CrackFix Propaganda - the hilarious end

Submitted by Craig Fraser on March 29, 2011

Hi all,

Just wanted to resurrect these two threads -

Mainly because, I was/am (definitely not anymore) Crackfix Propaganda, as shameful and face palm as that is.

The best part of all this is, the bloody story that redyred wrote was 100% accurate!!!!!!

I lived with my mum and dad, who admittedly used to be working class, but my dad got a good job and we left the 'rough council estate' as my mum (who grew up on barracks) calls it, for a quaint middle class upbringing in Wiltshire. The even better bit is, I never knew poverty, I was a spoilt little rich bitch with no fears, worries, or cares in the world. I knew nothing about suffering, bills, the working class, communism, or anarchy, I knew nothing about politics whatsoever, hence my ridiculous and laughable approach to militancy. I was however, a drunk, a drug addict, and I did smoke crack (once, and not habitually).

The zine was an abject failure and I am utterly ashamed of it and everything associated with it.

Since then (I was 19 at the time, now I'm 26), I've got married to a woman who DOES know poverty, the working class, suffering etc. And since then I've been homeless, seen the way the government deals with the poor and been on the wrong end of many an argument about politics I didn't understand.
I have a six month old daughter and I live in a council block of flats in a nice area of town. My wife however, spent a large part of her youth listening to her mum get beaten up by various psychotic exes, she spent time in a womens hostel and has generally lived the life I used to think I lived.

Anyway, the main reason I wanted to resurrect those links, is because I feel it's important that everyone know these kinds of 'animal rights jihad militia anarchist terrorist' idiots are and always will be little kids in middle class families with no idea about real politics. I found out about real politics and am educating myself through class history and communist/anarchist systems of the past.

Just for the record as well, just after Crackfix propaganda collapsed, our little jihadist anarcho terrorist 19 year old pothead became a fundeamentalist christian for the last six years and was a neo-nazi for a short time. Which I think would make an even better end to the short story.

Sorry to anyone who was offended by crackfix during its time, it really is a blight on my pasy, utterly, utterly shameful, but I'm not one to hide these idiotic things I did as an infantile fool.

jef costello

13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on March 29, 2011



13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by sabot on March 30, 2011

amazing 8-)


13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by gypsy on March 30, 2011

Craig Fraser

Just for the record as well, just after Crackfix propaganda collapsed, our little jihadist anarcho terrorist 19 year old pothead became a fundeamentalist christian for the last six years and was a neo-nazi for a short time. Which I think would make an even better end to the short story.

You were a fundamentalist christian for the last six years and a neo-nazi or was this someone else? :confused:


13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on March 30, 2011

That is amazing!

Well, thanks for coming back and letting us know. I will drop redyred line to let her know!


13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Lumpen on March 31, 2011

I'm not sure how I feel about the "real politics" of "communist/anarchist systems" being the next step after a period of christianity and nazism. :(


13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by tigersiskillers on March 31, 2011

I don't know, I can see the transferrence of worship:


Craig Fraser

13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Craig Fraser on March 31, 2011

Well, I say neo-nazi, I was just into black metal and whilst I was a christian I was a bit of a nationalist, so not a full on jack booted skinhead running around fighting or anything. I just held the views most of my church did, i.e. foreigners, homosexuals, sinners all received a hearty booooooo!
Kind of made sense from where I was politically at the time. I know it wouldn't to anyone who hasn't been inside a fundamentalist christian church, but it really is utterly anti-human. Everything is focussed on god, heaven, sin, refusing the world. I know christians who don't believe in (or care about) poverty, global warming, oppression of the weak, poor etc, because they have the 'hope of better things to come'. I've had a painful education in right wing christian politics and I did not like what I saw. My wife in particular had a hard time bending to my will, being a feminist and it caused a lot of trouble at home.

Anyway, all of this is beside the point, I was a little twat and you can tell from my responses circa 2004 that it cut deep. Especially the stuff about my mum, hilarious.

Submitted by gypsy on March 31, 2011

Craig Fraser

Well, I say neo-nazi, I was just into black metal and whilst I was a christian I was a bit of a nationalist, so not a full on jack booted skinhead running around fighting or anything. I just held the views most of my church did, i.e. foreigners, homosexuals, sinners all received a hearty booooooo!
Kind of made sense from where I was politically at the time.

Fair enough atleast you were not going round 'paki' bashing. You are forgiven.

Submitted by Boris Badenov on March 31, 2011

Craig Fraser

Well, I say neo-nazi, I was just into black metal and whilst I was a christian I was a bit of a nationalist, so not a full on jack booted skinhead running around fighting or anything. I just held the views most of my church did, i.e. foreigners, homosexuals, sinners all received a hearty booooooo!
Kind of made sense from where I was politically at the time. I know it wouldn't to anyone who hasn't been inside a fundamentalist christian church, but it really is utterly anti-human. Everything is focussed on god, heaven, sin, refusing the world. I know christians who don't believe in (or care about) poverty, global warming, oppression of the weak, poor etc, because they have the 'hope of better things to come'. I've had a painful education in right wing christian politics and I did not like what I saw. My wife in particular had a hard time bending to my will, being a feminist and it caused a lot of trouble at home.

Anyway, all of this is beside the point, I was a little twat and you can tell from my responses circa 2004 that it cut deep. Especially the stuff about my mum, hilarious.

What specific incident made you turn away from right-wing Christian bigotry?

Craig Fraser

13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Craig Fraser on March 31, 2011

What specific incident made you turn away from right-wing Christian bigotry?

Probably understanding that the Bible is almost entirely a fable thought up by old catholics who wanted to oppress women and anyone not in their friendship cult. I came to the conclusion that if I lived my life according to the Gospel I would be advocating -
a) oppression of women
b) slavery (both racial/historical and employer/employee)
c) oppression and violence towards children (verses in proverbs advocate beating kids with a stick)
d) cruelty to animals
e) above all, not caring about anyone but those inside the church, and when caring about those outside the church, only caring about them in the sense of wanting to 'save them'.

I know this must sound utterly insane, but I believe I was (or am) totally insane. Read the Bible long enough and you will find a verse to excuse all kinds of behaviour.
I just became fed up with it, and after reading something other than the Bible for the first time in months, realised it was making me ill, mentally and physically.
There was no specific incident that taught me it was wrong to be a right wing christian bigot, only that my wife was depressd, I was depressed, I had no friends, I hated myself and everyone around me and I was looking forward to dying so I could be with 'god'.


13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by xslavearcx on March 31, 2011

i wish i was around to have read the crack fix propghanda stuff sounds like fun. is there anything else good out there?

crackfix, you werent involved in the vegan sxe scene back in the day. sounds like similiar stuff??

Submitted by gypsy on March 31, 2011


crackfix, you werent involved in the vegan sxe scene back in the day. sounds like similiar stuff??

crackfix was involved in EVERY scene.

Authored on
March 29, 2011