Groups in London?

Submitted by marXthespot on April 8, 2011

I'm social-anarchist who just moved here from Johannesburg. Reaching out for groups, open meetings and like minds.

Thanks in advance for reaching out.

Chilli Sauce

13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on April 8, 2011

Does Practical Solidarity still meet (an ongoing anarchist strike support group)? They seem like they had some momentum.

That said, yeah SF and AF. And, just so you know your options, there's an IWW local as well but there very legalistic stance (registering as a trade union, seeking recognition, etc) and heavy involvement of union full-timers puts off many social anarchists.

Yorkie Bar

13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Yorkie Bar on April 8, 2011

The London Anarchist Federation group can be reached at london[at] It's open to anyone who agrees to the AF's Aims & Principles.

If you live south of the river though SLSF might be a better bet.

You can, of course, join both.


13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by marXthespot on April 8, 2011

Thank you all, this is helpful. I think i will join both :)

Submitted by georgestapleton on April 11, 2011

Chilli Sauce

Does Practical Solidarity still meet (an ongoing anarchist strike support group)?


Also, I don't want to compete with the AF or SolFed but I'm an anarchist in a, largely Marxist, network of libertarian communists called The Commune. We have meetings in London reasonably frequently and you might be interested in them. If you join the facebook group you'll get informed about any events we are organising.


13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by devotchka on April 15, 2011

There is also the new London-wide group forming out of the ashes of the disbanding local Whitechapel Anarchist Group - this blog post will explain....

The first meeting is on 15th May in Kings Cross. All welcome.


13 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on May 7, 2011

Practical Solidarity is not having meetings at the moment, but may be resurrected at some time in fure.
If you want to work with the Anarchist federation in London drop us a line at [email protected]
and we will let you know about meetings

Grey Goose

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Grey Goose on January 16, 2012

AFED might as well not exist as far as I'm concerned. I reached out to them during the August disturbance's, asking for propaganda to distribute to yute on road as I was active in Tottenham and Hackney where subsequently I was shift. Luckily the case got NFA'd. They didn't even reply. Infact the whole "left's" response to the situation was pussy as fuck, I really saw some people's true colours over that period. Middle class pussies tryin to distance themselves, saying we not political and just thugs or whatever. I'm left looking like a twat, tellin man to look to the left instead of Islam or gang bullshit and the left shun us. If there's a REAL organization out there that is FOR workin class and under class peoples let me know. I don't care about the technicalities, whether they communist or anarchist; just that they active and they real. Safe.

Chilli Sauce

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on January 16, 2012

I can't speak for AF, but I don't think any anarchist group tried to disassociate themselves from the rioters.

I actually just re-read NL SolFed's statement which I think came out on day three of the riots.* Re-reading it, I think it does reflects the fact that when we wrote it we had comrades who were legitimately afraid there homes might get burnt out, but I don't think the statement in any way distanced ourselves, as anarchists, from the rioters or the social reasons behind the riots.

SolFed also had, for what it's worth, a leaflet that we produced for other groups to use in doing prisoner support work for those arrested during the riots:

*Another version of the NL statement is available here which states:

"Our entire society is based on worshipping wealth and stealing from the poor, if people choose to strike back and get some of the goods from Argos or Lidl, then we won’t condemn that."

Grey Goose

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Grey Goose on January 16, 2012

What you sayin then Chilli Sauce? I should check SolFed? Like I said if it's militant and it's active, I'm on it; if not I can't be bothered. The best thing I've seen is the 325 collective's publication but they are not an active contactable group as I understand it. Is there anything like the old Anarchist Youth Network in existence? I wanna be involved but with real heads, you get me?

Chilli Sauce

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on January 16, 2012

Wow, the old AYN, you're opening up a can of worms there my friend...

As for SF, I'm in it, so I'm biased. However, we've made a conscious decision as an organisation to become much more outward looking--picking fights with bosses, developing an workplace organiser training program, and practical literature. From this we've basically doubled in size over the past year.

We may actually have some solidarity actions coming up this week, PM me if you've got days free as that'll be a good way to meet up with folks.

That said, SF definitely has a workplace focus and depending what you're interested in doing, I'd check out groups like ALARM and HSG (I'd say AF, but I think your mind is already made up...).

Awesome Dude

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Awesome Dude on January 16, 2012

Grey Goose

I wanna be involved but with real heads, you get me?

Admin edit: don't be rude to new posters.

Serge Forward

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on January 16, 2012

Grey Goose

AFED might as well not exist as far as I'm concerned. I reached out to them during the August disturbance's, asking for propaganda to distribute to yute on road as I was active in Tottenham and Hackney where subsequently I was shift. Luckily the case got NFA'd. They didn't even reply. Infact the whole "left's" response to the situation was pussy as fuck, I really saw some people's true colours over that period. Middle class pussies tryin to distance themselves, saying we not political and just thugs or whatever. I'm left looking like a twat, tellin man to look to the left instead of Islam or gang bullshit and the left shun us. If there's a REAL organization out there that is FOR workin class and under class peoples let me know. I don't care about the technicalities, whether they communist or anarchist; just that they active and they real. Safe.

