (Fuck Off)
030 - Chumbawamba - On The Day The Nazi Died
031 - Dead Kennedys - Nazi Punks Fuck Off
032 - Heiter Bis Wolkig - 10 Kleine Nazischweine
033 - Infest - Nazi Killer
034 - Dtakters - Kristna Nynazister
035 - Propagandhi - The Only Good Fascist Is A Very Dead Fascist
036 - UK Subs - Nazi Cunts
037 - Adolfs Gossar - Krossa Nazismen
038 - Leftöver Crack - Nazi White Trash
039 - Mushroom Attack - Fuck Nazis
040 - Oi! Scouts - Nuke The Nazis
041 - Sore Throat - We´ll March Against The Nazis
042 - H2O - Nazi Punks Fuck Off
043 - Antidote - No Nazis In Punk!
044 - Rumble Militia - Nazis Raus
045 - Fight Back - No To Nazis
046 - Non Servium - Antinazis
047 - Slime - Nazis Raus (live)
048 - Sere Krev - Fuck Off Nazis
049 - Oi Polloi - Nazi Scum (live)
050 - F.U.´s - Trendy Nazi Hypocrites
051 - Atomvinter - Nazifasoner
052 - Disarm - Destrua O Nazismo
053 - Toxic Bonkers - Nazi Fuckers
054 - Korova - Nazis Ruined Shaved Heads
055 - GRB - Nazis Muertos
056 - Kastracja - Nazi Punk Fuck Off
057 - Aus Rotten - Fuck Nazi Sympathy
058 - Final Conflict - Nazi Punks Fuck Off
059 - MDC - Nazis Shouldn´t Drive
060 - Stockholms Anarkafeministkör - On The Day The Nazi Died


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by antisystem on January 28, 2010

libcom should be renamed too either of the following nazicom, corpcom, fedcom, elitecom, governmentcom or even LIBCON...One big con and a disguise for the powers that hate freedom of thought and fighting against the corrupt elite.

but dont worry, when the monetary union collapses and the dollar falls others will follow and your power will diminish. True freedom and democracy will then come.
Exactly the reason why gold is being sold for cash. Exactly the reason more and more people are pissed off with lying governmental bastards. When will you people wake up and realise governments dont care for the populace, they will never stand for us, NEVER. All they stand for is monetary gain and corruption.
FUCK THAT I AINT NO PUPPET. (unlike some of the idiocy on here is)


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by no1 on January 28, 2010

for the first time in my life I realise why conspiracy sites are a good things: it keeps most of the nutters in one place. Please go back where you came from!

Yorkie Bar

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Yorkie Bar on January 28, 2010

libcom should be renamed too either of the following nazicom, corpcom, fedcom, elitecom, governmentcom or even LIBCON


Caiman del Barrio

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on January 28, 2010

Limpcock was a good one.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 28, 2010

Am I correct in my assumption that this site is about communism and not anarchism? I have been in many debates with communists who seem to have the same stance? Personally I am in in favor of anarchism and against communism simply because communists seem to fear action.

Rather than just argue about any idea of revolution just blatantly tell people you are communist and not anarchist and that you are scared of real change. I am sure people can understand the fear that communists have just because they will not have a particular leader to follow.

As for the people calling John Hadley a "leader" well sorry to say this but how misguided are people? If you actually take a good look at what he has stated you will find this is not about a single individual and more about the people. Anarchism does not rely on a single leader unlike communism.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Tarwater on January 28, 2010

What have you been doing on this site for 43 weeks? Not reading, apparently...


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 28, 2010


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 28, 2010

I for one still uncritically support JOHN HADLEY

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

this talk of no leaders is preposterous. THE REVOLUTION has to have a leader, otherwise who will I get my handout from??! I got kids to feed nigga! Jesus these anarchists and their mental fantasies...


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

"What have you been doing on this site for 43 weeks? Not reading, apparently..."

To be honest I joined this site because I thought it was about change yet reading some of the comments I have my doubts. I rarely use this site >.< so yes I guess you are right about the not reading which is not exactly possible when I don`t use this site that much, come on a bit of sense please!

Vlad sorry but I have no interest in racists, however I will reply to you. Handouts is that really how you want to live your life? Have you not even thought about the prospect of growing your own food?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by tigersiskillers on January 29, 2010


As for the people calling John Hadley a "leader" well sorry to say this but how misguided are people? If you actually take a good look at what he has stated you will find this is not about a single individual and more about the people. Anarchism does not rely on a single leader unlike communism.

