Biographies of the Revolution

Submitted by khadir on December 4, 2014

This coming year two biographies of revolutionaries of exceptional note are being published in the Historical Materialism Book Series. They are the biographies of Alexander Shlyapnikov by Barbara C. Allen (studied under Rabinowitch) and Paul Mattick by Gary Roth (wrote a review in Insurgent Notes). I was wondering if anyone else has some recommendations for book length biographies of revolutionaries who were active in the 1917-1923 wave. Below im going to start the list off on some that i know of. People can add their recommendations or comment on how useful or otherwise these biographies are.


Frolich (39)
Nettl (66)


really dont know which ones are good


Victor Serge & Natalia Sedova (47)
Deutscher (54-63)
Broue (88)


Cohen (80) really unsure how good this one could be

Victor Serge

Weissman (01) cant see how much better this could be then his own memoirs


Clements (79)
Porter (80)


Getzler (67)


Service (04)


Gerber (89)


Winslow (96)

Any book length bios on left wing dissident bolsheviks, im thinking Radek, Sapronov, Smirnov, Ossinsky, Lomov, Piatakov? or others?

mikail firtinaci

9 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by mikail firtinaci on December 5, 2014

For Lenin: The best recent biography is Lars Lih's "Lenin" (2011, Reaktion Books).

-For Radek: not a great book but so far the best book in English is Warren Lerner's, "The Last Internationalist" (1970)

-Stephen Cohen, "Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography, 1888-1938" is so far the best on Bukharin.

-H. Schurer's essays on Pannekoek, Radek, Luxemburg and Lenin are extremely interesting and important but a bit dated.

-Historical materialism also published very important studies/selected/collected works of Preobrazhensky and Levi.

-Another important book HM recently published is the translation of Hoffrogge's biography of Richard Muller, who was a prominent leader of German Obleute movement.

-Finally for the American scene, Paul Buhle's books ("A Dreamer's Paradise Lost" on Fraina and "Marxism in the United States") can be considered as the best introductory works.


9 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by khadir on December 5, 2014

thanks mikail i missed that richard muller bio when i was scanning the HM site, it looks great. im glad lars lih has a shorter more digestible book on lenin. His 880 pages on WITBD kind of intimidates me and i think would be a real test to my concentation. From what i can gather Lih describes Lenin as more stricter discipline of kautsky then most but thinking his 2nd international hang ups arent that bad a thing all things considered. Lih actually lives in the same city as I so maybe reading his bio would give me some courage to stop by his office hours.

just ice

9 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by just ice on January 31, 2015

When reading such history one often finds the Russian word "sochinenia" in the footnotes. Can anyone translate it?


8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Aliraza9 on January 30, 2016

Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography, 1888-1938" is so far the best on Bukharin.????

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mikail firtinaci

8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by mikail firtinaci on January 29, 2016

Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography, 1888-1938" is so far the best on Bukharin.????

Well it is the only one available in English as far as I know...