I'm really surprised to hear London AF didn't get back to you. If you didn't hear from them, I suspect your email went straight to spam or summat daft like that. So unless they actually directly told you they weren't interested, which I'd find very unlikely, you should hold fire on your judgement.

Any one in London group know the score with this? I know we had some email trouble before - can't remember if it was the London address though.

Addition: you've also got Hackney Solidarity Network and Haringey Solidarity Group

Chilli Sauce

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on January 17, 2012

I mean, I'm also disappoint to hear that AF didn't get back, but there's been numerous other threads with folks basically saying the same thing. (Perhaps that's out of order as I'm not a member, but I know from experience that it's only been in the past year that SF has gotten remotely good about responding to membership inquiries.)


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on January 17, 2012

Just seen this. If it's the person I think it was, he was immediately emailed back, so looks like he never got our message. There might be a problem with riseup, but anyway, Grey Goose, you were responded to.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by cantdocartwheels on January 17, 2012

@grey goose

i would have said if you're in tottenham and wanted to do stuff specifically related to the riots then haringey solidairty group would have been your best bet, they're pretty involved in tottenham defence campaign, long term involvement with residents associations in the area and so on

in terms of other anarchist groups in london near you i'd say
North London Solfed- we have a meeting tomorow evening (wednesday 18th) give us a pm if your about
Alarm-specifically hackey anarchist group

i'd say theres a fair amount of overlap though, and a number of people are in more than one group, im in solfed,alarm and im trying to set summat more locally aswell


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on January 17, 2012

While you're all puffing yourselves up, might as well chip in amnd say that London AF is meeting tonight from 7 pm at Freedom

Between Your Teeth

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Between Your Teeth on January 17, 2012

Grey Goose

AFED might as well not exist as far as I'm concerned. I reached out to them during the August disturbance's, asking for propaganda to distribute to yute on road as I was active in Tottenham and Hackney where subsequently I was shift. Luckily the case got NFA'd. They didn't even reply. Infact the whole "left's" response to the situation was pussy as fuck, I really saw some people's true colours over that period. Middle class pussies tryin to distance themselves, saying we not political and just thugs or whatever. I'm left looking like a twat, tellin man to look to the left instead of Islam or gang bullshit and the left shun us. If there's a REAL organization out there that is FOR workin class and under class peoples let me know. I don't care about the technicalities, whether they communist or anarchist; just that they active and they real. Safe.

In Nottingham the AF were involved in setting up a riot eviction support group. This after the local Labour council followed the lead of some London councils in calling for the eviction of people from social housing found guilty of riot offences. People stuck leaflets and posters up in several neighbourhoods where the rioting took place and linked up with several people who were being threatened with being kicked out their homes. Now in the end we thankfully weren't needed as it turned out to be kite flying rhetoric and cheap political point scoring, but that mobilisation did take place.

So it's not useful to fling these kind of accusations around. Also calling people pussies is just going to get people's backs up. So it might be best to cut that out if you want people to respond to you in a constructive fashion. and FYI there's a (deserved) crack down on macho posting currently in effect on this forum, so don't be surprised if that sort of stuff attracts a banhammer. Posting guidelines are here.

If you ever need any AF propaganda to hand out and you don't get a response, flag it up on here and someone will spot it. Worst comes to worst, i'll post you some from Nottingham.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on January 17, 2012

If you need AF prop I am at Freedom every Wednesday from 12 to 6 to provide contact. Drop in for a chat and a cuppa
Feline Lover


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on January 17, 2012

Spookily enough Resistance was distributed in Tootenham the day after the riot there

Serge Forward

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on January 17, 2012


Spookily enough Resistance was distributed in Tootenham the day after the riot there

Pussy as fuck.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Shorty on January 17, 2012

In case of future riots, does the AF do next day delivery? What would be best to use DHL, FedEx or someone else? Say I know an urban insurrection is going to last more than 3 days, do you think normal post would be okay or should I ask for priority post?

Serge Forward

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on January 17, 2012


In case of future riots, does the AF do next day delivery? What would be best to use DHL, FedEx or someone else? Say I know an urban insurrection is going to last more than 3 days, do you think normal post would be okay or should I ask for priority post?

Sizeable donation up front and it's sorted. We aim to please!


Email fuckups excepted :oops:

Between Your Teeth

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Between Your Teeth on January 19, 2012


In case of future riots, does the AF do next day delivery? What would be best to use DHL, FedEx or someone else? Say I know an urban insurrection is going to last more than 3 days, do you think normal post would be okay or should I ask for priority post?

there's this cool new thing called 1st class post. you hand in a parcel and some money and the next day it (usually) arrives at its intended destination :)


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Shorty on January 18, 2012

1st class, eh? Would I have to sign for it? Do you think they'd do care of, such as

c/o The Burning Barricade
High St.

or if there was a stall outside of curry's they could send it their address maybe.