If you actually take a good look at what he has stated you will find this is all in his head.


Have you not even thought about the prospect of growing your own food?

Oh dear christ. I tried to grow some tomatoes once and they died. Fuck off am I going to try to grow my own food. Anyway what's that got to do with this anarchism of which you speak?

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010


Have you not even thought about the prospect of growing your own food?

No, not really. I prefer real food.

Handouts is that really how you want to live your life?

Not a very heroic life I know. If only a bunch of sanctimonious internet warriors would preach the REVOLUTION to me, I might snap out of this undignified complacency. Dumbass cracker...


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

It appears people are happy with the way things are so I will leave it at that lmao. So stop your whining about the world and get on with it you have no reason to whine.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

And honestly if you are happy with the way things are which you clearly state that you are because of the opposition to this idea then why are you even on this site?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

"Dumbass cracker... " I am human you moron rofl

Submitted by 888 on January 29, 2010


And honestly if you are happy with the way things are which you clearly state that you are because of the opposition to this idea then why are you even on this site?

If you don't support ridiculous online attention seeking stunts about fake revolutions of feb 6th, you are happy with the way things are

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010



And honestly if you are happy with the way things are which you clearly state that you are because of the opposition to this idea then why are you even on this site?

If you don't support ridiculous online attention seeking stunts about fake revolutions of feb 6th, you are happy with the way things are



14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Clearly from what I see you guys condone government?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

I wonder if Che got this same response from people when he decided to go to Cuba and fight? Oops no he went there to chant and wave placards he never bore arms either did he?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by oisleep on January 29, 2010

Clearly from what I see you guys condone government?

only up to, and including, friday 5th feb

Submitted by tigersiskillers on January 29, 2010


And honestly if you are happy with the way things are which you clearly state that you are because of the opposition to this idea then why are you even on this site?

Please explain why 'this idea' is not completely mental.

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010


I wonder if Che got this same response from people when he decided to go to Cuba and fight? Oops no he went there to chant and wave placards he never bore arms either did he?

lol Che. Clearly you are a serious anarchist.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by oisleep on January 29, 2010

we don't want not serious anarchists

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

Here's how the Cuban revolution happened:

January 1st, 7:00pm in Havana
You have been invited by Fidel Castro.
Add an RSVP note to the event profile: (optional)


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

"lol Che. Clearly you are a serious anarchist. "

I was using it as an example honestly I thought you may have realised that lol

"Please explain why 'this idea' is not completely mental."

The same reason as many ideas are deemed "mental" until it is put into practise? Walking on the moon was also deemed "crazy and not doable" So was travelling at the speed of sound lmao

Submitted by 888 on January 29, 2010


I wonder if Che got this same response from people when he decided to go to Cuba and fight? Oops no he went there to chant and wave placards he never bore arms either did he?

Che condoned government.

edited to add: lol lmao


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Sorry Vlad but in case you had not actually noticed it was done by word of mouth and letters back then you know before such thing as an internet existed seriously >.>


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Again 888 I was using it as an example and of course he condoned government I of course know this but what part of example do people not actually understand?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by 888 on January 29, 2010

Probably the part that tries to connect guerrilla warfare with facebook meetups

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010


Sorry Vlad but in case you had not actually noticed it was done by word of mouth and letters back then you know before such thing as an internet existed seriously >.>

I stand corrected. The Cuban Revolution was actually done by "word of mouth and letters." Glad we got that sorted.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Unless Vlad you are saying that it just happened and nobody actually spoke about it?

Submitted by tigersiskillers on January 29, 2010


"lol Che. Clearly you are a serious anarchist. "

I was using it as an example honestly I thought you may have realised that lol

"Please explain why 'this idea' is not completely mental."

The same reason as many ideas are deemed "mental" until it is put into practise? Walking on the moon was also deemed "crazy and not doable" So was travelling at the speed of sound lmao

Getting a dozen people together in a city has happened lots of times, I fail to see how this = revolution, which is the 'crazy and not doable' part.

I'd quite like to get my erect cock up my own arse without detaching it. You see how wanting something to happen and it being possible are 2 different things?

Submitted by tigersiskillers on January 29, 2010


Again 888 I was using it as an example and of course he condoned government I of course know this but what part of example do people not actually understand?

The part of the example that believes that revolutions happen because someone passed round a few notes.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

See 888 that`s the beauty of future and technology we advance so that more people can talk about how they truly feel. I am sure you then agree that using a telephone is much the same as using facebook (form of communication) and if that is the case then are you saying that politicians do not use the telephone to talk to people all over the world?

