Are there any anarchist groups in the Raleigh-Durham area?

Submitted by Against Rich S… on November 2, 2013

I've been looking around, but I've found nothing. There is no IWW branch here, and the only "anarchist" group I could find was an anarcho-capitalist group on Meetup.


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by redsdisease on November 2, 2013

Not your town but nearby: the Chapel Hill area has Internationalist Books and there's an anarchist student group at UNC that recently made headlines by getting more money from the student government than the college republicans. There's also gonna be an anarchist bookfair there this month as well which might be a decent place to meet anarchists from your area.

If your particularly interested in the IWW, it might also be worthwhile to contact the Greensboro IWW branch or IWW general headquarters. They might have contacts of wobblies or wobbly sympathizers in your area. Goodd luck!

Against Rich S…

10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Against Rich S… on November 2, 2013

I will give the Carrboro bookfair a shot.


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Marx-Trek on September 28, 2016

There has recently been some interesting prison strike solidarity organizing ongoing in the Durham/Raleigh area. There is a lot of activity in the central NC area in general.

The NC IWW has had some previous organizing efforts throughout central NC. However, lately the NC IWW has been pretty low key. I would recommend showing up for the Bookfair, going to Internationalist Books in Chapel Hill, NC, and keeping an eye out for either prison solidarity organizing or anti police organizing events.

Not sure how active this blog is but give it a shot:

Also, It's Going Down is a pretty new and good source for the US in general (not as silly as other sites):

Authored on
November 2, 2013