I'll stop now. :oops:

Grey Goose

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Grey Goose on January 19, 2012

"So it's not useful to fling these kind of accusations around. Also calling people pussies is just going to get people's backs up. So it might be best to cut that out if you want people to respond to you in a constructive fashion. and FYI there's a (deserved) crack down on macho posting currently in effect on this forum, so don't be surprised if that sort of stuff attracts a banhammer. Posting guidelines are here."

Between Your Teeth

This exactly the kinda shit that alienates ordinary people, this is why I'm embarrassed to bring anyone from my estate to an actual meeting. I've taken a mate to the bookfair which was bless cause he didn't have to have to sit in the meetings listening to people chat shit. To much rhetoric, feminist nonsense (not sayin ALL feminism is nonsense) and political terminology and whatnot. We clocked some books, chatted to Ian Bone and watched some film about Cuba. He couldn't understand the vegan heads though. Whatever, it was cool. The point is I knew as soon as we sat down in one of those meetings, he'd offend someone's delicate anarcho sensibilities and it would've kicked up a shitstorm. Macho is one thing I have never been accused of until now, wha guan? I'm genuinely searching for an organization that I can relate to and get involved in. Maybe I was too harsh about AFED. Battlescarred says they replied me, well if that's the case then I appreciate it but did not receive. I would have come to your meetings cantdocartwheels and battlescarred, but this site was "on strike" (!?) yesterday and I am only seein replies now. It was just frustrating when some of us were out on road givin the filth a solid pasting I hear certain man from a certain London based anarchist organization are gettin pissed on the sidelines watchin! People that are older than me who was tellin me when I was a likkle yute about anarchism and squattin and all these wonderful ideas not practisin what they preach. I respected those people and when the riots come that they've all been having wet dreams about, they don't set pace?! If you've got kids or you on license (which didn't stop me by the way) or whatever, then you exempt in my eyes. But still relatively young and not participating? It was dispiriting to say the least. Anyways I'm not here to bash anyone or anyone's org in particular, I'm just seeking for something real and relevant. I'm doing a short, part-time course so I've got lots of time for gettin involved in stuff. Anyway it's cas, thanks for feedback.

Rob Ray

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Rob Ray on January 19, 2012

This exactly the kinda shit that alienates ordinary people

Some, sure but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea - massive racism used to be ordinary (still is in a lot of places), ordinary people often think the public sector workers shouldn't strike. Fact is ordinary is often a bit shit, and when it is it sometimes* needs to be dealt with even if it means people flounce off shouting about how weird you are.

Tbh depends on what you want to be doing (and bear in mind libcom's watched by police before replying!) as far as groups go, if you're mostly doing stuff at work, SolFed's more active there. AF's more generalist, Alarm's more streets/borough focused maybe and Haringey Solidarity Group is good for community work. I'd also suggest you take a wander down Freedom Press, there's good people to talk to there most days.

* let it pass in the pub if you like


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Arbeiten on January 19, 2012

Grey Goose

This exactly the kinda shit that alienates ordinary people, this is why I'm embarrassed to bring anyone from my estate to an actual meeting.

To be fair, you were only being told not to slag people off you don't even know. Most 'ordinary people' understand that.

There is a lot of dodgy stuff in the anarchist 'movement'*, but people on this thread have given you enough heads up on groups you can check out. If you are willing to clean the slate, then Anarchist Federation is a good place to start. As are ALARM (not sure where their website is) and SolFed. But as Rob Ray has already said, it depends what you want.

As for the feminism comment. Sorry man, was going to let it slip, but I can't. i think you are dealing with a strawman here, in the same way as 'ordinary people' deal with 'anarchism' as a strawman. People have certain beliefs about what feminism and anarchism are, neither of them are probably true. Our job is to change these views, not pander to them.

*Stuff that most people on libcom don't ascribe to. like misanthropic green anarchism etc.

Chilli Sauce

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on January 19, 2012

Basically agreeing with the last two posts. Just want to add that I agree, the bookfair has some stomach-turning, cringey shit. I'd argue, FWIW, that libcom has played a role in turning the bookfair towards having more explicit class struggle content.

That said, I think most of us here would have a pretty strong critique of Ian Bone and the Class War model of anarchism and I, personally, would never introduce anyone to Class War* if I want to give them a positive impression of UK anarchism.

*That said, I've heard Bone is a lovely fellow in person.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Cooked on January 19, 2012

Grey Goose

The point is I knew as soon as we sat down in one of those meetings, he'd offend someone's delicate anarcho sensibilities and it would've kicked up a shitstorm.

haha "delicate anarcho sensibilities" I love that. That's what it seems like to uninitiated people though and I think it's a big problem. The cultish vibe comes from having different rules to everyone else and most often stricter ones.
Grey Goose

Macho is one thing I have never been accused of until now, wha guan?

What a transformation, from being the softie to being macho by a small context switch. Your posts above would probably count as macho in most circumstances no?