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

Dear Che,

As you might have suspected there is a full revolution going on. Do you have your beard ready? I hope so, it's going to be muy excellente, homes. Everyone's showing up, the ska's, the punxxx, the antifas, everyone. Well except the proletariat and the peasantry, but fuck those haters. They're just afraid of real change.




14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Getting a dozen people together in a city has happened lots of times, I fail to see how this = revolution, which is the 'crazy and not doable' part.

I'd quite like to get my erect cock up my own arse without detaching it. You see how wanting something to happen and it being possible are 2 different things?

It fails because chants and waving placards fall on deaf ears! If i tell you to do something and you are not inclined to do it you would just ignore me because I am of no threat with just a voice even if it is millions of voices still not a threat right?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Sorry Vlad you are just an idiot that is not trying to have a reasonable debate.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

The part of the example that believes that revolutions happen because someone passed round a few notes.

Right they just happen for no reason with no communication right? just like when we are against the EDL in Britain because nobody talks about counter acting against them it just happens lmao


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by 888 on January 29, 2010

So on Feb 6th instead of chanting or waving placards, people are going to be actively "doing a revolution"?

Incidentally the Danish event on konfront seems to be an anti-nazi gathering, they have not mentioned how it fits into the worldwide revolution plan.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

Look "AntifaLove" you seem less men...more sensible than your friend John, so I'm gonna give it to you straight. A revolutionary mass movement is not built over night because some megalomaniac wants something awesome to happen on his birthday. It is a hard as fuck struggle that is paved with defeats and small victories. What hurts the bosses is organized workers on strike, asserting their rights. A few hundred (and really I'm being way too generous) kids causing a ruckus in front of city hall means absolutely nothing.
Facebook is not a substitute for workplace organization.

Submitted by tigersiskillers on January 29, 2010


The part of the example that believes that revolutions happen because someone passed round a few notes.

Right they just happen for no reason with no communication right? just like when we are against the EDL in Britain because nobody talks about counter acting against them it just happens lmao

So you honestly believe that the vast majority of the world population is dead set on a revolution, and they're just waiting for a facebook event to set it off?

BTW, do you believe John H when he says:

i have best friends in higer places than you. they managed to obtain land from NATO, claim their own independance through law, and now have a sovereign right to it, the only real anarchist nation on the planet ... they have a 10.000m2 bunker in there fitted out with every part of technology which you can imagine, even has a nice swimming pool in there for relaxation ... you just dont get the picture here. the funny thing is, the prince of this nation is gay hes my best friend


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

How could it not? It coincides with several events that are happening which therefore means that instead of the few groups for government to worry about they will have far more people to worry about and if the people outnumber the police etc then all hell will break loose or at least that would be a good start.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

I am based in a country that is built on war against government take a look at Englands history and yes it does happen just like that. I am absolutely disgusted in this country and the cowards that are in it. To be quite honesy our history would be ashamed of the people right now for being screwed over and just taking it instead of fighting back.

Did you know there was a time when women could not even be touched for starting trouble in this country (Cromwells time) and it was down to women why certain hierarchies were even decapitated. I really do not want to have to go into history but seriously why are people happy with the way they are screwed over?

The laws eventually changed and why do you suppose that was? I have a good idea it was simply because the troubles that brewed were far to much for parliamentaries to fight against let alone having to worry about what the Church wanted as well.

For the record there is also a law that states IN England that you are able to own your own land and that NOBODY is able to touch it not even government I forget the law but please try to find this out for yourself it`s one of those supposed "stupid laws" such as shooting a weslhman in a certain town at a certain time which might I add if you check you will find is still legal provided you have a longbow lmao

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010


and if the people outnumber the police etc then all hell will break loose ...that would be a good start.

Just like Mardi Gras then. Sounds pretty revolutionary.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Sorry Vlad but they just fire you here for that kind of thing. you don`t abide by the workplace rules you are fired and they just simply get another agency worker lol


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Mardi gras is a celebration and there is nothing revolutionary about mardi gras lmao. If you want to put it into that context we already have our little gay rights parades and street parties for that kind of thing


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by tigersiskillers on January 29, 2010

Oh jesus. Yeah, people are shit aren't they. Stupid proles.

If you want to know why this idea is being derided here maybe you should read up on why Marx rejected Hegel's idealism for materialism:
"it is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but, on the contrary, their social existence determines their consciousness."

