Kent needs something to do...

Submitted by PlugDude on July 29, 2005

Not only is it proving hard to find action or groups to join in Kent, but the forum seems to be pretty dead too.

Kent really does need some kind of group, it's pretty frustrating having your only outlet being the internet and not talking to real people.

I feel the need to be part of something real.

I know this has been discussed before, but something really should be done, so who's for another attempt at getting organised, eh?


19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on August 8, 2005

It appears that the NF are planning to march in Chatham at the end of August, suggest that this would be a good opportunity for anarchists in the county to come together.


19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by PlugDude on August 8, 2005

Oooh, got any more info about the march? Any links you can post up?


19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on August 9, 2005

Hi - local anti fash spotted it on the NF's message board. Planned for 27 Aug but Medway against Fascism is trying to get it banned and given the NF only managed to turn out 10 people in Crawley last Sunday it is debatable whether they will appear any way. If I get any more info' I'll post.

More generally it would be good for anarchists in Kent to meet up... someone needs to pick a time and place and let people know (not just via the web)


19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on August 9, 2005

Hi - local anti fash spotted it on the NF's message board. Planned for 27 Aug but Medway against Fascism is trying to get it banned and given the NF only managed to turn out 10 people in Crawley last Sunday it is debatable whether they will appear any way. If I get any more info' I'll post.

More generally it would be good for anarchists in Kent to meet up... someone needs to pick a time and place and let people know (not just via the web)


19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Toxictears on August 24, 2005

Sorry about my lack of response! Yes! This is bloody aweful though! This march is not far from me so with any luck ill be their! Also, like you said, a Kentish folk meet up would be a good idea! We tried this before but for me, it all went tits up due to lack of money and car problems. Where abouts in Kent you from, RPG and Plugdude? Im Nr Rochester. Should be a very interesting learning experience :)


19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on August 24, 2005

The police have banned it but the NF say they are still coming and are going to hold a 'static' demo. They are planning to get there at 2pm. The counter demo is still scheduled for 1.30pm. I'll certainly be there so hopefully see you (and others).


19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on August 25, 2005

Latest information about the propsed NF march this Saturday.

NF leader Terry Blackham is claiming tonight that the police have given

permission for the NF to hold a static demonstration in Chatham this

Saturday (27 August 2005) -- see below. Blackham says their arrangements

are as follows:

1:30pm -- Meet in Strood (location unspecified)

2:15pm -- Meet at Chatham railway station

2:30pm -- Demonstration in Chatham (location unspecified)

It would appear from this that the plan to hold the counter-demonstration

at Rochester railway station (the planned assembly point for the now-banned NF march) is redundant, and we should instead gather at Chatham railway station from 1:30pm. We can easily redirect people by train from Rochester to Chatham, of course.

Also, Blackham says that the NF plan to hold demonstrations in Dover,

Ashford, Maidstone, Chatham and Margate -- all on Saturday 3 September

2005! Since the NF simply do not have the resources to demonstrate in all

these places at once (especially at such short notice), I imagine they will

apply for permission to march in all these towns and then go ahead with one demonstration on the day.


19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on August 27, 2005

27 fash turned up, were marched into a park near Chatham station and stuck by a band stand which really pissed some kids (black and white) who were playing footie there. The counter demo had about 70 including an impressive number of local kids (Chavs against Nazi's). After a couple of hours the fash were put on a train and we went home.


19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on August 28, 2005

Forgot to add other than a couple of anti-fa comrades no other Kent based anarchists turned up.

Here's the score Plugdude et al- if anarchists want to link up in Kent, let's fucking do it. There are plenty of us spread around the garden of england (most not on libcom BTW so we'd need to advertise in Freedom). If not, cool no big deal. Meeting's not rocket science - date, time and place. For place I'd say either Faversham or Canterbury.

Ginja ninja

19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Ginja ninja on August 28, 2005

Me & some comrades in Ramsgate/Thanet area are going to be putting on some anti-capitalist film nights/discussion forums pretty soon, hopefully with some speakers from national organisations as well, so if anyone wants to help out or come along let me know...

Ginja ninja

19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Ginja ninja on August 28, 2005

im seriously interested in having a kent meet-up, so how about a saturday within the next month in the afternoon or evening? Canterburys good for me, I met up with 'livefast...' from on here a while ago in canterbury too, i think he's back at uni here soon.

i can bring some peeps with me from thanet too to canterbury.

id propose we should meet up on the antifash demo in september as well once we know where the tossers are planning on doing it for real. I couldnt make the last one becoz of previous commitments unfortunatley.


19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on August 28, 2005

If you have an event planned in Thanet Ninj let's meet up at that initially. Sounds good - what are the details?

If Canterbury I'd suggest towards the end of September so that we can advertise in Freedom to maximise attendance and pick a pub in town.

Ginja ninja

19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Ginja ninja on August 30, 2005

We're still trying to get a place to have it, but i think thats almost sorted out, so ill post up the details as soon as there confirmed. if anyone wants to volunteer themselves to do a talk or whatever feel free.