I'ts interesting though. I'm wondering if the issues people are the most sceptical/hostile to are the ones where you are likely to step on toes you didn't know existed. Feminism is getting a lot of crap and my guess is that it's an area where you can be told quite clearly that you're an idiot if you're not up to speed with quite unusual and complex "rules". It's also lingo dense. This applies to other areas aswell I'm just using feminism as an example as it' s been discussed here before.

Would be good if people felt comfortable but was challanged on their shit view.

Awesome Dude

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Awesome Dude on January 19, 2012

Grey Goose. It's best to a least turn up to a meeting or social organised by the groups mentioned by others. Having said that, you sound like the type of person who would fit in more with ALARM.

Voyages through the ultra far left can be alienating. Far too many ultra lefties (anarchist included) live their lives through a "navel gazing" sub-cultural ghetto. Don't get lost...


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 20, 2012

Thanks for the props to the AYN. Those of us from that who are still active run this site now, and are mostly now in AF or Solfed.

Calling people you've never met, and you have no idea who they are "pussies" is ridiculous. People here could have a go at you demanding to know where you were on June 30 or November 30 when many of us were on strike.

During the riots no anarchist group encouraged kids to join the fighting, and rightly so because it would have been irresponsible. Hundreds of kids have ended up with criminal records or jailed since then, and that isn't something we should encourage.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Marigold on January 20, 2012

Grey Goose

"So it's not useful to fling these kind of accusations around. Also calling people pussies is just going to get people's backs up. So it might be best to cut that out if you want people to respond to you in a constructive fashion. and FYI there's a (deserved) crack down on macho posting currently in effect on this forum, so don't be surprised if that sort of stuff attracts a banhammer. Posting guidelines are here."

Between Your Teeth

This exactly the kinda shit that alienates ordinary people, this is why I'm embarrassed to bring anyone from my estate to an actual meeting. I've taken a mate to the bookfair which was bless cause he didn't have to have to sit in the meetings listening to people chat shit. To much rhetoric, feminist nonsense (not sayin ALL feminism is nonsense) and political terminology and whatnot. We clocked some books, chatted to Ian Bone and watched some film about Cuba. He couldn't understand the vegan heads though. Whatever, it was cool. The point is I knew as soon as we sat down in one of those meetings, he'd offend someone's delicate anarcho sensibilities and it would've kicked up a shitstorm. Macho is one thing I have never been accused of until now, wha guan? I'm genuinely searching for an organization that I can relate to and get involved in. Maybe I was too harsh about AFED. Battlescarred says they replied me, well if that's the case then I appreciate it but did not receive. I would have come to your meetings cantdocartwheels and battlescarred, but this site was "on strike" (!?) yesterday and I am only seein replies now. It was just frustrating when some of us were out on road givin the filth a solid pasting I hear certain man from a certain London based anarchist organization are gettin pissed on the sidelines watchin! People that are older than me who was tellin me when I was a likkle yute about anarchism and squattin and all these wonderful ideas not practisin what they preach. I respected those people and when the riots come that they've all been having wet dreams about, they don't set pace?! If you've got kids or you on license (which didn't stop me by the way) or whatever, then you exempt in my eyes. But still relatively young and not participating? It was dispiriting to say the least. Anyways I'm not here to bash anyone or anyone's org in particular, I'm just seeking for something real and relevant. I'm doing a short, part-time course so I've got lots of time for gettin involved in stuff. Anyway it's cas, thanks for feedback.

Sorry grey goose but really feal like i need to intervene right now. I get what you were saying earlier on about real people and anarchism and the riots etc, and get what your saying about a trying to find an organisation that you can really relate too, but have really got to challenge your assumption that feminism and challenging macho culture is alienating to ordinary people. I am an ordinary person and personally find machismo, sexism, patriarchy, etc, alienating.
If you are really interested in finding a space in revolutionary poliitics then you are going to have to accept that ordinary concepts of whats comfortable and acceptable to you, are not what acceptable to the rest of us, particularly women.
Feminism may be offputting to you, (nonsense even) but for many working class ordinary women involved in "radical" politics, a basic level of feminism is a non-negotiatable minimal entry-requirement for revolutionary activism.

Also awesome dude your comment about grey goose sounding like the type of person who would fit in more with ALARM, sounds a little derrogatory to me, care to elaborate? what sort of person fits in with ALARM??

ps ian bone is sound, i'm not a vegan, nor am of delicate sensibilities.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Arbeiten on January 20, 2012


Also awesome dude your comment about grey goose sounding like the type of person who would fit in more with ALARM, sounds a little derrogatory to me, care to elaborate? what sort of person fits in with ALARM??

I agree. Though the Eton campaign is cat shit...