And do you believe John H when he says:

i have best friends in higer places than you. they managed to obtain land from NATO, claim their own independance through law, and now have a sovereign right to it, the only real anarchist nation on the planet ... they have a 10.000m2 bunker in there fitted out with every part of technology which you can imagine, even has a nice swimming pool in there for relaxation ... you just dont get the picture here. the funny thing is, the prince of this nation is gay hes my best friend


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

By the way Vlad what about the right NOT to work or are you forgetting that because there are quite a few more people that want the right not to work.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Tigersiskillers as for what you are saying about John and his friends in higher places go read English laws to find that one out for yourself as pointed out already it may seem far fetched but so is shooting a Welshman with a longbow at a certain time in a certain town but hey it`s legit enough to kill a Welshman in that town the law still stands.

Honestly I do not follow people like Marx or whoever I use my own inituative for things just so happens that the past has had the very same ideas most of the time.

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010


I am based in a country that is built on war against government take a look at Englands history and yes it does happen just like that. I am absolutely disgusted in this country and the cowards that are in it. To be quite honesy our history would be ashamed of the people right now for being screwed over and just taking it instead of fighting back.

Are you EDL? They have a thing for "our history" and "the cowards" that "don't fight back" too.

Did you know there was a time when women could not even be touched for starting trouble in this country (Cromwells time) and it was down to women why certain hierarchies were even decapitated. I really do not want to have to go into history but seriously why are people happy with the way they are screwed over?

Women ruled England 400 years ago? lmao.

Honestly I do not follow people like Marx or whoever I use my own inituative

Do you use the dictionary? Or is that too pro-government for you...


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Antifa should tell you I am against nationalism Vlad so to answer your question no I am not EDL in fact I oppose them lol. And yes go read on Cromwells era to find out about women.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Dictionary? Why would I need to use a dictionary when my literacy is fine?

Submitted by tigersiskillers on January 29, 2010

Right, so because you've heard somewhere that a law about killing welsh people is in the statute books, John H's fantasy Island with its conveniently gay ("I'm not a homophobe, I know a gayer") anarchist prince exists?

I'm not asking you to 'follow' Marx, I'm just gently nudging you towards an understanding of why committed pro-revolutionaries might find the Feb 6 'if you build it they will come' approach a little batshitinsane.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

I have read about "Cromwell's era" mate. Whatever was "anarchistic" or "feministic" about it was crushed by your beloved Parliamentarians.
If you're antifa, then don't go into borderline blood and soil patriotic bullshit about how good people had it 400 years ago ffs.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

links on unrelated subjects make a compelling argument for why I'm wrong about Cromwell.

Submitted by 888 on January 29, 2010


Sorry Vlad but they just fire you here for that kind of thing. you don`t abide by the workplace rules you are fired and they just simply get another agency worker lol

lol nice critique of unions lol


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by tigersiskillers on January 29, 2010

Ok, so the Peasant's Revolt didn't come about due to material conditions, the poll tax etc. It was just that Wat Tyler said 'Hang on lads, I've just had an idea, let's do a big revolt'? That is the lesson you took from the Wikipedia article you posted?

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

Dear John Ball

How goeth it myne frend? Wee art about to maketh the revolution on ye 6th of February. Would be nice if thou wouldst join us for a day of RAISING HELL and merrymaking.

(T)Wat Tyler lolle


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Ok Tigersiskillers I will have a look at marx and what he had to say and thank you for pointing me in that direction albeit I will probably disagree with most things he has to say but then again I have no idea about him, but I will take a look.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010


I have not read any Marx but will probably disagree with everything he has to say because I keep it real and use my inituative


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Yup I have had a quick look at the communist ideas and still disagree and again my question is this what about the right NOT to work? It`s all well and done that people want to work but hey you can`t just have rights for work when others have no want for work.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

define work.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

What the hell do you mean define work? You know WORK that thing that people do to earn money?

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010


What the hell do you mean define work? You know WORK that thing that people do to earn money?

so you mean waged labour. That is precisely what communists are fighting against.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Tiger it was only something that I could quickly find to express how much this country is based on fighting back physically. I am not sure what countries most of us on this site are from but I am in England.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by tigersiskillers on January 29, 2010

It's been a while since I've read it, but I seem to remember that this article by Pannekoek covers materialism quite well.

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010


Tiger it was only something that I could quickly find to express how much this country is based on fighting back physically.