19 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Toxictears on August 31, 2005

That anti-capitalist night sounds interesting, Ginj! Id like to go to that if you manage to get it in shape! Let us know :). And yea, you give me a date and a time, and ill try be their! I have no plans what-so-ever so whatever time you choose, im happy :)


19 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by PlugDude on September 1, 2005

I'm in Sittingbourne and so can get to Canterbury or Faversham pretty easily.

'Twould be good to meet up before this anti fash demo.

Yer, and if anyone knows of a place to meet, then please, do tell!

Ginja ninja

19 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Ginja ninja on September 5, 2005

We got a room sorted now & it looks like we'll be getting some speakers from Afed so As soon as we get the details sorted ill post it up on here :)

:rb: :@:


19 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on September 5, 2005

That sounds great! Assume date will be reasonably soon so would still suggest we meet up at this rather than separately (assume you will be advertising in Freedom)?

BTW I gather that NF stickers appeared in Thanet over the weekend. They threatened to turn up in Chatham again but didn't show.


19 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by LiveFastDiarrea on September 6, 2005


I'm in Sittingbourne and so can get to Canterbury or Faversham pretty easily.

'Twould be good to meet up before this anti fash demo.

Yer, and if anyone knows of a place to meet, then please, do tell!

When is the anti-fash demo? I have sorted out a house in canterbury now and I'm just waiting on the paper work and such like before I move in so I should be down in canterbury in a few weeks, not entirely sure exactly when though. However, If there is a meeting before I move down I might be able to hop on a train or something, depending on money and stuff.


19 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on October 12, 2005

Ginj - any news on the anti-capitalist event in Thanet? If it is going to be a while then it may be worth trying to sort out a meeting out before it to see if we can set up an anarchist network in Kent.

There is anti-BNP leafleting in Canterbury this Sunday (see separate post) although I very much doubt I'll be going.... and of course there is the Bookfair in a couple of weeks which I assume people will be going too.


19 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by PlugDude on January 17, 2006

Hmmm, well, are there any plans for starting this Kent Anarchist group then or not?

Ginja ninja

19 years ago

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Submitted by Ginja ninja on January 29, 2006

well, as regards to the Ramsgate thing, it all went a bit pear shaped before xmas & in turn put the whole anarchist meeting in ramsgate thing up the spout! ill speak to my comrades here & see if we can get something up & going again? is anyone on here gonna meet up in the meantime?


19 years ago

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Submitted by LiveFastDiarrea on January 30, 2006

I saw you in canterbury a few weeks ago, but you disapearred.


19 years ago

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Submitted by RPG on February 20, 2006

Happy to meet up and discuss setting up a group - Canterbury seems the most sensible venue given the spread of people. Time and place (weekends are best for me as I work in London).


19 years ago

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Submitted by DaithiKent on February 20, 2006

New member to the board here. Have often wondered if there was anything happening in Kent. Folkestone based and looking to meet up with and help organise with anyother comrades.


19 years ago

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Submitted by RPG on February 22, 2006

Ok: there seems to be a fair spread of anarchist across norrth Kent: people from Thanet, Canterbury and Swale posting on this board. I know there is at least one anarchist in the Medway towns, Whitstable and a few Gravesend way and more in the Swale area.

I propose -

1. We meet in Canterbury either in a pub or somewhere like Canterbury Wholefoods cafe (dunno if there is anywhere where a room could be hired cheaply). Sat or Sun would be best for me but week day evenings with enough notice are ok normally (trains permitting).

2. We pick a date a month or so away so that it can be advertised in Freedom, Schnews etc for people who don't post on libcom to find out about it.

3. We knock around some ideas on here for what we might talk about so there is a structure for the day. Has anyone had experience of being in a local group? It must be a decade ago that the East Kent Anarchist Group and Gravesend Resistance wound up.

4. If nothing happens this time we never try again!


19 years ago

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Submitted by qwertz on February 22, 2006

I left Kent about a year ago, but there was quite a bit of anarchist support amongst the students at Canterbury University.

we published a few issues of a fairly radical student paper called "subtext" and ran weekly gatherings called "cafe liberTea" - i know shit name - drinking zapatista coffee, discussing politics, showing films like 4th world war, playing music or just hanging out.

most students wouldn't consider themselves as anarchists though, but had fairly good anti-authoritarian politics and were often fed up with SWP recruiting attempts.

you might want to put some posters up on campus.


19 years ago

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Submitted by jwm on February 26, 2006


why not meet in mcdonalds? or even better hsbc? they've got some nice sofas but bring your own refreshments :P


19 years ago

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Submitted by RPG on February 26, 2006

I know you are taking the piss but actually I quite like the idea of meeting up inside Abbey National in the High Street in Canterbury!!


18 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by jwm on February 28, 2006

Look, I'm no anarchist, it's only been a couple of years since I learned that anarchism does not mean people go round murdering each other and stealing etc chaos etc.

To what ends would the anarchist meet be toward?