Chilli Sauce

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on January 20, 2012

I don't know, ALARM does seem to want to do "street" anarchism--demos, prop, distros, actively anti-police, black blocs (?). So I could see how AD came to that conclusion.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by lzbl on January 20, 2012


Sorry grey goose but really feal like i need to intervene right now. I get what you were saying earlier on about real people and anarchism and the riots etc, and get what your saying about a trying to find an organisation that you can really relate too, but have really got to challenge your assumption that feminism and challenging macho culture is alienating to ordinary people. I am an ordinary person and personally find machismo, sexism, patriarchy, etc, alienating.
If you are really interested in finding a space in revolutionary poliitics then you are going to have to accept that ordinary concepts of whats comfortable and acceptable to you, are not what acceptable to the rest of us, particularly women.
Feminism may be offputting to you, (nonsense even) but for many working class ordinary women involved in "radical" politics, a basic level of feminism is a non-negotiatable minimal entry-requirement for revolutionary activism.


Pussy is seen as inappropriate because it is a gendered insult. It is used to indicate that something is weak, craven or pathetic and directly links this to being effeminate. It is used to feminise men who do not conform to cultural norms of masculinity. It's a shit horrible word and it's totally acceptable for someone (who isn't even a mod, but just another user of the site) to point out that words like that aren't acceptable here. There are plenty of alternatives, use them instead.

Grey Goose

This exactly the kinda shit that alienates ordinary people

No, what alienates ordinary people is the assumption that they're, what, too stupid to understand feminism? Unable to moderate their behaviour when introduced in to new social groups with different rules and norms?

Don't assume that you're the spokesperson for 'ordinary people' because you're not. Most of the people who read this site are 'ordinary people' and most of the people who post get that we have different rules to wider society because that's what we believe - that one day people will live their lives without being oppressed by class society, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism etcetcetc.

Everyone here is from different backgrounds and I don't just mean levels of wealth. All sorts of things in peoples backgrounds will mean that they think certain things are acceptable. For instance, people brought up in homophobic or racist or communities might uncritically repeat words or behaviours without realising they're unacceptable, and only understand the need to reflect on this when asked to by others. This needs to be taken in to consideration when challenging behaviours. It doesn't mean that 'ordinary people' (whatever you mean by that) get a free pass. It means that someone asking you to reconsider your language in the first instance (rather than, for example, you instantly getting banned) is a proportional and appropriate response.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Marigold on January 20, 2012

Chilli Sauce

I don't know, ALARM does seem to want to do "street" anarchism--demos, prop, distros, actively anti-police, black blocs (?). So I could see how AD came to that conclusion.

ALARM don't do black blocs afaik.

Awesome Dude

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Awesome Dude on January 20, 2012


Also awesome dude your comment about grey goose sounding like the type of person who would fit in more with ALARM, sounds a little derrogatory to me, care to elaborate? what sort of person fits in with ALARM??


ps ian bone is sound, i'm not a vegan, nor am of delicate sensibilities.

Not of "delicate sensibilities"...then maybe you and bone would like to respond to this?...did that sound derogatory?


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Harrison on January 20, 2012


During the riots no anarchist group encouraged kids to join the fighting, and rightly so because it would have been irresponsible. Hundreds of kids have ended up with criminal records or jailed since then, and that isn't something we should encourage.

Yeah i know a friend of a friend who is now tagged and can't leave his home for the next 7 years.

Also Bone may as a person be sound, but his politics are not.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 20, 2012



During the riots no anarchist group encouraged kids to join the fighting, and rightly so because it would have been irresponsible. Hundreds of kids have ended up with criminal records or jailed since then, and that isn't something we should encourage.

Yeah i know a friend of a friend who is now tagged and can't leave his home for the next 7 years.

that sounds very doubtful to me, I'm pretty sure curfews can't be applied like that


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Marigold on January 21, 2012

Awesome Dude


Also awesome dude your comment about grey goose sounding like the type of person who would fit in more with ALARM, sounds a little derrogatory to me, care to elaborate? what sort of person fits in with ALARM??


ps ian bone is sound, i'm not a vegan, nor am of delicate sensibilities.

Not of "delicate sensibilities"...then maybe you and bone would like to respond to this?...did that sound derogatory?

Touche Awesome Dude, but am not sure what the "death of a paper tiger" written in 1997 has to do with me or ALARM. I can see the Bone connection but thats it.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Harrison on January 21, 2012


that sounds very doubtful to me, I'm pretty sure curfews can't be applied like that

Probably been through some chinese whispers, but what i've heard is that he was due to go uni, but got caught during the riots/looting and now he's tagged and can't leave a certain area until his late 20s. Might not be confined to his house, might just be his neighbourhood... I really don't know the details.

Considering two guys each got 4 years in jail for a facebook post, i don't find the above particularly unbelievable.

Awesome Dude

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Awesome Dude on January 21, 2012


Touche Awesome Dude, but am not sure what the "death of a paper tiger" written in 1997 has to do with me or ALARM. I can see the Bone connection but thats it.

Former leading lights of London Class War have lent considerable "spiritual" and material support to the Whitechapel Anarchist Group (W.A.G) from it's inception to it's death (see Ian Bones blog). It was seen by some, rightly or wrongly, as the successor to the Class War group of the 80's and 90's (and bits of 2000). For example, their media savvy, populist and intoxicating "street fighting" approach(G20 April 2009). Class War, W.A.G and ALARM are seen by some as part of a continuous spectrum of groups advocating an insurrectionary anarchist approach.