There is nothing special about England in terms of "fighting back physically." And you've already mentioned that you're English, which means fuck all by the way.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Yup Vlad with a leader still in power I am anarchist so against and reject a communist idea. We may have small similar agendas about WORK but call it waged labour or not work is work and to be honest I am more inclined to having something where as if I do not want to work I do not have to.

I have no intentions of working in a factory building products which are of no benefit to me. Yes I understand you guys are with me on this part. But I am again st leaders simply because the problems will start all over again.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

So Vlad you`re American lmao I should have guessed that right from the start.

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010


So Vlad you`re American lmao I should have guessed that right from the start.

no I am not, but if I were it would still mean fuck all, you thick populist muppet.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by tigersiskillers on January 29, 2010

But the fighting back comes because people want to, because they're defending their interests, because they have little choice, not because someone suggests it out of the blue.

Look at it this way, at the moment when there is industrial action, are people striking to save jobs, defend terms and conditions etc, or just because it seemed like a good idea?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Ok and thank you Tiger I am having a good read of it now.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by tigersiskillers on January 29, 2010

Fuck it, I've stopped making sense now, time for bed.

But I've not got a problem with working in a factory building products which are of no use to me if they're of use to someone. It's the waged labour aspect to it that's the problem, as it is with all jobs.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Vlad please shut the fuck up I am trying to have a reasonable conversation with an adult (tiger) I would rather your childish comments you keep to yourself because honestly I could not give a fuck about you or what you think. By the way is there a block system on here so I can block Vlad the idiot.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jesuithitsquad on January 29, 2010


I am against nationalism


Tiger it was only something that I could quickly find to express how much this country is based on fighting back physically.

So Vlad you`re American lmao I should have guessed that right from the start.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Sorry tiger but I do have a problem with working in a factory for others. I would rather build things that are significant to me and if I don`t know the job then I will learn it much the same way as I have self taught myself C# and C++ and VB as well as other things lol.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

some mental in the announcements forum

But specifically, on Thu 06 May 2010 in the UK, as the capitalist dictatorship's "Democratic Circus" revs up to fever pitch, we have an opportunity to take advantage of the heightened sense of political awareness to draw currently unpoliticised folk towards an oppositional anti-capitalist direct action pole-of-attraction. We can co-create ways to exercise our collective political power directly and perpetually, rather than surrendering it to a bosses' lackey politician every few years. So are there any particular and specific initiative(s) YOU do recommend to make best use of this opportunity?

The spectre of LA REVOLUCION COMISTA is catching on like wildfire. I guess we were wrong all along.

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010



Vlad the idiot.

Vlad, please please please change your username to this!!!!

Too long. Hurt brain.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jesuithitsquad on January 29, 2010

AntifaLove, getting a minor bacteria infection:

"I'm sure I can learn how to turn this moldy cantaloupe into penicillin just like I taught myself C++, lol."

AntifLove, needing to visit family hundreds of miles away,

"Well, it should take me no time whatsoever to build an internal combustion engine. After all I learned VB! lmao"

AntifaLove, realizing shitting into a bowl really sucks.

"Okay so indoor plumbing is something that interests me now, I'll just learn it up and make my own private waste treatment plant. Easy as C# lol lmao!"

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

laugh all you want jesuithitsquad, but when you're born in a revolutionary country like ENGLAND, anything is possible.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Lumpen on January 29, 2010


I am anarchist so against and reject a communist idea.

For fuck's sake. I don't have a problem with people being naïve, but why even bother calling yourself an anarchist if you don't know what it means? PROTIP: Anarchists have fought and died to realise communism.

Caiman del Barrio

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on January 29, 2010

I'm kinda hoping this becomes a monthly thing...Feb and May are taken, are there any plans for March 6th? It's a Saturday, which means Martinh might be able to come!


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

I love the comedians on here :) My answer of why we are still screwed up has been answered rofl

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

comedy is the opiate of the masses.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

AntifaLove, getting a minor bacteria infection:

"I'm sure I can learn how to turn this moldy cantaloupe into penicillin just like I taught myself C++, lol."

I guess pencillin just appeared from thin air without anybody even looking into it? Seriously to go by your definition is absolutely absurd are you saying everything appeared from thin air without anybody even looking into it? Before trying to criticise me with your stupidity try to think firstly about how these things appeared in the first place!

I am sure that the founder of penicillin would have bitchslapped you for such a dumb comment. My point was simple but appears not simple enough for you. As for combustion engines well yeah they just appeared also right? Or do you think somebody actually studied it first?

If you actually understood what I was saying then you would have known that I was simply saying to learn something is not that difficult albeit you didn`t understand my comment so I guess learning for you would be that difficult lmfao.

