Hampshire Anarchists

Submitted by anarchistlaura on July 31, 2010


I'm looking for any anarchist groups in Hampshire - can't seem to find any at the moment! Anywhere in Southampton/Winchester/Portsmouth would be great!!

If anyone knows of any or is interested in setting one up, i'd really appreciate it! At the moment, it seems like Brighton or London is the nearest option (I don't mind going to London, but it's not exactly local!)

Cheers :)


13 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by rat on July 31, 2010

We have the beginnings of a small Anarchist Federation group (Surrey & Hants). There are only a hand full of us spread over a large area. We have met in Guildford a few times. Our activity is very low-level at the moment.

surreyhants 'at' afed . org.uk

You could also look at the AF's or the Solidarity Federation's websites for other contacts.



13 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by gwry on August 1, 2010

There was one in Portsmouth, which held a meeting in Southsea a year or so ago. Haven't seen any activity since then. Problem is, as ever, middle-class students and arty types who leave when their courses finish. The best way to start a group is with a well advertised meeting and a good speaker. If you know anyone else, form a reading group and discuss the ideas you encounter with eachother. The SWP seem to dominate in Southampton and Portsmouth, so going to their meetings and sharpening your debating skills is always useful. But read, and read contructively applying the ideas to the world you see around you. See thread on essential anarcho-syndicalist texts. Good luck!


13 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by ticking_fool on August 1, 2010

There is an existing group in Portsmouth, not a huge amount of activity due to low numbers and a pretty hostile environment to work in, but it is there with some continuity and some activity. Blog with contacts is here http://portsmouthanarchists.wordpress.com/ . I lived in Portsmouth for a while and they're really decent people with sound politics.

Submitted by Rowner Eddie on August 1, 2010


There was one in Portsmouth, which held a meeting in Southsea a year or so ago. Haven't seen any activity since then. Problem is, as ever, middle-class students and arty types who leave when their courses finish.

Seems to be a bit of presumption there seeing as I have no idea who you are and therefore must have never been to a meeting.

We have been meeting twice a month since that point and have been doing pamplet and paper stalls at local gigs (though this have slowed down lately) aswell as other low level activity but middle-class student and arty types leaving once their course finishes hasn't been a problem. Unreliable crusties not turning up for more than 2 meetings, now that's probably closer to the point!

And as a reply to the original post, we meet at the Barley Mow on Castle Road in the back room every 2nd and 4th thursday of the month. You're more than welcome to come along.


13 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by 888 on August 3, 2010

Is Jon formerly of Anarchist Graphics still around? Ages ago (2000AD) there was a 'Portsmouth Anarchist Network' he helped start. If he's still around he would be a great guy to contact.


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by axiom on March 2, 2011

A Surrey/Hants Afed thread on Libcom...



12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by rat on April 16, 2012

Just a note to say that there is a bit more anarchist activity in the south Hampshire area now; Portsmouth, Bournemoth and Southampton with various groups involved: Surrey & Hants Anarchist Federation, Solent Solidarity Federation, Portsmouth Anarchists, Wessex Solidarity.


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by deanygale on June 17, 2012

I'm from Southampton and have been wondering the exact same thing, London and Brighton are too far for regular meetings etc

where is everyone else who has commented here from?

Dean x


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on June 18, 2012

We have a Hants/ Surrey coordination of the Anarchist Federation which you should contact for members nearby.
[email protected]


7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by rat on May 13, 2017

Just a note to say Surrey and Hampshire AF (SHAF) comrades have been getting involved in the anti-fracking protest site at Leith Hill and we'll be be up there in the near future too.


7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Warboats on May 20, 2017

Anything going on in Southampton? Would love to get involved in some activity, it's quite conservative where I live in townhill park, I feel quite isolated.

Authored on
July 31, 2010