Last year, there was a flood of young student radicals entering the anarchist milieu. W.A.G (who were largely composed of the more youthful "lifestyle scene") were losing their appeal to groups such as AF and Solfed. Where as previously those groups were defined by their more mature membership with "clear political lines" (and are detested by "lifestyle" types for it), they now had considerable groups of young radicals knocking on their door. Previously, it was thought by the class war/W.A.G milieu (still is by some) that "clear political lines" killed the development of a "sexy", radical and dynamic anarchist movement. This was clearly not what students coming from the radical movement thought.

W.A.G dissolved early last year and set up ALARM. IMO it was an attempt to try to capitalise on the wave of radical student protests. ALARM is a more clearly defined political organisation than W.A.G. It seems to be orientating away from the more populist "street fighting" approach of W.A.G and is looking to organise in community spaces (working with radical london) and workplaces (working with solfed/IWW). I think this simply reflects the new currents in the anarchist milieu who would like to see a more "serious" approach to organising and the failure of the summit based activism (G20/climate camp) which revolved around a particular "activist lifestyle" milieu.

Just out of interest, apparently class war had its origins in Swansea, Wales, developing from a group of activists who produced a local paper called The Alarm. I'm not sure if the ALARM group knew about this (I'm sure it's oldest member does) and whether they adopted their acronym from it.

Grey Goose

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Grey Goose on January 21, 2012

VERBAL GYMNASTICS= BORING! I regret coming on here, I'm better off starting my own organization which isn't entrenched in bullshit. If it was up to some of you's on here, we'd all be automatons in an androgynous society with more rules and regulations than this one. Good luck gettin any workin class people among your ranks. Stop reading books and start talking to people. Safe.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by gypsy on January 21, 2012

Grey Goose

VERBAL GYMNASTICS= BORING! I regret coming on here, I'm better off starting my own organization which isn't entrenched in bullshit. If it was up to some of you's on here, we'd all be automatons in an androgynous society with more rules and regulations than this one. Good luck gettin any workin class people among your ranks. Stop reading books and start talking to people. Safe.

Whatever bludclot


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Arbeiten on January 21, 2012

I'm going to carry on reading and talking personally....


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Marigold on January 21, 2012

Awesome Dude

Just out of interest, apparently class war had its origins in Swansea, Wales, developing from a group of activists who produced a local paper called The Alarm. I'm not sure if the ALARM group knew about this (I'm sure it's oldest member does) and whether they adopted their acronym from it.

I was told that ALARM was chosen in reference to Lucy Parsons.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on January 22, 2012

lzbl wrote:
Pussy is seen as inappropriate because it is a gendered insult. It is used to indicate that something is weak, craven or pathetic and directly links this to being effeminate. It is used to feminise men who do not conform to cultural norms of masculinity. It's a shit horrible word and it's totally acceptable for someone (who isn't even a mod, but just another user of the site) to point out that words like that aren't acceptable here. There are plenty of alternatives, use them instead.

Not necessarily, it depends on the tone and context in which it's used. I sometimes call myself it when I'm being melodramatic and moaning about man flu lol. However, I agree with you on the 'ordinary people' bit; I don't think it exists (I mean we all have our little eccentricities and quirks no? It's what makes the world go round) and it's used to crush individuality and as you say, reaffirm reactionary attitudes.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Harrison on January 21, 2012

Awesome Dude

Last year, there was a flood of young student radicals entering the anarchist milieu. W.A.G (who were largely composed of the more youthful "lifestyle scene") were losing their appeal to groups such as AF and Solfed. Where as previously those groups were defined by their more mature membership with "clear political lines" (and are detested by "lifestyle" types for it), they now had considerable groups of young radicals knocking on their door. Previously, it was thought by the class war/W.A.G milieu (still is by some) that "clear political lines" killed the development of a "sexy", radical and dynamic anarchist movement. This was clearly not what students coming from the radical movement thought.

total smackdown.

Chilli Sauce

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on January 22, 2012

Grey Goose, I do legitimately wish you the best in starting your organisation, but I think it's really disingenuous to tell to us "go talk to people" considering you were invited to this. Regarding, "reading books", I'm all for practical activity, but that just smacks of a misplaced prolier-than-thou anti-intellectualism.

Serge Forward

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on January 22, 2012

Grey Goose

VERBAL GYMNASTICS= BORING! I regret coming on here, I'm better off starting my own organization which isn't entrenched in bullshit. If it was up to some of you's on here, we'd all be automatons in an androgynous society with more rules and regulations than this one. Good luck gettin any workin class people among your ranks. Stop reading books and start talking to people. Safe.

With an attention span like yours, I'd be amazed if you could start a piss up in a brewery, never mind your own organisation. Seriously, if we're verbal gymnasts, then that must make you a verbal couch potato.

