Libcom's guide to further reading around the far right, fascism and Nazism.

*Under the Axe of Fascism – Salvemini
*Germany: 1929-1933 – Revolutionary History
*Fascism Without Revision - Agnoli
*The Rise of Italian Fascism – Tosca
The Fascist Movement in Britain - R. Benewick
Illusions of Grandeur: Mosley, Fascism and British Fascism, 1931-81 - D.S. Lewis
British Fascism - Lunn/Thurlow
The Mass Psychology of Fascism - Wilhelm Reich
Ecofascism: Lessons From the German Experience - Biehl
"The struggle against Fascism begins with the struggle against Bolshevism" - Otto Rühle
Myth and Memory in the Mediterranean: Remebering Fascism’s Empire – Doumanis
The Struggle against Fascism in Germany - Trotsky
The Struggle Against Fascism in Germany - Trotsky
Fascism and Big Business - Guerin
Fascism: What It Is and How To Fight It - Trotsky
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich – Shirer
The Brown Plague: Travels in Late Weimar and Early Nazi Germany – Guerin
The First Five Years of the Communist International - Trotsky
Nazism, Fascism and The Working Class – T. Mason
Social Policy and the Third Reich – T. Mason
The German Workers and The Nazis – Carsten
Hitler’s Foreign Workers – Herbert
Inside Nazi Germany – Peukert
From Kaisserreich to Third Reich: Elements of Continuity in German History, 1871-1945 - Fischer
The Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single German Town -W.S. Allen
Beating The Fascists? - E. Rosenhaft
Marxism in The Face of Fascism - D. Beetham
German Big Business and The Rise of Hitler - H.A. Turner, Jr.
Inside Nazi Germany: Conformity, Opposition and Racism in Everyday Life - D. Peukert
The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - G. Lewy
Pius XII and The Third Reich: A Documentation - S. Friedlander
The Cross and The Fasces - R. Webster
The Seizure of Power: Fascism in Italy - A. Lyttleton
Hitler and the Peasants – Corni
Italian Fascism - G. Carocci
Scenes From the Anti-Nazi War - Davidson
Economy and Class Structure of German Fascism - Sohn-Rethel
Who Financed Hitler - Pool/Pool
Fascism and Dictatorship - Poulantzas
Political Economy of Human Rights: The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism - Chomsky
Imperialism and Fascism in Uganda - M. Mamdani
Washington and Third World Fascism - N. Chomsky
*The Seventh Cross - Seghers
*Bread and Wine - Silone
*Fontamara - Silone
The Garden of The Fitzi-Continis - Bassani
The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui - Brecht (drama)
Are any of these available
Are any of these available online or in the Libcom library? I have a copy of Rühle's "The struggle against Fascism begins with the struggle against Bolshevism" that I could scan and upload if its not on here anywhere.
On a similar note, does
On a similar note, does anybody know if the Johannes Agnoli text "Fascism without revision" exists in English?
banaji´s introduction into
banaji´s introduction into rosenberg´s book seems to be useful because it stresses that fascist movement in germany had wider social base then just petty bourgeoisie.
i don´t know if rosenberg´s work itself is somewhere on internet.
also, behemoth by neumann (it was translated into english by dauve if i remember well) is good.
thanks. but the "fascism as a
thanks. but the "fascism as a mass-movement" itself? or is this piece somehow extract of "a history of the german republic"?
guadia wrote: banaji´s
Rosenberg: Fascism as a Mass-Movement
The translation that Banaji introduction prefaced in HM 20.1.
ocelot wrote: Rosenberg:
superb, thanks!
another pretty influential
another pretty influential piece (e.g. on Mason and Kühnl): August Thalheimer On Fascism (1930)
Is there any mileage in
Is there any mileage in trying to come up with some kind of categorisation scheme to try and group the various texts?
For e.g. that Thalheimer piece is in the Bonapartist/Petty bourgeois family of theories of fascist origins (like Trotsky, for e.g. and no doubt a number of the others in the above), of the kind that Rosenberg was writing against.
Perhaps - Economistic, Culturalist, etc? Ideas?
Yo, so I've not read a lot of
Yo, so I've not read a lot of these (though a few I have) and I'm not really sure how best to do it but I would say perhaps something along the lines of the other libcom reading guides (obviously not exactly coz lots of those are historical).. so, for instance, maybe:
Key Texts - a few key general ones, intros, explanations of fascism in simple terms etc
Then some different topics i.e. fascism and class struggle; fascism and women; psychology of fascism; resistance to fascism etc etc..
Would need people to write little intros to those that they know to help people have an idea of what these texts are.. any help would be well appreciated.
S-J wrote: Are any of these
thanks very much for the offer, but we have it here:
please feel free to scan anything you have which we don't have in our library though!
To add to the reading
To add to the reading guide:
Gilles Dauve's
When Insurrections Die
Here's some more books
Here's some more books on:
Gotz Aly, 'The planning intelligentsia and the "Final Solution"'
Gotz Aly, Architects of annihilation: Auschwitz and the logic of destruction
Gotz Aly, Final Solution: Nazi Population Policy and the Murder of the European Jews
Gotz Aly, Hitler's Beneficiaries: How the Nazis Bought the German People
Shelley Baranovski, Nazi Empire: German Colonialism and Imperialism from Bismarck to Hitler
Philippe Burrin, Hitler and the Jews: the Genesis of the Holocaust
Philippe Burrin, Nazi Anti-Semitism: From Prejudice to the Holocaust
Ulrich Herbert, National Socialist Extermination Policies: Contemporary German Perspectives and Controversies
Ian Kershaw, Hitler: A Biography
Emanuel Sarkisyanz, From Imperialism to Fascism; Why Hitler’s "India" was to be Russia
Adam Tooze, Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy