Libcom bloggers and other site improvements

Just a quick announcement about some minor improvements we have made to the site, most of which are to give more prominence and easy accessibility of our popular user blogs.

Submitted by libcom on October 18, 2010

We are constantly making improvements to the site, to try to make it faster, easier to use and better for our users. We often mean to let people know what we've been doing, but mostly we forget.

So this is a roundup of some minor changes and improvements which have just made.

In recognition of the fact that our user blogs over the past couple of years have become one of our most popular features, with some of the most interesting original content, we have made blog content easier to access.

Firstly a link to all blog content has been added to the main navigation bar at the top of the page.

Secondly, blog content can now be featured and promoted to the front page, and to the rotating featured article boxes at the foot of the page.

We have been meaning to do this for a while, in order to give due priority to the great content our users have been generating. In particular, we recommend checking out the following libcom users' blogs:
- Samotnaf - our newest blogger, covering the struggle against austerity in France.
- Caiman del Barrio - analytical and journalistic writing on Latin America, with detailed coverage of Venezuela and Chavez's regime.
- Akai - a Polish anarcho-syndicalist writing about workers' and community struggles in her country.
- Django - a member of the Anarchist Federation examining government policies and class struggle in the UK.
- Rob Ray - a Solidarity Federation member and journalist's musings on issues of the day.
- Tom Jennings - our erudite cultural critic and reviewer.

On top of that, following user feedback we have added the "quote" function to comments below news, history and library articles to improve the ease of discussion.

Finally, we have continued to tidy up our old content, making it easier to read and find. Meanwhile, behind the scenes we continue to work on a major site redesign.

If you think you would like to have a blog here, let us know here . If you would like to help out with the site in some other way, check out our help page or post below.


Yorkie Bar

13 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Yorkie Bar on October 18, 2010



13 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by petey on October 18, 2010

we have added the "quote" function to comments below news, history and library articles to improve the ease of discussion.


Juan Conatz

13 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Juan Conatz on October 18, 2010

I requested a blog quite a while ago, but never received an answer. I just checked the 'Submit content' page and noticed 'Blog Entry' was there. Clicked on it and it led to the penguin page.

If you decided that I don't need a blog, that's fine, but I was wondering if I was granted one, not told, didn't notice and now the page is broke?

Submitted by Steven. on October 19, 2010

Dead End

I requested a blog quite a while ago, but never received an answer. I just checked the 'Submit content' page and noticed 'Blog Entry' was there. Clicked on it and it led to the penguin page.

If you decided that I don't need a blog, that's fine, but I was wondering if I was granted one, not told, didn't notice and now the page is broke?

Hey, sorry about that I didn't know (or remember) that you requested a blog - I remember you asking if people could still request them, but not the actual request. Apologies! I have now set you up with blogger permissions. You may need to log out and in again before it will work. Look forward to reading your stuff!

klas batalo

13 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by klas batalo on October 19, 2010

this is exciting! i do sure hope dead end gets a blog here.

blogs on libcom would be so much easier to follow than elsewhere.

Juan Conatz

13 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Juan Conatz on October 26, 2010

Oh, by the way, thanks for the blog. I do have some questions about some of this new stuff that's popped up though.


13 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on October 26, 2010

sure, what questions? Feel free to ask in the feedback forum


13 years 7 months ago

In reply to by Yorkie Bar

Submitted by sabot on December 3, 2010

Yorkie Bar


libcom's version of Jugg's centerfold pin-up.