I am shortly going to be reading "creating anarchy" with much about surrealism and anarchy which sounds interesting. At the mo I'm reading "understanding power" by n.chomsky.

I'll check out abbey national some time this week as to it's suitability - I've never been there :)

take a look at this thing about parking


18 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on February 28, 2006

There are a number of reasons for getting together- mutual support, propoganda, organising demonstrations, raising profile of anarchism, meeting up with like minded people, education, socialising, actions, throwing bombs in posh resturants...the normal sort of stuff we anarchists get up too!


18 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by jwm on February 28, 2006

bombs? :shock: no oh, you mean stink bombs right?

Well high on my agenda, i think something really needs to be done about the state of the news reporting in the local media. It's just so monotonous, repetitious, and the emphasis on words seems more important than the actual story to such a degree that I feel I'm hearing the same news story despite them being different. [excuse my ignorance for next comment but] I'm sure this is the catalyst of schizophrenia, the voices...

Actually even the national media seems to have stepped up this repetitous brain washing propaganda up a gear or twenty, lately. I believe, that, it's this internet thing. Ooooh the internet is sooooo bad because students can use it to cheat - with this new esoterically fandangled technological contraption called "cut and paste" - whatever that is, AND , just to show how EVIL oohh ha ha ha ha , the internet really is, terrorists can and do use it to plan how to bomb YOU. :@: :@: :@: :@: :@:

And PLEASE everybody take note: DON'T GO STEALING £40 Million because the news reporting of this story is just SHIT. FULLSTOP. NO NEED TO SAY MORE :D


18 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by DaithiKent on March 4, 2006

ahh 50 million plus - the RA got away with it, these fools couldn't even do that - f-ing wannabe capatlist. At least the Bolsheviks stole for the party!!!!!! Is there a meeting taking place in Kent? Im interested, screw Mcdonalds and A f-ing national

Mike Harman

18 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Mike Harman on March 4, 2006

On Saturday February 25 a group of Hackney residents travelled down to Hawkhurst in Kent to inform local people of the ongoing conflict along Broadway Market.

Property developer Dr. Roger Wratten lives at Little Pix Hall which is situated nearby.

Entitled ‘Do you really know you neighbour?’ the leaflet briefly explained the background to the campaign in E8.

The leaflet quoted both an internal Hackney council email from 1998 – Wratten is “a very disruptive character with absolutely no interest in the community or the vitality of the area” – and recent comments made by the Deputy Mayor of Hackney at the public meeting on January 16 of this year.

It finished off with: ‘Dr. Wratten is already a multi-millionaire. We in Hackney ask: Just how much more money does one person need!?

‘I’m sure you wish to live in a prosperous and stable community without property developers destroying its fabric. WELL, SO DO WE!’

Interestingly, after talking to residents in Hawkhurst we discovered that they themselves have their own issue with property developers and luxury flats – more information on this soon!

Hawkhurst itself is a lovely little place in Kent – it’s just a shame that it is has to be sullied by such a resident at Dr. Wratten.

As we asked in our literature – if you are a resident of Hawkhurst and have any information on Dr. Wratten, please get in touch; likewise, we are happy to provide more details on his behaviour in this part of London.

A message to Dr. Roger Wratten: We are more than aware of the contents of your recent meetings with certain figures here. Did you seriously think that after last Thursday our campaign would end? We have shouted again and again to anybody who would listen that any further eviction would not mean that this is the end of the story. We fight to win. Francesca’s will rise again!

If anyone gets the Kent Messenger - they printed a story about this today and the Broadway Market folks would love a copy.


18 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on March 5, 2006

How about May 1 then? Its a Monday this year - we could link a meeting with maybe some sort of action/protest/leafleting or whatever. I'll stick something in Freedom but we obviously need to sort a venue out (assume in Canterbury).


18 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by DaithiKent on March 5, 2006

The Workers Holiday is good for me - live in Folkestone and happy to help in anyway. Not clued about about suitable venues in Canterbury thou. Perhaps the Cathedral !!!


18 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by PlugDude on March 8, 2006

May 1 sounds good!

By the way, does anybody know if this

will be happening again this year?

And another thing, is anybody else a bit pissed off that someone got fined for swearing? See:


18 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by RPG on March 9, 2006

Hi - glad you'll be able to come along PD. I've sent an advance notice to Freedom about a Kent meeting on MayDay. Any Canterbury comrades able to propose a venue or meeting place? How about 1pm for getting together?

I've heard nowt about Mayday. If this meeting wasn't being planned I'd have probably gone to the trade union march in Londonn (dull but hey...)


18 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by barcodegeneration on March 11, 2006

Hi i live in Kent (near ashford) and am interested in joining/starting an anarchist group. Although will be unable to make a May the first meet as will be in london. Even though there's nothing really planned.

But will probably be able to attend most other dates.

Also i am interested in getting involved in actions in and around kent so let me know if anythings happening.

It is about time something started happening in Kent


5 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on June 23, 2019

News about Kent in a week or so