Sorry to burst your little bubble but somebody down the lines of the past actually decided to just jump in feet first a bit like Darwin did with his idea of evolution although criticised by the majority he was actually right.

I wonder how you actually started walking in the first place was it by your own initiative? Or did you need to learn it from somebody else even though you was unable to talk at such a young age? Most children I know of actually start to walk on their own initiative without guidance.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Tarwater on January 29, 2010


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

"Anarchists have fought and died to realise communism. "

To be fair most anarchists are against communism and only a commie would be deluded enough to think otherwise. I have been having this conversation with quite a few anarchists and they are getting considerably tired of even being associated with communists.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AntifaLove on January 29, 2010

Ok sort of off topic now but why are you guys using a red and black star? If you are communists then why use the black in the star which is anarchist and not communist.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010




14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Tarwater on January 29, 2010

There is no Anarchism without Communism. Fact.

Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010


I have been having this conversation with quite a few anarchists and they are getting considerably tired of even being associated with communists.

Would these anarchists be located on a certain island ruled by a certain gay prince as described by REVOLUTIONLEADERJOHNHADLEY in one of his many prophecies?

Submitted by 888 on January 29, 2010


Ok sort of off topic now but why are you guys using a red and black star? If you are communists then why use the black in the star which is anarchist and not communist.

Ever heard of anarchist communism? Or libertarian communism? Communism means the abolition of property, the "communist" states that existed weren't really communist. Actually people use the word communism in several different ways, which can lead to some confusion.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

Anarchist communism? Such a thing cannot be. AntifaLove has had conversations with "quite a few" anarchists in the secret bunker and they all agree that communism is well evil.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Lumpen on January 29, 2010


To be fair most anarchists are against communism and only a commie would be deluded enough to think otherwise.

I suspect AntifaLove is a troll. Has to be. No-one can possibly be so insulated from the basic concepts of anarchism and still call themselves an anarchist.

Submitted by Tojiah on January 29, 2010



To be fair most anarchists are against communism and only a commie would be deluded enough to think otherwise.

I suspect AntifaLove is a troll. Has to be. No-one can possibly be so insulated from the basic concepts of anarchism and still call themselves an anarchist.

He just needs to hone his intuationality, is all.

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 29, 2010

Where are FULL MODERATION POWERS, there have not arrived in the post yet?

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

3:13 a.m. AntifaLove

Ok Tigersiskillers I will have a look at marx and what he had to say and thank you for pointing me in that direction albeit I will probably disagree with most things he has to say but then again I have no idea about him, but I will take a look.


3:18 a.m.

Yup I have had a quick look at the communist ideas and still disagree and again my question is this what about the right NOT to work? It`s all well and done that people want to work but hey you can`t just have rights for work when others have no want for work.

!! amazing

Submitted by Joseph Kay on January 29, 2010

Caiman del Barrio

I'm kinda hoping this becomes a monthly thing...Feb and May are taken, are there any plans for March 6th? It's a Saturday, which means Martinh might be able to come!

actually, we're doing a fucking march in brighton. we weren't going to bill it as TEH REVOLOOSHUN, but now it might just get overshadowed by all these other definitely real events if we don't...


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by oisleep on January 29, 2010

No-one can possibly be so insulated from the basic concepts of anarchism and still call themselves an anarchist.

visit any london anarchist boot sale and you'll find plenty

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

I wonder who THEGREATLEADER will send next.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on January 29, 2010


Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

admins of the REVOLOLUTION event include:

Cnt Esparreguera

(although I don't know how much of an official CNT page that is)

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

On the fb libcom group:

John Hadley "See you tonight, John"
"Thats ok, we know where you live, take care!" - How sick isnt that a mail to send to someone who is promoting an anti-government protest. This comes from the Libcom forum members !!
Yesterday at 12:58pm · Comment · Like · Report

Estudiante Insurgente i advise you to keep detailed records of this shit (maybe even screen shots) so after F6 we can all work towards collective transparency and accountability.
Yesterday at 1:02pm · Report

John Hadley I have it all, and believe me, I will do everything in my power to make sure that every activist group on the planet knows what fakes they are! Sick pieces of shit, Im sorry for my anger, but they want to threaten me? Who the hell do they think they are?
Yesterday at 1:08pm · Report

Estudiante Insurgente i would also caution you in lumping forum users together with the website administration/ownership. i haven't followed this too closely but if they're just regular forum members then your anger would be misplaced on LibCom itself.
Yesterday at 1:11pm · Report

John Hadley E.I., no, its not, its several of them, wheeler being the admin of the forum, Fletch is a long time member and the others are just prompting his behaviour and encouraging it. Its the entire community and nobody is doing anything about it!
Yesterday at 1:16pm · Report

John Hadley Here is a comment made to me by someone who knows them all very well. Read this.