The weird thing is, most anarchists I know and meet are working class. You on the other hand, sound like a cartoon character, a cliche, kind of what working class is supposed to sound like according to our middle class 'betters'. Funny as fuck, that. Go on, say 'they read books so they must be posh'.

See, over the years, my class has been intentionally and aggressively de-politicised and dumbed down by the ruling class and its media mouthpieces with fake pleb accents but public school backrounds, shitheads on telly, the Sun, fashionable commentators, cool celebs... all loyal to a boss class agenda. And you Grey Goose are spouting the same dumb-down agenda.

I've seen fly on the wall documentaries about 'life on the estate' where the film crew follow around the thickest fucker in the block, telling everyone that's who we are, that's who we're supposed to be. And your comments are no different from the sort of people who make that kind of documentary. And sadly, I hear your kind of attitude every fucking day, time and time again, and it's so fucking tedious. Too many people from my class are mug enough to swallow this sort of 'don't read a book' crap hook, line and sinker, and are even proud to wear their ignorance on their sleeve... because it's not cool to read a book when you can be living the life in the street or talking the usual shit with freddy fuckwit and chums on the corner. Sure, let's give the dibble some backchat but let's still be clueless about anything outside our immediate vicinity, live up to bourgeois stereotypes and know fuck all about our wider class interests.

Grey Goose, I'm sorry I bothered to listen to your whining self pity, with your cliche ridden boss class views of what working class people are meant to be like, how we're supposed to act, talk, do or not do. Do you really think that because someone reads a book means they can't talk to people? Do you think it's not cool to learn anything? Do you think that as a class, we should revel in our ignorance and not read anything with revolutionary ideas, never mind actually discuss such ideas and learn?

Years ago, it was not that uncommon for working class people with very minimal education to get together and struggle through really tough reading matter, for example Marx's Capital or some other lengthy tome. They'd digest it, discuss it and then act on what they'd learned. Sometimes they misunderstood but at least they tried to learn something beyond the narrow confines of their street, workplace or town. But nowadays, as a class, we are comparatively more clueless. Big Brother on telly and txt speak don't help and neither does your attitude, which shows nothing better than willing collusion with this spoon fed mass idiocy.

The bosses must be pissing themselves laughing. Good luck with your project mind, you'll need it.

Grey Goose

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Grey Goose on January 22, 2012

Really? Cause most anarchists I meet are middle-class, vegan and have been to university. I hate knowledge? Shiiiit you don't know me from Adam. Unlike you I didn't have the privilege of school and further education, but I still read searching for a way out of the trap. I've got better things to do than argue with you online. I'm sure I'll meet you at some point and we can have a beer and have a proper chat cause this is going nowhere.

Serge Forward

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on January 22, 2012

You know differerent anarchists to me then. And likewise, you don't know me and what privileges I did or didn't have. Annyway, a beer sounds good any time fella :)

Chilli Sauce

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on January 22, 2012

Grey Goose

Really? Cause most anarchists I meet are middle-class, vegan and have been to university. I hate knowledge? Shiiiit you don't know me from Adam. Unlike you I didn't have the privilege of school and further education, but I still read searching for a way out of the trap. I've got better things to do than argue with you online. I'm sure I'll meet you at some point and we can have a beer and have a proper chat cause this is going nowhere.

See, but this is the thing GG. In this post you've dropped the street slang (which seemed quite forced in the first place if you ask me) so you can see how this whole things seems quite disingenuous. In any case, I don't think you know the politics of this site very well, as the majority of the regular post have quite a deep critique of lifestylism, intelectualised anarchism without practical content and, yes, veganism (although there are some vegans on the site, of course). In fact, libcom came out out of a rejection of the "middle class" activism that used to pass for UK anarchism.

Also, considering that you've never met London AF, London SF, or ALARM, I can't imagine that your experience of "anarchists that you meet" is very representative of the London scene.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 22, 2012



that sounds very doubtful to me, I'm pretty sure curfews can't be applied like that

Probably been through some chinese whispers, but what i've heard is that he was due to go uni, but got caught during the riots/looting and now he's tagged and can't leave a certain area until his late 20s. Might not be confined to his house, might just be his neighbourhood... I really don't know the details.

Considering two guys each got 4 years in jail for a facebook post, i don't find the above particularly unbelievable.

yeah, that's blatantly not true. Not because it is too harsh, but just because curfews aren't applied like that. Curfews wouldn't stop someone going to university, for example, as you would just get your solicitor to apply to alter your curfew. They can't stop you moving house, for example, and also I'm pretty sure they can't be 24 hours a day either, they are more frequently 7 PM-7 AM, that sort of times. And you don't just get a curfew for X number of years. Curfews are generally quite short-term. But anyway, this is derailing…

Grey Goose

Really? Cause most anarchists I meet are middle-class, vegan and have been to university. I hate knowledge? Shiiiit you don't know me from Adam. Unlike you I didn't have the privilege of school and further education, but I still read searching for a way out of the trap.

