Moscow: Police threaten violence against parents of arrested anti-fascist

Anti-fascist Alen Volikov, who is under arrest at Moscow's Butyrka
pre-trial detention centre, was visited by police operatives on November
13, and subjected to psychological pressure aimed at making him admit
his guilt. Volikov's lawyer Farid Murtazin reported that the operatives
made threats of violence against his family members. The officers said
that they would not leave Volikov's parents alone, and would set Federal
Security Service (FSB) officers on them.

Submitted by S2W on November 16, 2012

After that, the operatives said that out of all three people named as
suspects in the "Moscow anti-fascist case", Volikov would get the
largest amount of charges, including charges under Article 282, Part 1
of the Russian Criminal Code (organising criminal community). Volikov's
lawyer was not informed about the interview. At the moment, complaints
to be filed with prosecutor's office are being prepared.

Volikov was detained on November 6 on suspicion of involvement in the
December 2011 brawl at Moscow's Vozdukh club, as well as of beating up a
nationalist. The venue's security guards, who were nationalists,
attacked gig-goers at an anti-fascist gig, and then accused the
ant-fascists of attacking them. A criminal case was started under
Article 213, Part 2 of the Russian Criminal Code (hooliganism committed
by a group of persons). Moscow-based anti-fascists Alexei Olesinov and
Alexei Sutuga were detained in February and April 2012 respectively.
They remain in pre-trial detention, like Volikov. Investigators try to
accuse them of beating up a young nationalist, but the charges were not
yet filed. According to Sutuga and Olesinov, the victims signed
statements incriminating them under pressure from the operatives,
including FSB officers.

After Moscow's Tagansky court ordered on November 8 to take Volikov into
custody until December 18, the anti-fascist declared a hunger strike,
which he still maintains.

Source:, Nov 15, 2012
PGA_europe_resistance mailing list
[email protected]



11 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by S2W on November 16, 2012

Russia: antifascist Alen Volikov arrested, declares hunger strike

On the evening of November 8, Moscow's Tagansky court ordered that
antifascist Alen Volikov be taken into custody. Volikov was detained on
suspicion of involvement in the brawl at Moscow's Vozdukh club in
December 2011, and of beating up a nationalist.

At Vozdukh, the club's security guards, who held nationalist views,
attacked gig-goers at an antifascist gig and then accused antifascists
of attacking them. During a probe into the criminal case, which was
initiated under Article 213, Part 2 of the Russian Criminal Code
(hooliganism committed by a group of persons), in February and April
2012 respectively Moscow-based antifascists Alexei Olesinov and Alexei
Sutuga were detained, and are now in pre-trial detention. Investigators
also try to allege that they took part in beating up a young nationalist
but the charges were not yet pressed. According to Sutuga and Olesinov,
the victims made confessions blaming them under pressure from police and
Federal Security Service (FSB) operatives.

The third person named in the "Moscow antifascist case", Alen Volikov,
was detained in Moscow on November 6 at about 10 p.m., but officially
the detention was only registered at Moscow criminal police headquarters
in Petrovka street at 2 a.m. on November 7. Two face-to-face
interrogations with victims, the club's security guard and a young
nationalist who was allegedly beaten, were held. Investigators did not
react to Volikov's request to allow presence at interrogations of his
lawyer, not a court-appointed one. Volikov was not even allowed to get
in touch with his lawyer, neither was Volikov allowed to inform
relatives about his detention.

Volikov's lawyer Farid Murtazin (Agora Association) had to call around
Moscow's courts to find out where the hearing on pre-trial restrictions
for his client would be taking place. Investigators explained the need
to take Volikov into custody by the fact that he was on a federal wanted
list before he was detained. However, Volikov peacefully lived in his
Moscow Region hometown and did not receive any notices or interview
summons, thus he was quite unaware of that.

The court has absolutely ignored defence lawyer's arguments concerning
irregularities during detention and during investigative actions, and
ordered that Volikov remains in custody until December 18.
Volikov declared a hunger strike as a protest against infringement of
his rights. He remains at temporary detention facility in Petrovka
street. On November 9, Volikov is due to be transferred to Moscow's
Butyrka prison.

Nov 9, 2012