"Ignore the naysayers... most of them are middle class, pseudo intellectuals who live on government grants or social security provided by the taxes imposed on the real working class. They are shit scared that people will actually DO ANYTHING... because it would expose them as the parasites they truly are... endlessly spouting empty sympathetic words to those who are carrying the real weight.

What you are doing is a contribution... this will be a long, hard struggle to destroy the centralised administrative, financial, military and propaganda wings of the oligarchs who seem to be under the impression that they are our masters. Time to teach them a lesson in manners and at the same time take back the common land that has been stolen from the people, not just in this country but around the world. Also to re-establish the common law which is our real heritage, not their statutory bullshit that creates laws that enslave the real people.

Smash the system anyway you can!!!!"

Does this sound like they are people who are calling for a REVOLUTION ??

Estudiante Insurgente what are LibCom's forum moderation policies? does anything go or are obvious personal threats worthy of moderation?
Yesterday at 1:03pm · Report

John Hadley I would like to think that obvious personal threats are worthy of moderation. I think its sick. This comes from the type of people that would blow my house up if they knew where I lived, Im not sure these are the right type of people to have on our side. SICK!
Yesterday at 1:10pm · Report

John Hadley Can you even begin to imagine what would happen if these guys actually did manage to overthrow the government one day, and then did something you dissagreed with? What would you do? And what would they do to you? Blow you and your family up?
SICK - I will make sure the entire internet gets to hear about this, one thing I am very good at is making sure MY VOICE GETS HEARD !!!


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by oisleep on January 29, 2010

you couldn't make it up

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010



14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jesuithitsquad on January 29, 2010

libcom's explosive ordinance division, five minutes ago at teh LEADER's house:

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

John Hadley Lol, I wish I knew how to invite this guy ;)
January 8 at 8:14pm

Alan Knight Agreed lol I wonder if Jeff Monson has seen my post on MySpace yet ;)
January 8 at 9:13pm

John Hadley that guy is HUGE ... lol :D
January 8 at 9:15pm

Alan Knight On my friends list on MySpace and an anarchist and pretty much everything you and I follow he follows also ;)
January 8 at 9:19pm

John Hadley invite them all, bro :D would be good to have a couple of soldiers like him there ...
January 8 at 9:20pm

Alan Knight Of course :) He has not long been hassled for "tagging" He is also known for physically fighting against police :)))))
January 8 at 9:38pm

John Hadley we must have him there !! :D

Homoerotic fantasies of being cradled by the big beefy arms of "huge" anarchist warriors are definitely not gay at all.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on January 29, 2010

Oh, he'll be disappointed when he sees the photo of Monson with Choccy & Co.

Boris Badenov

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on January 29, 2010

A serious blow for the REVOLOLUTION. Who will beat up the cops now?

Submitted by Jason Cortez on January 29, 2010



What??? After the brilliance I bring here through this thread, wHeeler gets FULL ADMINISTRATION MONARCH POWERS.

Submitted by Choccy on January 29, 2010


John Hadley Lol, I wish I knew how to invite this guy ;)
January 8 at 8:14pm

Alan Knight Agreed lol I wonder if Jeff Monson has seen my post on MySpace yet ;)
January 8 at 9:13pm

John Hadley that guy is HUGE ... lol :D
January 8 at 9:15pm

Alan Knight On my friends list on MySpace and an anarchist and pretty much everything you and I follow he follows also ;)
January 8 at 9:19pm

John Hadley invite them all, bro :D would be good to have a couple of soldiers like him there ...
January 8 at 9:20pm

Alan Knight Of course :) He has not long been hassled for "tagging" He is also known for physically fighting against police :)))))
January 8 at 9:38pm

John Hadley we must have him there !! :D

Homoerotic fantasies of being cradled by the big beefy arms of "huge" anarchist warriors are definitely not gay at all.

That's not even Monson haha. But yes we've met Monson, he likes Belfast anarchy.

Submitted by antisystem on January 30, 2010

id like to see them survive in a TRUE democratic state such as bolivia, venezuela or cuba. oops i forgot, they wouldnt

Submitted by Fletcher on January 30, 2010


id like to see them survive in a TRUE democratic state such as bolivia, venezuela or cuba. oops i forgot, they wouldnt

What are you babbling on about you spacer?

Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on January 30, 2010


id like to see them survive in a TRUE democratic state such as bolivia, venezuela or cuba. oops i forgot, they wouldnt

Yeah, imagine if one of us were to be living in Caracas or something...

Caiman del Barrio

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on January 30, 2010

It's alright, I just dropped a really clumsy hint.

Maybe you could make some sort of meme, so Refused and Jef can hammer all of the wit out of it?


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on January 30, 2010

hence i didn't say it


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by gypsy on January 30, 2010

John, Caiman is secretly plotting to bring down Chavez in Venezuela. He is gonna try an install real communism there, hes spongbobbing of the british state pretending hes doing something to further their interests when infact he is doing the fucking opposite! Thats right. Most of us here hate Chavez and think he is a proper cunt. I think Morales is ok, but think hes a dick and i think castro is also a cum bucket.

Caiman del Barrio

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on January 30, 2010

Morales is awesome, especially when he sends the army in on striking workers!

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on February 1, 2010

The excitement is building, only one working week left, until no one is a wage slave anymore.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by dee on February 1, 2010

It would be after I've had to do all my marking. typical.

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on February 1, 2010

John quite clearly hates teachers so you are off to the salt mines anyway.

Caiman del Barrio

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on February 1, 2010

Hi, just found out I'm gonna be camping on a deserted beach on Feb 6th. How will I revolution John?

Submitted by Lumpen on February 2, 2010

Caiman del Barrio

Hi, just found out I'm gonna be camping on a deserted beach on Feb 6th. How will I revolution John?

Just throw some seaweed about for a couple of hours and scream "fuck capitalism" until you are hoarse. Then the beach will be liberated.


goto these places, march through them, give a speech - bam, move to the next one - then keep repeating the cycle until we have sufficent numbers to attack capitalism in all these places - (under the cover of a march, preferable multiple marches in multiple locations)

A more detailed set of instructions. Don't forget to do the 'bam' part, even if no-one else is watching.

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on February 2, 2010

Well John will be in a deserted financial district so i don't think it matters.

Submitted by Lumpen on February 2, 2010

Jason Cortez

Well John will be in a deserted financial district so i don't think it matters.

Of course it doesn't matter, as long as he is true of heart.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Lumpen on February 2, 2010

Bunker update: I think I know what John is talking about.
Where the gay prince comes into it, I'm not sure. It does match the specs he was talking about though. No mention of the anarchy on the website.

Submitted by Boris Badenov on February 2, 2010

Jason Cortez

John quite clearly hates teachers so you are off to the salt mines anyway.

I for one gladly embrace my early demise as a necessary sacrifice for THEREVOLOLUTION.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on February 2, 2010

This week can't get any better. Lost starts tomorrow and teh anarkiez from Sunday onwards!


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jesuithitsquad on February 2, 2010

I'm joining up with the bosses if the revolution dares to fuck with Lost.

Submitted by Fletcher on February 2, 2010


Bunker update: I think I know what John is talking about.
Where the gay prince comes into it, I'm not sure. It does match the specs he was talking about though. No mention of the anarchy on the website.

So it looks like his anarchist country is actually a capitalist web hosting company. Looks like mad John Hadley really does only exist on the internet.

What next? He will be telling us that his other mate Bill Gates is actually a black block advocate and is coming along on 6th February.

By the way aren't all financial districts around the world closed on a Saturday? Bit of a miscalculation there by the great leader.

Submitted by Jason Cortez on February 2, 2010


Jason Cortez

John quite clearly hates teachers so you are off to the salt mines anyway.

I for one gladly embrace my early demise as a necessary sacrifice for THEREVOLOLUTION.

Your martyrdom will commemorated in a mural made from your (and all teachers) bones on the entrance to first SALT MINE opened.


14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on February 2, 2010

jesus do people irl like Lost?

Jason Cortez

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on February 2, 2010

wHeeler, ssshhh!! they are only outing themselves to be in the first glorious batch to visit the Communist Community Cultural Centres also known as THE SALT MINES.

Submitted by PartyBucket on February 3, 2010


jesus do people irl like Lost?

I hope the ending of LOST is shit. Really shit. Shitter than the ending of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA shit.
That will teach people to tell me I 'dont understand', or am 'missing something'.

Joseph Kay

14 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on February 3, 2010

'and then i woke up and it was all a dream'

Authored on
January 9, 2010