you didn't have the privilege of school? Don't you live in the UK? Not only do we all have the "privilege" of school, but actually we are all obliged to attend, to the extent that people's parents can be jailed if kids don't go. It sounds like you are trying to be prolier than thou like those guys in the Monty Python sketch

I was happier then and I had nothin'. We used to live in this tiny old house with great big holes in the roof.
House! You were lucky to live in a house! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, 'alf the floor was missing, and we were all 'uddled together in one corner for fear of falling.
Eh, you were lucky to have a room! We used to have to live in t' corridor!
Oh, we used to dream of livin' in a corridor! Would ha' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woke up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House? Huh.
Well, when I say 'house' it was only a hole in the ground covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us.
We were evicted from our 'ole in the ground; we 'ad to go and live in a lake.
You were lucky to have a lake! There were a hundred and fifty of us living in t' shoebox in t' middle o' road.
Cardboard box?
You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt.
Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!
Well, of course, we had it tough. We used to 'ave to get up out of shoebox at twelve o'clock at night and lick road clean wit' tongue. We had two bits of cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at mill for sixpence every four years, and when we got home our Dad would slice us in two wit' bread knife.
Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah.
And you try and tell the young people of today that ..... they won't believe you.
They won't!

and as for "not knowing people from Adam": you don't know anyone here from Adam either, so you can keep your assumptions to yourself.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by plasmatelly on January 22, 2012

Yeah, look at you Steven - you're obviously a Oxford educated minor royal! ;)

Grey Goose

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Grey Goose on January 22, 2012

This is exactly why I won't bring my mates to a meeting, why am I a being bombarded with Mothy Python sketch's? What is "prolier than thou"? I dropped my usual chat cause I wanted to be clear chilli sauce, bearing in mind my audience. I went to primary school but only got a year in at secondary so don't take my words out of context. I expect you to have been to school, I weren't sayin it like you privelaged or nothing. One could say "I've just read the most fascinating book", "have you"? "No, I havn't had the privilege of reading it". You get me? And as for knowing people on here, shit, I was squattin from the age of 13 to 17 and met alot of people along the way and I know how homogeneous the scene can be, whether it be wombles or antifa etc I know you're lurkin around so it propably turns out I know more people than you think. Bless.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Ramona on January 22, 2012

Because you're being really combative! You slagged off a bunch of people you don't know for being 'pussies', then you got called on it, then made a load of assumptions about people on here because you knew wombles back in the day, then when people made assumptions about you, you got pissed off because 'they don't know you from Adam'.

'Prolier than thou' normally refers to anarchists having competitions about how working class they are.

And yeah the squatting scene has a really different make up than most of the people who post on here or are involved in Solfed of AF, give them a chance.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by plasmatelly on January 22, 2012

Grey Goose wrote -

Cause most anarchists I meet are middle-class, vegan and have been to university.

I love it when people say that - makes me feel posh! I'm afraid I don't tick any of those boxes mate, and like you left school early - though not as early as you (bleeding hell!). But I say, rather than bashing your head against a brick wall online, why not meet up with one of the London groups and see what they got to say face to face, can't hurt?


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by radicalgraffiti on January 22, 2012

Grey Goose why are you named after an expensive vodka? it doesn't really fit the rest of your image.

Grey Goose

12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Grey Goose on January 22, 2012

Nice one plasmatelly, that's the most constructive thing anyone has said to me by far and is exactly what I intend on doing. And radicalgraffiti, I was Grey Goose way before that brand of fake shitty French vodka even existed. + I was never calling no one pussies (which is not a gendered insult, derived from "pussy cat" as far as I'm aware) just callin certain man out init. Peace.


7 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by hajar85 on February 4, 2017

Hi Everyone,

I am looking for meeting points/initiatives in South-West London. Any suggestion? Thanks


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by loveritual1001 on November 1, 2017

Hi Hajar, I am too, is there a way to connect? Brand new member here, longtime leftie, feeling my way to an anarchist position, quite socially isolated for various complicated reasons, little bit intimidated by the sectarianism and aggression I'm seeing already, naturally drawn to bonding with thoughtful, rational types, (yes i realise 'rational' can be problematic)

Mike Harman

6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Mike Harman on November 1, 2017

Depending on where you are in South West London, there's the following groups that might not be too far:

Workers Wild West - not south but very west.

South London Solfed:

Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth (south but not very west):


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by jondwhite on November 1, 2017

Not sure whether its been mentioned before but SPGB 4 storey head office is on claph high street, the centre of south west London and every member of the public visiting would be welcome,


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Mcgoofle on November 3, 2017

RAG birmingham is currently working on federating our own groups in london and elesewhere and we are keen to talk to any other groups in london or around the nation who are looking to help build a revolutionary anarchist network.
we are also in the planning stage of the first radical book fair in birmingham among other activities we are a very active group and we have just within the last month completed the gruelling process of establishing our working principles for revolutionary activities and our strategy for same.


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by loveritual1001 on November 7, 2017

Thanks, will check these out